Time for this week’s events guide. You can download the entire event calendar in iCal format or import it into your Google Calendar. You can also import individual events using the link beside each entry. This events guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend, as good a time as any to review your conference plans.
Know of an event taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact us.
2 – 5 November 2009: San Francisco
The Enterprise 2.0 Conference is the largest gathering for people ready to connect teams and harness collective intelligence with social tools and 2.0 technologies. Enterprise 2.0 includes visionary keynotes, informative sessions, case studies and an Expo Pavilion featuring the latest technologies. Register today and save 20% (code: CNGXES07) or get a free Pavilion Pass (code: CNGXES01).
4 – 5 November 2009: Raleigh, North Carolina
Internet Summit ’09 will feature over 75 speakers, including representatives of major Internet brands such as Twitter, Pandora, Google, Salesforce.com, Digg, Technorati, CBS Interactive, Huffington Post, Blogger, Tree.com, and many more.
Topics will include social media, blogging, real time, mobile, video, search, online advertising, e-commerce, analytics, the cloud, and more.
Join over 1200 entrepreneurs, senior marketers, and executives in the conversation about the future of the industry and how to capitalize on the shifting dynamics of the Internet and tap into its unlimited business potential.
5 – 6 November 2009: Sydney
Media140 Sydney: Future of Journalism in the Social Media age
News broadcasting is evolving. Citizen journalists are coming to the fore, saving lives by tracking brush fires and changing the course of history at elections.
Media140 Sydney addresses the changing face of journalism. Partnered by ABC, we bring together Australia’s leading lights in journalism, broadcasting, blogging and citizen journalism. Are Twitter and the real-time Web truly shaking up traditional media?
Tickets from $165. Register at www.media140.com/sydney using promo code “readwrite” for a 20% discount.
6 November 2009: New York City
TEDxEAST – Developing World Ideas
TEDxEast is the first TEDx conference in New York City. New York has long embodied the motivated, independent spirit of TED- and now we’re harnessing that spirit in a unique TEDx event. The inaugural TEDxEast event will bring together remarkable people and ideas from the NY metropolitan area and beyond. Our “Developing World Ideas” theme is an exploration of the people and processes that drive “world ideas” – as told through stories that resonate on a global stage.
The invite-only, half-day program will inspire and educate with a roster of today’s thought leaders and tomorrow’s innovators. Speakers include Dr. William Duggan, Wendy Kopp, Suzy Welch, Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa and John Wood (for bios click here). The program will also include music & dance, short talks and TEDTalks video screenings. The day is designed with breaks within the program for those attending to talk and connect surrounding these ideas. This event is being held on November 6, 2009 from 1:00 to 6:00 pm in New York City. Refreshments will be served during the event with a hosted wine-tasting afterward. Details surrounding location and logistics will be sent once the guest list is finalized.
To apply for this TEDxEast event, please click here.
6 – 8 November 2009: Savannah, Georgia
Geekend 2009 is an interactive conference that brings together geeks from all walks of life for three days of cutting edge speakers, expert panels, afterparties, networking and mash-up opportunities. Speaker highlights include Major Nelson of Xbox Live, renowned designer David Carson, Eric Snowden of Atlantic Records, Joey Hasty of Disney, and Matias Corea of Behance, among many others. Get your geek on and enter “RWW” for $30 off the full price weekend badge.
9 – 10 November 2009: Santa Clara, California
Social Networking World Forum — California
This event taking place at the Santa Clara Convention Center actually consists of three conferences: two days dedicated to social networking, one day dedicated to enterprise social media, and one day dedicated to social TV. Key speakers include social networking publishers, advertising agencies, industry analysts, software developers and equipment manufacturers, pay-TV and network service providers, mobile operators, and more.
- Joint exhibition combining social networking and enterprise social media formats
- Pre-show online meeting planner for delegates
- Discount for early booking (expires September 25th)
- Free pass for exhibition only
10 – 13 November 2009: Las Vegas
PubCon Las Vegas is a multi-track educational conference hosted by SearchEngineWorld & WebmasterWorld. PubCon events are for thought leaders and professionals in search engine and Internet marketing to gather and to share best practices in the design, development, promotion and marketing of their Internet businesses and brands. PubCon London 2009 is a social networking event.
11 – 12 November 2009: Denver, Colorado
As online data is growing and fragmenting at an exponential pace, individuals, groups and organizations are struggling to discover, assemble, organize, act on and gather feedback from that data. In the largest sense, we’re all looking to augment the pace at which we achieve insights on raw data — to accelerate the “A-ha” moment.
Defrag explores the intersection of topics like:
- Business intelligence
- Business process management
- Social computing and analytics
- Next-level discovery
- Enterprise 2.0
- Next-gen email
- The semantic Web
18 – 19 November 2009: San Francisco
VentureBeat, the leading innovation-focused business blog, will host the seminal conference on The Smart Grid, November 18-19 in San Francisco. GreenBeat 2009 brings together the nation’s 500 leading entrepreneurs, investors, utility and technology executives, policymakers and press to affect accelerated development of a leaner, more efficient electrical grid. With participation by Al Gore, former Vice President and Nobel Prize Winner; John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins; and industry leaders, including from Cisco, Tendril, PG&E, expect lively discussion and power networking. The program will highlight new technologies and explore the opportunities afforded by the stimulus package. For more, visit www.greenbeat2009.com.
ReadWriteWeb readers, save 20% on regular price tickets with discount code GREENRWW09 here.
