Results for "mobile"

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  • Mobile
    Apprupt: Analytics & Marketing for iPhone App Performance

    The App Store could be your goldmine or simply another dead end. Or the long tail could end up being where your mobile dev shop slowly turns a corner into profitability. But how do developers know where to turn for the fine-tuning that transforms sparse user interest into a robust...

  • Entertainment
    Your Augmented Future: The 3 Hottest Videos From International AR Symposium

    3D virtual pets to hold in your hand and interact with, software that turns drawn objects into movable 3D objects subject to the laws of physics and a Microsoft hiring-coup. Those are the stories behind the hottest videos from the eye and brain-candy world of Augmented Reality, as seen at...

  • Web
    How Moms Use Their iPhones

    According to a new survey by mobile advertising network Greystripe, mothers with iPhones regularly let their children use their phones, download games specifically for their children and often use their phones at grocery stores to compare prices and check their grocery lists.Not too long ago, mothers were still considered to...

  • Web
    IBM Debuts Food Traceability iPhone App

    Today at the IBM Information on Demand event, IBM will demo a new app that will bring the Internet of Things to the iPhone. The as yet unreleased iPhone app is called Breadcrumbs and it will give consumers access to information about grocery food items. The app will be able...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 24 October 2009

    Check out the events on tap in this week's events guide. You can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb....

  • Mobile
    Wolfram Alpha’s $50 iPhone App: Too Expensive or Worth the Extra Money for the Premium Experience?

    When Wolfram Research released its iPhone app for Wolfram Alpha earlier this week, most of the attention quickly shifted away from the features of the app itself and towards the high price of the app. At $49.99, Wolfram Alpha is far more expensive than most apps in the App Store...

  • Social
    Facebook’s New NewsFeed: A Big Shot Fired in The War Against Information Overload

    Facebook just made one of the biggest changes to the site's user experience since the introduction of the News Feed three years ago. News Feed was the place in the very center of the site where all the activities of a user's friends were displayed in reverse chronological order. That...

  • Web
    Nurphy Wants to Replace Email with Conversations

    The beta launch of Google Wave has once again put the spotlight on the shortcomings of email. Wave tries to be everything for everybody, but others, like the recently launched Nurphy, have opted for a more focused approach. Nurphy, founded by Paul Horsfall and Neil Cauldwell, wants to be a...

  • Mobile
    Phone Modders, Take Note: HTC Releases Hero Source Code

    Following weeks of requests from open-source developers, HTC has released the Hero Android source code on their developer site.In response to the mobile devs, HTC has previously stated it was waiting for its own developers to provide the source before releasing it publicly. As late as last week, HTC representatives...

  • Social
    U.S. Navy CIO: Social Media Should Be Part of Military IT Standard

    In a blog post this week, U.S. Navy CIO Rob Carey wrote that social media is a resource for the American military that should be used to build trust and collaboration, both within and outside the organization.In attempts to balance communication, transparency, and operational security, the military has encountered both...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Panel: Humans as Sensors

    This post is sponsored by IBM's A Smarter Planet blog.Today at the Web 2.0 Summit, Brady Forrest of O'Reilly Media ran a panel called Humans As Sensors. With him were four organizations doing innovative applications using sensors: Markus Tripp (Mobilizy), Deborah Estrin (Computer Science Department, UCLA), Sharon Biggar (Path Intelligence),...

  • Web
    Competing With Hulu a Bad Move for Comcast

    Comcast sees the writing on the wall: cable-based TV will not survive the next decade. Its value is fast eroding because it can't compete with on-demand, Internet-delivered TV across all screens. Unlike their music counterparts, TV executives have pulled their heads out of the sand in time and are working...

  • Web
    Emerging Internet Trends: An Analysis of Mary Meeker’s Web 2.0 Summit Presentation

    Yesterday we wrote about Mary Meeker's annual overview of Internet trends at the Web 2.0 Summit. In this post we do a deeper dive into the Web themes that Meeker explored. In particular we'll analyze mobile social networking, compare 2009 to previous years and look at the impact of Apple...

  • Web
    Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Presentation 2009

    Every year at the Web 2.0 Summit Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker does a fast and in-depth presentation of internet trends. The report is available here.Once again mobile is a big trend this year, with Apple's market share expected to "Surprise on Upside Near-Term."Overall the key message was that financial...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Summit Opens: Today’s Revolution Akin to Web 2.0 in 2004

    We're at the 6th annual Web 2.0 conference, now known as the Web 2.0 Summit. John Battelle and Tim O'Reilly opened the event. O'Reilly spoke about being at another transition point for the Web. They have termed this "web squared", a.k.a. "web meets world." O'Reilly said that in the current...

  • Web
    Firefox is Coming to Android

    Mozilla plans to release Fennec, the mobile version of Firefox, for Nokia's Maemo, Windows Mobile and Android devices in the near future. In an interview with Om Malik, Mozilla CEO John Lilly also said that Mozilla has fallen behind in the mobile space, as WebKit-based browsers like Safari on the...

  • Web
    Hacking the Tower: Jelli Crowdsources FM Radio

    In a few weeks, moviegoers will flock to Philip Seymour Hoffman's latest rock ensemble flick Pirate Radio. A fictional period comedy about an illegal station in the North Sea, the film embodies the same anti-authoritarian sentiments that Gen X and Y audiences have grown to love., a crowdsourced radio...

  • Mobile
    Loopt Launches “Loopt Mix”: Less About Networking, More About Dating

    Loopt, makers of a popular mobile social networking application of the same name, is introducing a new iPhone application today called Loopt Mix. Where their original app focuses on connecting you with your friends while you're out and about, Loopt Mix is more about introducing you to "the people you...

  • Web
    Wolfram Alpha’s iPhone App Launches: Lots of Power, But Too Expensive

    Quite a bit ahead of schedule, Wolfram Alpha's iPhone app appeared in the iTunes App Store today. The app, which costs $49.99, gives users full access to Wolfram Alpha's capabilities and greatly improves on the speed and ergonomics of Wolfram Alpha's mobile site. The company is targeting this app at...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 17 October 2009

    You'll find a few more great new events this week on the ReadWriteWeb events guide. You can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly...

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