The Blackberry outage that RIM does not want to talk about continues to affect people on both sides of the Atlantic with outages reported in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Some people have been without service for more than 24 hours.

The outage is a peculiar one, Data Outage News reports:
“Again, this is affecting devices on all North American carriers, BIS and BES, and it appears to be only devices on WiFi, wherein data works “sometimes” when connected via WiFi; no data when WiFi is disconnected.”
RIM has not yet made a statement about the outage and we have to believe that this is not a smart way to handle an issue that has customers wondering if it their phone that is causing the problem.
T-Mobile has been keeping its Twitter account updated for customers affected by the outage.

We posted yesterday about the news. It was difficult to get a read on the extent of the outage but by this morning commenters were reporting a number of problems.
On Monday, Simon Benson in the United Kingdom said:
Seems to be affecting the UK as well! We’ve been out since around noon GMT on Sunday! Bit difficult remote working without access to email…
Some are considering dropping the Blackberry. Danielle Ricks posted:
“I’ve had MAJOR problems with my T-Mobile Blackberry 8900 for the past 12 hours!!! What is most disturbing is the fact that the T-Mobile techs didn’t even know there was a problem. I spent a half hour doing trouble shooting with them… after doing my OWN trouble shooting… just to FINALLY find this post telling me we ONCE AGAIN have a nationwide Blackberry outage.
I’m on my way to SXSW and I HAVE to get my emails. I LOVE T-Mobile customer service but if the Smartphone doesn’t work it won’t do me a whole lot of good. I’ve been a loyal Blackberry customer but this is my third RIM outage and I’m done! Thank you ReadWriteWeb for being on top of things *calling AT&T to inquire about an iPhone*”
The outage can’t be helping RIM right now. How many outages can users face when there are an increasing number of alternatives to their service?
We’ll update the blog when we have an update about the service being restored.