Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 18 July 2009

    We have added a couple of interesting events to our guide this time. This guide is a weekly feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend, as good a time as any to review your conference plans.Know of an event taking place that should appear here? Let us know...

  • Mobile
    Pizza Hut Comes to the iPhone: Will Other Restaurants Follow?

    A couple of months ago, Papa John's marketing manager Jim McDonnell was quoted as saying that their "iPhone application" simply wasn't delivering as well as their mobile display advertising was. The implication behind his statement was that iPhone apps weren't all they were cracked up to be when it came...

  • Web
    Fluid Voice: CB Radio for the Web 3.0 Era

    During my recent trip to MIT I met with Andrew Lippman, an Associate Director at the MIT Media Lab and a Senior Research Scientist. Lippman heads up the Lab's Viral Communications program, which "examines scalable, real-time networks whose capacity increases with the number of members." Among other things, we discussed...

  • Web
    Web-Connected Bathroom Scale Gets Set For Launch

    As the Internet of Things continues to slowly but surely ramp up, we're beginning to see more everyday 'objects' being connected to the Internet. One which caught our eye is a new web-connected bathroom scale. The company behind it is called BodyTrace and the product has been labeled 'eScale.' It...

  • Web
    Whuffaoke or Bust: RWW’s Road Trip Resources

    After publishing her book about social capital and the power of social networking,The Whuffie Factor, Tara Hunt is doing what any change agent does. She's changing. She's quit her job, purchased a winnebago and coerced five friends to karaoke across the country with her. Wuffaoke Or Bust is a cross-country...

  • Web
    4 Easy Steps to a Better iPhone 3GS Unlock: Thanks, Purplesn0w!

    George Hotz (aka "geohot") recently made a name for himself when he released a software utility called purplera1n that gave Windows users the first usable iPhone 3GS jailbreak. The reason why this became such big news was not just because he had produced the first jailbreaking tool for the new...

  • Entertainment
    Eighteen Streaming Music Resources

    According to The Leading Question's recent research report, as many as 65% of UK teens are streaming music on a monthly basis. Meanwhile, file-sharing has decreased significantly since the Digital Britain Report consultation to address illicit P2P file sharing. While music sharing sites have come and gone due to funding,...

  • Web A Personalized News Dashboard for Any & All Topics You Love

    Another day, another way to find, sort, and digest the firehose of online content. Right?This time, we bring you something very exciting. is one of the cleanest, coolest, most intuitive, most customizable news dashboards we've seen. It's lightning fast to set up and makes finding and reading news and...

  • Mobile
    Breaking News Online: How One 19-Year Old Is Shaking Up Online Media

    Michael van Poppel used to be like a lot of young people, trawling the internet for interesting news about the world. Just like many others have considered doing, he created a place where he could post the most interesting news he finds, as fast as he can. Today he's one...

  • Web
    How Did it Get so Popular? Apple’s App Store Hits 1.5 Billion Downloads and 65,000 Apps

    Earlier today, Apple announced that iPhone and iPod touch users have now downloaded over 1.5 billion applications. According to Apple, there are now also over 100,000 developers in the iPhone Developer Program and over 65,000 apps in the store. The number of actual iPhone developers might be a bit lower...

  • Web
    Q2 Venture Capital (VC) Investment Jumps 61% To $5.3Bn

    According to ChubbyBrain, a New York based research company dedicated to democratizing startup and investor information, VCs invested a total $5.329 billion in Q2 2009. This represents a nearly 61% increase over the $3.314 billion of investment ChubbyBrain tracked in Q1 2009. This is partly a story about signs of...

  • Web
    Cross Reality Will Change Your Life, But at What Cost to Your Privacy?

    Yesterday we explored an emerging trend called "Cross Reality", one term for when sensor networks meet online virtual worlds.As this trend becomes more common over the next few years (and it will, as both Web-connected sensors and virtual reality ramp up), what are the implications on how people use the...

  • Mobile
    Cross Reality: When Sensors Meet Virtual Reality

    During my recent visit to MIT in Boston I met with Joseph Paradiso, Associate Professor and Director of the Responsive Environments Group at MIT Media Laboratory. He showed me some demos of what his lab is up to, focusing mostly on what is termed "Cross Reality". This is when sensor/actuator...

  • Web
    Nine Cause-Based Job and Volunteer Resources

    Individuals often have to sacrifice their livelihood for a cause. It's not fair, but it happens. But what happens when they're forced to volunteer at a corporate job? This morning CNBC and Web Guild published articles on how some individuals are "volunteering" to defer pay to maintain their positions or...

  • Mobile
    Using an Unlocked iPhone? Forget About Push-Enabled Apps

    According to Dominik Balogh, the developer of a push-enabled "to do" list application for iPhone called NotifyMe, the Push Notification technology provided by Apple does not appear to be working on any "unlocked" iPhones. Unlocked phones are those that have been modified to work on unsupported carriers. For example, in...

  • Web
    Microsoft Launches Office Web Apps and Office 2010 in Limited Beta

    Today at its Wordwide Partner Conference in New Orleans, Microsoft announced that the Microsoft Office suite has reached the 'technical preview' milestone, and that starting today the company will open up the Office beta program to a larger number of users. While a new version of Office is obviously big...

  • Web
    Teens Not Into Twitter, TV, Radio, or Newspapers, Reports Young Morgan Stanley Intern

    Matthew Robson, a 15-year-old intern at analyst firm Morgan Stanley recently helped compile a report about teenage media habits. Overnight, his findings have become a sensation...which goes to show that people are either obsessed with what "the kids" are into or there's a distinctive lack of research being done on...

  • Web
    Remember Silverlight? Version 3 Launch and Features

    Microsoft's Silverlight 3 and Expression 3 were released on July 9th to favorable reviews. The original Silverlight shipped in Fall 2007 as Microsoft's first programmable web browser plug-in. It's a 4MB Flash/Flex competitor that runs on Mac OS, Windows, Linux, and mobile devices. While Flash definitely holds the market share...

  • Mobile
    Siri: Virtual Personal Assistant Prepares For Debut

    Siri has been getting a lot of hype over the past year. It's an as yet unreleased product that aims to be a "Virtual Personal Assistant" (VPA). At the recent SemTech conference in San Jose, I sat down with two of the founders of Siri: Dag Kittlaus (CEO) and Tom...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 11 July 2009

    Here we go with another edition our weekly events guide, a regular feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend, as good a time as any to review your conference plans.Know of an event taking place that should appear here? Let us know in the comments below or contact...

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