We’re in the final days leading up to the ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit. People are coming from around the world to Mountain View, California this Thursday to talk about building and leveraging the diverse set of technologies referred-to as the real-time web.

You should join us! If you can’t, though, please plan on checking out selected sessions throughout the day live video broadcast here on ReadWriteWeb, thanks to Justin.tv. If you can make it though, you should. Check out this incredible list below of people registered so far; these are people working on the real-time web and this week is your chance to put your head together with theirs.
You should register right now, because ticket prices are going to go up substantially on the day of the event.
Extra Big Thanks Our Event Sponsors; Check Them Out!

The Latest List of Participants
- Baratunde Thurston, The Onion // Science Channel // Myself @baratunde
- Beth Kanter, nonprofit consultant
- Jason Shellen, CEO, Thing LabsBlog, @thinglabs
- Michael Lee, CEO, Thoora, #
- Srinivasan Venkatachary, Software Engineer, Google Inc #
- Mathew Honan, Contributing Editor, Wired magazine, Blog, @mat
- Daniel Freeman, Director of Product Marketing, Atlassian
- [[http://danschmidt.soup.io|Daniel, Schmidt], Senior Product Manager, CNET News, CBS Interactive @danielfschmidt
- Daniela Barbosa, Dow Jones/Dataportability Project, @danielabarbosa
- Nathaniel Cohen Director of Product and Strategy kgb_web@nathanielcohen
- Tikva Morowati, Director of Community
Experience, kgb_web - David Levitt Senior Software Engineer Evectors@dlevity
- Christina Allen, Executive Director Platform Product Management, Linden Labs [[http://www.twitter.com/allenleechris|@allenleechris]
- Heidi Nobantu Saul, Documentation Expert @nobantu
- John Bergmans Principal Engineer Bergmans Mechatronics LLC, @jbergmans
- Kristie Wells, President and Founder, Social Media Club, @kristiewells
- David Price Co-Founder, CEO, Black Tonic, Blog, @blacktonicapp
- Philippe Blanc Co-Founder, CEO, Black Tonic, Blog, @blacktonicapp
- Steve Woodward, CEO, Nozzl Media Inc.nozzlsteve
- Chase Reeves Dir. Marketing, Iterasi, Blog, @chase_reeves
- Tom Quiggle, Principal Architect, Yahoo! Inc.
- Stephen Garcia, Product Director, Yahoo!, @sgarciaDev
- Benjamin Diggles, Senior Manager Web Marketing, Webtrends, @mrdiggles
- Kovas Boguta, CTO, Infoharmoni, Blog, @infoharmoni
- Paulius Jurgutis, CTO, Infoharmoni, Blog, @infoharmoni
- Mark Jeffrey, CTO, Mahalo.com, Inc., @markjeffrey
- Patrick Chapman Director of Business Development Evri, @1trick4all
- Will Husinger Director of Business Development, Evri, @1trick4all
- Dan Chiao, Director of Engineering, Fliptop
Dan Chiao - Jeff Oh, Manager, SK Telecom @dirby5
- Phil Wolff, Prime Suspect, Under Indictment, Skype Journal, @evanwolf
- Adina Levin, Developer Socialtext
- Adrian Chan, Owner gravity7 blog
- Aki Hashmi, Allvoices
- Alex Kohlhofer, Technical Director, Electronic Arts
- Adina Levin, Developer Socialtext
- Adrian Chan, Owner gravity7blog
- Aki Hashmi, Allvoices
- Alex Kohlhofer, Technical Director, Electronic Arts
- Allen Hurff, Entrepreneur, @allenhurff
- Amanda Krantz, President, notify.me@amandakrantz
- Andrew Braun
- Andrew Weissman, COO betaworks
- Angela Kyle, co-founder, the realtime project@realtimeangela
- Ashish Kelkar Principal – Mergers & Integration Google Inc.@askelkar
- Ben Metcalfe, Founder, Lead Consultant Swordfish Corp, blog@dotben
- Ben Tesch Lab Manager, msnbc.com, blog@magnetbox
- Bernard Moon, Vice President, Lunsford Group @bernardmoon
- Bill Arconati, Product Marketing Manager, Atlassianblog@barconati
- Bill Flitter, CEO, Dlvr.it@dlvrit
- Bill Johnston, Chief Community Officer, Forum One CommunicationsOnline Community Report@BillJohnston
- Bill York, Wowd
- Bipul Sinha, Vice President, Blumberg Capital@bipulsinha
- Bjorn Milton CTO TwinglyBlog@bjomi
- Borislav Agapiev, Founder & CTO Wowd Inc.Blog
- Brad Fitzpatrick, Software Engineer, Google @bradfitz
- Brett Slatkin, Software Engineer, Google Inc.
