Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 21 November 2009

    Here is this week's ReadWriteWeb events guide. As always, you can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Chrome OS, Obama’s Twitter, Blogging Statistics, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we report on President Obama's (non)-use of Twitter, take a look at the past decade in the media industry, review the latest statistics about blogging, question if Oxford Dictionary should've chosen "unfriend"...

  • Work
    An iPhone Visualization App That Syncs with the Cloud

    Roambi announced a pro version of its iPhone application this week that syncs with and other cloud-based services or on-premsie sales environments. It's a visualization application, providing mobile workers with a pretty cool way to see sales information. Integration is by far one of the most significant trends we...

  • Web
    The Brain Chip Cometh, & It Cometh from Intel

    Our own Marshall Kirkpatrick's dreaded brain chip for controlling computers and mobile devices may be closer than even he suspected.Intel researchers in Pittsburgh told journalists today that brain implants are harnessing human brain waves to surf the Internet, manipulate documents, and much more. And just as we told you two...

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    Yowza: A Video Interview with Heroes Actor Greg Grunberg

    When Heroes actor Greg Grunberg tells you to download an iPhone application, you can't help but listen. Best known as television's mind controlling savant Matt Parkman, Grunberg demoed location-based coupon startup Yowza at today's Under the Radar Mobility Conference. Grunberg's iPhone app offers users deals from nearby stores, restaurants and...

  • Web
    A Central Nervous System for Earth: HP’s Ambitious Sensor Network

    HP Labs has joined the race to build an infrastructure for the emerging Internet of Things. The giant computing and IT services company has announced a project that aims to be a "Central Nervous System for the Earth" (CeNSE). It's a research and development program to build a planetwide sensing...

  • Web
    Top 10 US Cities Where Twitter is Mentioned in Craigslist Jobs

    Employers all around the world are wrestling with whether employees should be able to access Facebook and Twitter at work - but some businesses are explicitly requiring that job applicants feel comfortable using Twitter.Just for fun we did a search across Craigslist job postings in some cities around the US...

  • Work
    The Future of Twitter, Facebook and the Social Web is offering the capability to integrate Facebook and Twitter into its sales and customer support offerings, another sign the company is making a full-shift to the social web.How deep is this move? On stage this morning at Dreamforce, Mark Benioff called Facebook and Twitter a "phenomena," going on to...

  • Web
    Future of Music Coalition’s Brian Zisk: The Do’s of Streaming Music

    In 2008 the idea of another subscription-only music service was enough to get your knickers in a torrent. Sure Rhapsody was doing well, but they'd been around for forever and in 2008, freemium was the music model du jour. With a year to reflect, co-founder of the Future of Music...

  • Web
    See Adobe AIR 2’s Best New Features Demoed in 9 Sample Apps

    Today Adobe released new beta versions of the company's Flash Player and AIR. The Flash Player 10.1 technology now includes HTTP streaming and hardware decoding of H.264 video. The company plans to bring the updated Flash Player to mobile devices too, starting with the Palm Pre and then completing versions...

  • Web
    Factery Labs Makes Other Search Engines Look Incomplete

    Most text excerpts that appear on search results pages aren't very useful. Imagine if instead your search engine showed a list of clear sentences summarizing the contents of each link on that search result page. That's what a new service called Factery Labs aims to provide for any service that...

  • Web
    Illegal Immigration: There’s an App for That

    From a group calling themselves Electronic Civil Disobedience comes the Transborder Immigrant Tool, a simple mobile application intended to aid and abet border-crossers from Mexico to the United States by mapping the safest routes to take.This GPS app is built to work on the cheapest cell phones available. It brings...

  • Web
    Google Earth’s iPhone App Lets You Track and View Your Adventures

    If you're an adventure seeker with a penchant for storytelling you'll be happy to hear that Google is giving you the visuals you need to illustrate your tales of bravery. In a blog post written by Google Earth Product Manager Peter Birch, the company has updated its iPhone application. While...

  • Social Is Still the Most Popular Twitter Client – TweetDeck a Distant Second

    Twitter's own homepage is still the most popular tool for users to update their status on Twitter. Around 46% of all updates are made directly on the site. Social media analytics and monitoring service Sysomosanalyzed 500 million tweets it collected over the past 5 months and found that TweetDeck is...

  • Web
    80% of US Consumers Won’t Pay For Online Content

    According to a new Forrester survey, almost 80% of Internet users in the US and Canada would not pay for access to newspaper and magazine websites. Those users who would consider paying for content are mostly interested in subscriptions. Only a very small number of consumers is interested in making...

  • Web
    Tim Berners-Lee in Africa: Web Foundation Announces 2 New Projects

    Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the Web, has embarked on a trip through Africa on behalf of the non-profit Web Foundation - which today announced two new projects. The Web Foundation exists to bridge the 'digital divide' in Internet usage. Only about 25% of the world population uses the...

  • Mobile
    Droid Becomes Fastest-Selling Android Phone to Date?

    The Motorola Droid is the newest smartphone on the market to compete for the iPhone's crown. Released by Verizon Wireless on November 6th, the Droid's advertising campaign has been a full-frontal attack on the popular Apple smartphone with a heavy focus on what the iPhone doesn't do. "iDon't run simultaneous...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 14 November 2009

    We've added a couple of more events to this week's events guide. You can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on...

  • Web
    Should Apple Care That Facebook’s iPhone App Developer Has Quit?

    News reverberated through the developer community that long-time and highly prominent community contributor Joe Hewitt has quit developing the iPhone Facebook application. While Joe said that Apple has the right to do what it wants, he does not agree with its policies and has chosen to move on. Joe posted...

  • Web
    Despite Layoffs, Adobe Expands Investment in E-Books

    Adobe announced earlier this week that it plans to lay off almost 10% of its workforce. At the same time, though, the company also announced that it plans to expand its investment in e-books and digital publishing. Adobe is creating a new organization within the company that will focus on...

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