Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Boxee Beta Releases New Social Dashboard

    In a world where content is king, Boxee has found a way to give entertainment producers the royal treatment. After a successful App challenge and calculated rollouts of its Mac, Windows and Linux releases, internet television platform Boxee is launching into private beta with a new and improved look. ReadWriteWeb...

  • Web
    5 iPhone Apps to Get You Ready for Le Web

    If you haven't already heard, this week is the Paris-based Le Web Conference. ReadWriteWeb will be live blogging the event in the next couple of days, with startup writer Dana Oshiro attending with the Social Media Club House and news writer Frederic Lardinois attending as a TravelingGeek. The event will...

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    5 Fabulous New Features Google Unveiled Today

    Google is holding a major demo event at the Computer History Museum today and unveiled a number of incredible new features. It was the kind of event that restores a person's faith in Google as a major innovator. From voice search and translation, to location and visual search, here are...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 5 December 2009

    We hope you're enjoying these weekly events guide. As always, you can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We...

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    Technical Q&A With FAROO Founder

    About 18 months ago, we wrote about an obscure search startup from Germany called FAROO. We believed that its radical alternative, using peer-to-peer (P2P) technology, had a shot at being a real disruptive force. Today, it has made some progress, has raised some money and is getting out into the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Best Web Products 2009, Part 1

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - the first and still the best weekly newsletter for tech news and reviews - we present our end-of-year series profiling the best web products of 2009. We tell you our picks for Best Mobile Apps, Best Consumer Apps, Best Semantic Web Apps,...

  • Web
    Top 10 RSS & Syndication Technologies of 2009

    The web isn't about pages any more. Now it's about streams, feeds and syndication. As part of our annual Best of Series, below are our picks for the most important RSS and Syndication Technologies of 2009.You can see last year's list here and most of those remain important services. Only...

  • Social
    Friendster Relaunching: A Lesson in How Not to Brand

    Being one of the first social networking sites in existence certainly doesn't establish you as the best or most popular. For this reason, Friendster leaked a video outlining its look and product features. According to TechCrunch, the company is set to release the new product features tomorrow morning. If the...

  • Work
    Sugar CRM Matches with Web Service Integration

    Sugar CRM is opening its platform for better third-party web integration with LinkedIn, Jigsaw and Hoovers.The service is part of a broad upgrade launched today that includes features similar to's newest offerings.New features include social feeds that provide statuses, alerts and notifications similar to the functionality found in social...

  • Web
    Is Jack Dorsey’s Square Going After the Wrong Customers?

    Yesterday's official launch of Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey's new mobile payment system was greeted with a lot of enthusiasm. Not everybody agrees that Square's business model is viable, however. Today, we got a chance to talk to Andy Kleitsch, the CEO of Billing Revolution, who didn't hold back in his...

  • Web
    Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2009

    2009 has seen a lot of Semantic Web and structured data activity. Much of it has been driven by Linked Data, a W3C project which gained momentum this year. According to Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, Linked Data is a sea change akin to the invention of...

  • Web
    MOG $5 Service Launches: Spotify Is Going Down

    MOG's $5 all-you-can-eat streaming music subscription service has finally launched. Although we interviewed CEO David Hyman in mid October, the music industry has changed considerably in the last two months. Imeem sold to MySpace for a song, and competitor Spotify is rumored to be delaying a United States launch as it...

  • Web
    Top 10 International Web Products of 2009

    Much of this blog's coverage centers on technology and companies based in the U.S, particularly in Silicon Valley.However, thriving tech communities exist around the globe, from Toronto to Tel Aviv, and the success of internationally-based web products serve as a reminder to all of us that innovation knows no borders....

  • Web
    Top 10 Consumer Web Apps of 2009

    Every year at ReadWriteWeb, we look at hundreds of new web apps aimed at everyday users. Occasionally, we come across a service that stands out from the pack because it offers a novel solution, disrupts the way incumbent market leaders do business or changes the way we experience the Web.Here is...

  • Social
    How Facebook’s New Privacy Changes Will Affect You

    In a late night post on Facebook's company blog, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a round of upcoming changes that will affect all users of the social network. Specifically, the changes focus on new privacy controls for information sharing. For those who have been following Facebook closely, the announcement doesn't deliver...

  • Web
    Google Rolls Out New Format for Image Results

    According to an announcement on the Official Google Blog, the search engine giant is rolling out a new format for their universal image results. Set to go live over the next 24 hours, the updated format will now feature one larger image alongside multiple smaller images. Because of this new...

  • Work
    Zoho Integrates Google Apps and Keeps Step with the Giants

    Zoho is now offering full integration with Google Apps, allowing users to seamlessly access Google Docs from within the Zoho environment.  Zoho already provides integration with Google Apps via sign in. But this is the first time full access to Google Web Apps is available through Zoho applications. It's another move...

  • Web
    Google Dumps Gears for HTML5

    It's official: Google is ditching its homegrown Gears offline web app API in favor of backing HTML5 for the win.Now that the Chrome browser is becoming available for Mac, and the Snow Leopard OS doesn't play nicely with Gears, a Google rep confirmed the company has decided to trash the...

  • Web
    The Ultimate Gift for the iPhone Developer in Your Life: Notepods

    We've discovered an adorable yet highly useful little product that could significantly ease some pain and lead to greater levels of productivity for smartphone developers.It's ridiculously simple as a concept, yet it allows for more creativity, freedom, and portability than any other tool we've seen for mobile developers, hands down....

  • Social
    See Twitter Trends Around Your Neighborhood with GeoMeme

    In a recent post on Twitter's new geolocation feature and the kinds of apps it would allow developers to create, we received a comment from Bob Hitching telling us to check out GeoMeme.GeoMeme is Hitching's side project, a real-time web app and also a location-aware mobile web app for iPhone...

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