- Brian Hendrickson, Co-founder & Lead Developer, Nozzl Media, IncBlog, @BrianJesse
- Brian Oberkirch, Managing Director, Blinksale, #
- Brian Zisk, Co-Founder, Collecta, Blog, @zisk
- Carson Kelly, Business Development & Sales, Visual World, Inc., @carsonkelly
- Jake Stutzman, Creative Director, [[http://www.elevatevc.com|Elevate], @jstutzman
- Ed Lucero, TerraTacks
- Laura Merling Founder, Stretta Group @magicmerl
- Charlie Cauthen, Vice Pres, CliqsetBlog, @ccauthen
- Charlie Davidson, Attensa, Blog@charliedavidson
- Chris Haase, Community and QA Manager, YourVersionBlog@testjj
- Chris Saari, Technical Yahoo! Yahoo! @chrissaari
- Chris Yeh, VP Marketing, PBworks, @chrisyeh
- Damon Horowitz, Co-Founder and CTO, Aardvark, Blog
- Dan Miller, Sr. Analyst, Opus ResearchBlog, @dnm54
- Dan Olsen, CEO and Founder, YourVersion, Blog, @danolsen
- Darian Shimy, VP of Technology, Biz360, @dshimy
- Darius Dunlap, Managing Director, SupportUX, @dariusdunlap
- Darren Bounds, Pres, CliqsetBlog, @dbounds
- Dave Badley, Web Developer, YourVersion, Blog
@badave - Dave Merriwether, Senior Director, Yahoo
- David Hardtke, Founder, Stinky Teddy, @stinkyteddy
- David Recordon, Senior Open Programs Manager, Facebook, Blog, @daveman692
- DavidShen, BetaworksBlog
- Deep Dhillon, CTO, Evri, Blog, @zang0
- Donovan Jones, CEO, VentureDeal, Blog, @venturedeal
- Doug Camplejohn, CEO, Fliptop, @fliptop
- Dustin Norlander, Chief Architect, Trendrr
- Eduardo Arriagada, Professor, [[http://www.uc.cl/fcom|Catholic University of Chile], Journalism, Blog, @earriagada
- Eran Shir, CEO, Dapper, @eranshir
- Eric Marcoullier, CEO, Gnip 2.0Blog, @bpm140
- Eric Woodward, President, The Nambu Network Inc., @ejwc
- Erik Benson, Managing Director, Voyager Capital
- Etesh Mangray, Founder, Vinolist
- Ethan Gahng, CEO, Lazyfeed, Blog, @lazyfeed
- Evan Prodromou, CEO, StatusNet, Inc., Blog@evan on identi.ca
- Fabien Degaugue, Founder CEO, PeerPong, Blog, @fabien
- GabeWachob, Developer, Socialtext, @gwachob
- Gabriel Ortiz, CEO, Rarefied TechnologiesBlog, @signalnine
- George Joy, Dev Lead, Microsoft
- Gerry Campbell, CEO, Collecta, Blog, @gfcampbell
- Ginsu Yoon
- Greg Biggers, Chief Instigator & CEO, Ewakening, Blog, @bigs
- Gregory Foster, Web Developer, Consumers Union, @gregoryfoster
- Hideaki Tanioka, Senior Software Engineer, Fujitsu Labs of America
- Iein Valdez, Director Product Development, Google Platform, Blog:Appirio, @iein
- Ilya Grigorik CTO PostRank, Blog, [[http://www.twitter.com/igrigorik|@igrigorik
- Jai Choi EIR Partech Int.