19 November 2009: Mountain View, California
Featuring the most cutting-edge mobile startups from around the globe, Under the Radar will get you dialed in to what the 2010 mobile innovation marketplace will look like. It’s a must-attend event for dealmakers from global carriers, brands, media companies, and handset manufacturers responsible for helping their companies leverage new mobile technology and innovation in the fast-evolving digital landscape.
Save $200: book by 2 October 2009, and get the early-bird rate.
30 November 2009
Do you have a great story about your work environment? Job marketplace Elance and Vator.tv have partnered to host the “New Way to Work” competition, with a grand prize of $10,000 in cash or health insurance for the most compelling story. You can tell your story on Vator.tv, the premier platform for entrepreneurs to broadcast their voice, by uploading a video, posting an update, linking to a blog entry, or sharing a photo. Hurry, the competition ends on 30 November 2009.
1 – 3 December 2009: London, England
Online Information and IMS together create the largest event dedicated to the information industry. Consisting of an exhibition delivering over 9,000 visitors from 70 countries, a conference and a show-floor seminar program, the event provides an annual meeting place for the global information industry.
Online Information is once again set to play host to thousands of information professionals, information end-users and publishers from around the globe, meeting suppliers of online content, e-publishing, and library management solutions. IMS provides a forum for IT, business, and information management professionals to find unlimited, relevant advice, educational content and compare solutions under one roof. Attend IMS and meet suppliers of content management, search solutions, and Web 2.0 technologies.
1 – 3 December 2009: Boston, Massachusetts
Join us at the sixth annual “Gilbane Conference Boston: Content, Collaboration and Customers.”
Your content is your business, and you need to make your Web content part of an integrated platform for
customers. You need to know solutions and technologies that are ready to be implemented today. Gilbane Conference Boston is built around the four major areas of how enterprises use Web and content technologies:
- Web business and engagement;
- Managing collaboration and social media: internal and external;
- Enterprise content: searching, integrating and publishing;
- Content infrastructure.
Visit www.gilbaneboston.com for conference details. ReadWriteWeb readers, use the discount code “GILBANE” to save an additional $200. Register today!
1 – 3 December 2009: San Francisco
The Supernova Conference is the thought-leadership forum for the network age. It brings together over 500 business, government and technology influencers to understand how decentralization and pervasive connectivity are changing our world. It’s the only conference to focus on how networks have become the main instruments of change from both business and social perspectives.
An ever-evolving network itself, the conference has become the place for highly interactive and spirited debates, making significant business connections and revelations on new innovation.
ReadWriteWeb readers get a discount of $700 off the regular price when registering by 16 October 2009. Use code “RRW09”. After October 16th, the discount changes to $200 off the regular price. Register
7 December 2009: San Francisco
The SF MusicTech Summit brings together 600+ visionaries in the music/technology space, along with the best and brightest developers, entrepreneurs, investors, service providers, journalists, musicians and organizations who work with them at the convergence of culture and commerce. We meet to discuss the evolving music/business/technology eco-system in a proactive environment, highly conducive to deal making. Register with a great ReadWriteWeb 15% discount.
7 – 11 December 2009: Chicago, Illinois
From social media to local search to video SEO, Search Engine Strategies Chicago puts you in front of the experts who will help you sort which technologies and channel will take you to the next level and which are just hype.
Search Engine Strategies is the pioneer of educational conference series in search engine marketing. It’s the venue where the industry visionaries and thought leaders gather each year to discuss the newest trends, share insights and present the strategic action plans you need to grow your business. Sessions include:
- SEO Through Blogs and Feeds
- Duplicate Content and Multiple Site Issues
- What’s the Link Between Search and Social?
- Online PR: Where to Next?
- Search Analytics
See more at www.SearchEngineStrategies.com/chicago. ReadWriteWeb readers receive a 15% discount when registering here using RWW15 code.
11 December 2009: Mountain View, California
Add-on-Con is a single-day conference focused on the future of the browser and its emergence as a platform.
Developer sessions will cover best practices, cross-browser development and mash-ups. Marketing sessions will focus on monetization opportunities, distribution strategies and stats. Join 200+ individuals involved in add-on development to help define an emerging new market in the Web’s eco-system.
ReadWriteWeb readers save $50 by using the discount code “addoncon09RRW.”
27 – 28 January 2010: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Enterprise Social 2.0: Rip or ROI?
This senior executive event will bring together decision makers from the Top Fortune companies to discuss innovative strategies on how to maximise business performance through social media engagement. The event will include keynote speeches, best-practice presentations as well as interactive discussion sessions.
The summit will provide excellent opportunities for you to hear international experts discuss best practices on how to drive business performance using Web 2.0 and social media. Key issues to be discussed include:
- How to integrate social media programs successfully into business strategies?
- Building business momentum, visibility and market growth through social media
- Measuring success and influence using metrics and analytics: what are the tools and techniques
- Integrating viral marketing and social media into traditional marketing mix
- Developing and activating audiences using social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs
15 – 16 March 2010: London, England
2nd Annual Social Networking World Forum — London
The 2nd Annual Social Networking World Forum takes place at the Olympia Conference Centre in London. The two-day event features four dedicated conference streams:
- Social Networking World Forum
- Enterprise social media
- Social TV World Forum
- Mobile Social Networking Forum
The event features key speakers from global brands, organizations, social networking publishers and developers, pioneering social media leaders, top agencies, content producers, and more.
- Full workshop program within exhibition area
- Evening networking reception
- Pre-show online meeting planner for delegates
- Free pass for exhibition only
Download this entire events calendar in iCal format.