Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    Producteev: Social Task Management for Small Groups

    Producteev is a very well-designed online task management and collaboration service for individuals and small groups. Producteev started out as a task management system, but today, the company is adding a number of interesting collaboration features as well. If Producteev only offered yet anther task management service, this wouldn't be...

  • Web
    For Your Voting Pleasure: Ten Startup-Related Panels from the SxSW Panel Picker

    When you think about South by Southwest Interactive, your memory may serve up warm recollections of open bars, awesome booth swag, and the occasional keynote worth remembering. But amid the festival atmosphere, thousands of would-be entrepreneurs, web developers, and VCs mill around looking for (or pitching) the Next Big Thing.It...

  • Web
    Young Families are the Real Early Adopters

    According to a new report from Forrester Research, young families are leading the charge when it comes to adopting new technologies. More so than young singles, young families tend to own consumer electronics like Blu-ray players and home theater systems. They are also more likely to own PCs. Older families...

  • Web
    Rails Rumble: Micro-App Competition Winners Announced

    In 48 hours last weekend, 237 developer teams competed and generated a total of 137 qualifying web applications, all developed with Ruby and Rails on the back end.The 2009 Rails Rumble was, according to organizers, the strongest yet in the contest's history. (Disclosure: I was on the "expert panel" of...

  • Entertainment
    N. American Subway, Light Rail Augmented Reality App Ready & Waiting for iPhone 3.1

    Discover Anywhere Mobile, a Toronto-based mobile travel guide publishing startup, announced today that it has completed an iPhone app with Augmented Reality (AR) views of subway, light rail, train and airport data for 33 cities throughout North America. That app will be made available as soon as the next version...

  • Web
    The Cutting Edge of Smart Cards: Japan’s Suica Card

    This week we're looking at the world of Smart Cards. Yesterday we checked out the Oyster Card, an RFID-powered smart card that millions of Londoners are using to pay for public transport. It's one of the largest implementations of RFID in the western world. However perhaps because of that scale,...

  • Entertainment
    New Version of Layar Makes Augmented Reality Social

    Red hot Augmented Reality browser Layar announced an upgrade to its service today that adds social features to the act of looking at data on top of the world around you. If you're using Layar to look through your mobile phone's camera and see real estate listings for the buildings...

  • Mobile
    Got an iPhone? With Fwix, Now You Can Be a Reporter

    Fwix, a website for local news, aims to be a "real-time local newswire" for your hometown. Offering a combination of traditional content pulled from newspapers and blogs along with items submitted by citizen journalists, the site reads more like a location-based lifestream than a typical news site. Key to the...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 29 August 2009

    Here is this week's ReadWriteWeb events guide. Remember to download the calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend, as...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Augmented Reality Apps, Top U.S. Websites, Tweeting Teens, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup - our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week - we explain why augmented reality is ramping up (and look at three new iPhone examples), analyze the top websites in the U.S., check out new Twitter statistics suggesting that teens don't tweet,...

  • Mobile
    The Future of the Facebook iPhone App, According to the Man Who Made It

    Apple approved the first update to the Facebook app on the iPhone in almost a year yesterday and it was a huge hit. The app was built by Joe Hewitt, whose previous work includes the co-creation of Firefox with Blake Ross. With 12 million downloads, Facebook's app was the 2nd...

  • Work
    Lotus Connections 2.5: Real Social Features Finally Arrive

    Reports of an update for IBM's Lotus Connections software have been circulating since early 2009. Many analysts talked of a major upgrade that would instill the suite with some substantial social functionality for the first time. After surveying the new Lotus Connections 2.5 that was released today, we can confirm...

  • Entertainment
    RobotVision: A Bing-Powered iPhone Augmented Reality Browser

    Bing Local Search has some interesting features you won't find in Google, so the prospect of seeing Bing listings appear on top of your iPhone's camera viewer when you point at a restaurant or business is intriguing. That's what forthcoming iPhone app RobotVision offers - and it displays a view...

  • Web
    Amazon, Open Your eBooks or Watch Out

    Hardly a day went by this week without a major new announcement in the eBook and eReader arena. The wireless eReaders from Sony and the Irex/Barnes & Noble partnership were probably some of the most interesting announcements. In addition, Google also opened up its EPUB archive, which will give readers...

  • Entertainment
    Mobilizy Previews Augmented Reality GPS Navigation App

    Wikitude Drive from Austrian-based developers Mobilizy, is, at its core, a GPS navigation app. What makes the app stand out, however, is that instead of a map, you just see a real-time view of the street ahead of you and the navigation data is shown on top of this video....

  • Mobile
    Apple Developing Location-Based Home Screen for the iPhone?

    This week, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office revealed a patent filed by Apple for "Transitional Data Sets" - a technology that would update an iPhone's home screen based on your current physical location. Of course, as with all patents filed by major technology companies, a patent won't necessarily translate...

  • Entertainment
    Yelp Brings First US Augmented Reality App to iPhone Store

    Social review service Yelp has snuck the first Augmented Reality (AR) iPhone app specifically for the US into the iTunes App Store. The undisclosed new feature allows iPhone 3Gs owners to shake their phones three times to turn on a view called "the Monocle." This view uses the phone's GPS...

  • Entertainment
    Wikitude Launches User-Generated Augmented Reality Browser for Android Users, iPhone Soon

    Austrian augmented reality startup Wikitude announced today that it has released the 3.0 version of its software for Android handsets, fully integrating its OpenID-enabled wiki markup of physical locations around the world with a more sophisticated mobile user experience and preparing for the launch of its iPhone version. Unfortunately, the...

  • Entertainment
    Is Augmented Reality Garbage or Golden?

    We've been writing a lot here about Augmented Reality (AR), technology that displays layers of data on top of our view of physical reality through mobile phone cameras, projected images and webcams. It seems like a red-hot field and something we should cover all the more. Some people think that's...

  • Web
    WorldMate Gold: The Ultimate iPhone App for Frequent Fliers?

    If you are a frequent traveler and flier, WorldMate for the iPhone might be just the app you have been waiting for. WorldMate lets you create travel itineraries by simply forwarding your confirmations from hotels, rental car agencies, and airlines to the service, which will then appear in the application....

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