- Jason Hoyt, Director of Research, Mendeley, Blog, @jasonhoyt
- Jason Sattler Social Media Consultant, F-Secure, primarily, @jasonsattler
- Jay Simons VP Sales and Marketing, Atlassian
- Jeff Eastman, President, Windward SolutionsBlog
- Jeff Eddings
- Jeff Hsu, Group Planning Manager, Microsoft, @jeffhsu
- Jeff King, Sr. Director, Search, eBay
- Jennifer Zeszut, CEO, Scout Labs, @jenniferland
- Jeremy Hylton, senior staff software engineer, Google profile
- Jeremy Hylton
- Jim Meyer, @purp
- Jim Murphy, VP Dev, PostRank, Blog, @jimmurphy
- John Borthwick, President and CEO, betaworks
- Tony Haile, General Manager, Chartbeat
- John Panzer, Google, Blog, @jpanzer
- John Pozadzides, CEO, iFusion Labs http://woopra.com @johnpoz
- John Yamasaki, Community Evangelist Seesmic, Blog, @jyamasaki
- Jon Knight, Founder, Gimmee dot net, Blog, @gimmee_dotnet
- Julien Genestoux, Founder, Superfeedr, , Blog [@julien51
- Karan Gupta, Sr SW Engineer, Sony Computer Entertainment America
- Karla Leibowitz, Tech Liminal
- Ken Fromm Consultant Fromm Worldwide, @frommww
- [[http://www.kensheppardson.com|Ken Sheppardson], @kshep
- Kim Gaskins, Director of Content Development, Latitude Research, Blog, @latddotcom
- Kim-Mai Cutler, Reporter, VentureBeat, @kimmaicutler
- LA Lassek, Principal, L.A. Lassek Marketing Communications, @notinla
- Laura Forrest Marketing PeerPong
- Leah Culver, @leahculver
- LJ Rose
- Louis Moynihan, CEO, Dlvr.it, @divrit
- Lucas Thomas, Verdiggo, Inc., @Verdiggo
- Marcus Trevisani, CTO, Bintro, #, @trevisani
- Mark Cramer, CEO, Surf Canyon, Blog,
@surfcanyon - Mark Drummond, CEO, Wowd, Inc, Blog, @wowd
- Mark Williams, Senior community manager, LiveWorld, @markwilliams
- Marshall Kirkpatrick
- Martin Kallstrom, CEO, Twingly, Blog
@martinkallstrom - Marty Betz, Vice President, Technology, FirstRain Inc.
- Mary Hodder, founder, wellness mobile, @maryhodder
- Mary Trigiani, Spada Inc, @marytrigiani
- Matt Hodges, Product Marketing Specialist, Atlassian
- Megan Soto, LaunchSquad, @megansoto
- Monica Keller, Activity Streams Group Architect, MySpace, Blog, @ciberch
- Naveen Sanjeeva
- Nick Koudas, CEO, Sysomos, Blog, @sysomos
- Paul Pedersen, President, Co-Founder, Factery, Inc
- Petter Palander, ambadoo, Blog
@ambadoo - Pradeep Elankumaran, Director of R&D, Intridea, Inc.Blog, @pradeep24
- Raj Vemulapalli, Senior Director of Engineering, Yahoo! Inc http://www.yahoo.com
- Ravikant Cherukuri, Software Engineer, MicrosoftBlog
@rkdeexit - Rebecca Povio, Marketing Manager, TextWise , Blog, @textwise
- Richard Hockley, Vice President, Morgan Stanley
- Richard Lusk, CEO, Miio
- Rob Cottingham, President, Social Signal, Blog, @RobCottingham
- Robb Miller, Vice President of Business Developmentl, KickApps
- Roland Osborne, Cofounder, OlarkBlog, @olark
- Ron Sandel, strategy & business development yahoo!
- Sam Cece, CEO, StrongMail
- Samir Mehta Sr. Product Manager, Yahoo! Messenger Yahoo! @mehtaman
- Sanjay Sood CTO, Allvoices, @sanjaysood
- Scott Hoffman Founder Cliqology, [@cliqology
- Scott Roberts
- Sean Gaddis COO FactoryLabs
- Shinichi Nagakura Managing Director Transcosmos Inc.
- Stephanie Bergman@StephanieBamBam
- Ted Roden Creative Technologist New York Times, Blog, @tedroden
- Tim Marvin, Grassroots Organizer, Consumers Union, Defend Your Dollars, Not in My Food, Blog@pastoralvelo
- Tobias Peggs General Manager, OneRiot, Blog
@tobiaspeggs - Tom Hughes-Croucher, Yahoo! Inc., Blog, @sh1mmer
- Tom Whitnah Software Engineer Facebook, Blog
- Trey Ratcliff, Monkey with Camera, Stuck In Customs, @treyratcliff
- Ty Amell #
- Vasanthi Holtcamp, Principle Group Program Manager, MSN / Microsoft
- Wesly Michel, CEO, The Local Index
- WeslyMichel Will Palmeri @wpalmeri
- William Mougayar, Founder & CEO, Eqentia, Inc., Blog, @wmougayar
- Wilson Lau, Software Architect, Orange Labs
- Wolf Garbe, CEO, FAROO Limited, #, @faroo_p2p
- YY Lee, COO, FirstRain, @thisisyy
In case you’re counting, there’s not quite 200 people on that list yet – but add on the almost the entire RWW staff flying in from around the world and registrants still coming in this morning and we’ll be past that number.
Want more info or to register? Click on over, right here. See you Thursday!