We’ve just heard from our friends at Google that their mobile app is now available in the App Store for iPhone users everywhere.
In the new version of Google Mobile, everyone’s favorite search company has redesigned their results display to show more results at one time. Also, users will be able to open web pages from search results from inside the app. Other new features are pretty impressive, too.
Users can now customize the application by any color they choose. Users with speedy iPhone models can also choose to turn on a moving waveform for voice-activated searches. These mods are available under a “Bells and Whistles” setting for fancy gizmodgery.
And speaking of searching by voice, Google has worked out a special sort of magic for sussing out not only the language but also the accent of the speaker. “For example,” writes software engineer Alastair Tse, “if you’re Australian but live in London, you can improve the recognition accuracy by selecting Australian in the Voice Search settings.”
Google has also added such languages as Mandarin and Japanese to its list of supported languages.
For more information about the Google iPhone app, check it out at Google’s page or download it free from the App Store.