Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    Apple Rejects “Politically Charged” iPhone App

    A 22-year-old iPhone application developer by the name of Red Daly is claiming that Apple rejected his new application from inclusion in the iTunes App Store due to its political nature. His app, iSinglePayer, was designed to educate its users on the benefits of a single-payer health care system, a...

  • Web
    Ten Awesome New Features Pre-Announced for Tweetie 2.0 for iPhone

    The creator of the very popular Twitter app Tweetie announced today that he hopes to submit the final version of Tweetie 2.0 to Apple this week. Loren Brichter detailed on his blog a mind boggling list of impressive new features have been built into the app. Tweetie 2.0 sounds like...

  • Web
    Flickr Now Supports OpenStreetMap Tags

    Flickr just announced support for OpenStreetMap, the wiki-like mapping service that allows users to create and edit maps. Starting today, photos that are tagged with an OpenStreetMap node ID will include a link to OpenStreetMap (OSM) right underneath the photo. OSM assigns a random number to objects on its maps...

  • Web
    What Early Birds Want to Know About the Real-Time Web

    The real-time web is a broad and rich phenomenon emerging online. A wide variety of companies are building and using it in really diverse ways. YourVersion offers a real-time discovery engine for finding streams of content about topics you're interested in. Aardvark is using friends of friends networks, profile data...

  • Web
    2 Billion Downloads Later, Apple’s App Store is Still Going Strong

    Apple today announced that a total of 2 billion apps have now been downloaded from the App Store. There are now over 85,000 apps in the store, up from 65,000 on July 14, and the number of developers has grown from 100,000 in July to around 125,000 today. iPhone and...

  • Entertainment
    Palm Pre’s New Strategy: Forget iTunes, Hello Wireless Amazon Downloads

    When the Palm Pre debuted, one of its most useful features was its ability to sync with Apple's iTunes software. Unfortunately, how it went about doing this was a little bit underhanded: it pretended to be an iPhone. The most recent version of the hack - yes, there were several...

  • Entertainment
    A New Venue for Indie Films: Your iPhone

    Did you see the latest Jude Law movie? The film, a murder mystery from art house director Sally Potter takes place in Manhattan's fashion world and features other famous actors including Dame Judi Dench, Steve Buscemi, John Leguizamo, and Dianne Wiest. "Rage," as the film is called, isn't all that...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 26 September 2009

    Just a reminder: ReadWriteWeb's own Real-Time Web Summit is only a few weeks away, and some excellent participants are now signed up. You can download the event calendar below in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each...

  • Social
    Social Networking Use Triples from Only a Year Ago

    Obsessed with Facebook? You're not alone. The hours you spend logging on to update your status, post photos, and make comments on friends' walls is not simply a "phase" you're going through which will end sometime soon. It's a ongoing trend affecting everyone these days and it has serious implications...

  • Web
    The Best of DEMOfall 09: 5 Companies to Watch

    Now that the DEMOfall 09 conference has wrapped, we can look back to see which companies have the most potential out of the 70+ exhibitors. Despite what the DEMOgod awards crowned as king, we can't say we agree with the judges' every pick. For example, award winner DateCheck from Intelius,...

  • Web
    @Pistachio Launches OneForty, Twitter’s App Store: 140 Beta Invites

    After months of breathless anticipation, the waiting world can now catch a glimpse of oneforty, a collection and curation of the Twitter third-party app universe from consultant and Twitter for Dummies author Laura Fitton (@Pistachio).From TwitPic to HootSuite and everything in between, oneforty is a 1,300-apps-and-growing marketplace that includes descriptions,...

  • Mobile
    OrganIP: Call Your Friends without Knowing Their Phone Numbers

    Today at the DEMOfall 09 conference, Digitrad announced a new consumer voice service called OrganIP. Although the odd name conjures up ideas of a medical or musical application, we think that perhaps it's supposed to be a play on the word "organize." (Well...maybe.) Names aside, what this new application does...

  • Web
    Machine Vision on the Horizon: Vitamin D Launches Object Recognition for Video

    A 2-year-old Silicon Valley startup is working on technology to solve the problems of machine vision. Their new product, launching today at DEMO, will lay the foundation for true video search, wherein software will learn, recognize, and understand patterns and take subsequent actions rather than relying on machine-readable tags and...

  • Mobile
    Now There’s Even an App That Lets You Pay for Coffee at Starbucks

    Starbucks just launched two iPhone apps. One app, myStarbucks, allows users to find stores, build drinks, and browse the coffee chain's menu and find nutritional information. While this is interesting, the second app is far more exciting. Starbucks Card Mobile gives users a virtual Starbucks Card and in 16 select...

  • Web
    Google Crowdsources Reader, Docs and Search Features

    Google has just opened the floodgates. With millions of users, it's only natural that the company is prioritizing features and crowdsourcing new product ideas. In a recent blog post, the company has revamped Google Product Ideas as a series of separate feedback pages for iGoogle, Google Docs, Google SketchUp, Google...

  • Web
    Micello: Google Maps for the Indoors

    Looking for a new company to get excited about? Look no further than mobile mapping startup, Micello. Their new mapping solution is basically "Google Maps for the indoors." What that means is that instead of focusing on streets and terrain, they're mapping the insides of buildings like shopping malls, convention...

  • Entertainment
    Mobilizy Proposes Open, Cross-Platform Markup Language for Augmented Reality

    This year has seen an explosion in the development of mobile augmented reality applications, from games and parlor tricks to incredibly useful applications that provide more information about the world around us.Today, Austrian smartphone development shop Mobilizy, creator of the Wikitude World Browser, has announced it will be presenting a...

  • Mobile
    12Seconds Launches New iPhone App: Video Voicemail for Twitter and Facebook

    12seconds just launched 12mail, the company's newest iPhone app. 12mail is basically a video messaging app with a focus on person-to-person video messaging for Facebook and Twitter. The free app uses Apple's push notification system to alert users of incoming messages, which, true to the company's name, can't be longer...

  • Web
    FCC Proposes New Rules to Ensure Net Neutrality – Launches OpenInternet.Gov

    FCC Chaiman Julius Genachowski outlined a number of new principles today that will guide the commission's rulemaking with regards to net neutrality. As Genachowski points out, openness was a key factor that made the Internet the success it has become. While the FCC never adopted any formal rules with regards...

  • Web
    Making Flash Apps More Sharable: Adobe Launches Services for Distribution

    Adobe just announced the launch of Flash Platform Services for Distribution. These new services will allow developers to make their applications more sharable on a variety of platforms, including a wide range of mobile devices. Adobe will give developers the ability to enable their users to embed applications on over...

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