Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web’s iPhone App Could Be a Model For Media Saving Itself's already wildly successful iPhone app will begin streaming live video of baseball games today. Baseball fans are excited, but there's plenty of reason for even non-sports fans to pay attention to the way the application works. With a $10 price tag that sports fans are apparently happy to pay,...

  • Web
    Will Apple Break Pre’s Ability to Sync?

    In order to compete with the iPhone, you not only have to have a multi-touch interface and a slew of apps, you also have to offer the music and media that the iPhone provides thanks to its ability to sync with iTunes. For Google's Android mobile OS, the music comes...

  • Social
    Tweetdeck Launches iPhone App and Better Version of Desktop Client

    Tweetdeck, one of the most popular Twitter clients on the desktop launched its iPhone app today, just in time for the release of the iPhone 3.0 update. That, by itself, would be interesting news, but TweetDeck's desktop app also got a major overhaul, in part to support syncing with the...

  • Web
    IPhone 3.0 is Coming Tomorrow: Here is What You Can Expect

    When Apple announced the new 3.0 version of its iPhone operating system last week, the company focused on a number of major additions to the phone's bag of tricks: cut, copy, and paste; push notifications; new features for Safari; MMS; the ability to use the keyboard in landscape mode in...

  • Mobile
    Layar Could Be the Future of “Augmented Reality” (Video)

    I've long fantasized about being able to walk down city streets and get information on my phone about area demographics, histories of buildings I see and block-by-block news. A new Android app being talked about today makes that fantasy feel a little closer to reality.Dutch software firm SPRXmobile will soon...

  • Web
    The State of the Market in Semantic Technologies

    Tom Tague from Thomson Reuters' OpenCalais team did a keynote speech today at SemTech in San Jose. His presentation was a wonderful wrapup of current semantic technology trends, and what we can expect over the next few years. To open, he said that where we are now in the evolution...

  • Web
    Digital Britain Report Promises Universal Broadband Access, Requires ISPs to Cut Down on File Sharing

    Today, the UK government finally released its long-awaited Digital Britain report, which, among other things, confirms the government's intention to provide broadband access at 2Mbps to every household in the UK by 2012. According to the report, about 11% of all households in the UK cannot currently get broadband service...

  • Web
    Gaggle for iPhone Lets You Share on Facebook and Twitter While You Surf

    Gaggle (iTunes URL) is a brand-new web browser designed for the iPhone which lets you share links on the social web while you surf. Thanks to Facebook Connect and Twitter integration, this simple browser makes it easy to tweet a link or post it to your Facebook profile. Only a...

  • Mobile
    MapQuest Launches iPhone App

    Not too long ago, for most of us, MapQuest was the default online mapping service. Even today, after a number of changes to its site, MapQuest is still one of the most popular places to get maps and directions online, even though other services like Google Maps or Microsoft's Bing...

  • Mobile
    Palm Silences Talk of Tethering

    Palm's new Pre smartphone is supposed to be remarkably easy for developers to work with but this weekend the company reached out to one such community and demanded they shut down any discussion of one of the most hoped-for software developments - tethering the Pre to laptops for mobile wireless...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 14 June 2009

    Are you itching to get out of the office and network with your peers? Why not head out to one of the venues listed in our roundup of upcoming social Web events. The events guide is a regular feature here on ReadWriteWeb. We publish it every weekend, as good a...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: iPhone 3GS, Real-Time Web Platforms, Social Media Trolls, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we cover the latest iPhone announcements from Apple, look at some new real-time web products that we have high hopes for, investigate the impact trolls are having on social media, discuss the sociology of...

  • Web
    Evernote Launches Palm App

    Evernote just announced the release of its native application for the Palm Pre. The company recently celebrated its 1 millionth user despite the note taking product's initial mixed reviews. The company hopes to boost their mobile audience with the Palm release and have already implemented location-based functionality in the Pre,...

  • Web
    Reader Feedback: How Do You Backup Your iPhone Contacts?

    The weekend is the perfect time to get started on computer projects that you just didn't have time for during the week. This weekend, my project of choice is backups. Although I can safely say that the majority of my files are (relatively) safe in the cloud, it never hurts...

  • Web
    VC Series A Investments in Web Tech Grew Strongly In May

    We have been tracking Series A deals in Web technology since the market mayhem in October 2008. Last month, we started researching this with our new partner, ChubbyBrain, which tracks this kind of data full-time. Launched in February 2009, ChubbyBrain is a New York City-based information services provider that democratizes...

  • Web
    Major Publisher Simon & Schuster Succumbs to Siren Song of eBooks

    Social publisher Scribd and CBS-owned megapublisher of "real" books Simon & Schuster have just announced an agreement to sell Simon & Schuster eBooks in the Scribd Store.The Scirbd store itself just launched last month. About 5,000 Simon & Schuster titles will be available through the Scribd store. Those titles will...

  • Mobile
    AccuTerra iPhone Maps win Apple Design Award

    Anyone who has read the tragic true story Into the Wild will understand why Intermap's AccuTerra for iPhone is an amazing and possibly lifesaving service. While many map-based applications utilize Google maps and require a wireless connection, AccuTerra and competitor GPS Motion X let recreational adventurers view maps of U.S....

  • Social
    Impress Your Friends with Your Fake Musical Prowess by Using LyricRat

    Next time you're out and about and can't recall the name of a song or the artist who sang it, try out Twitter song-lookup service LyricRat.It's a simple app that allows users to send any lyrics they remember to @LyricRat. In return, users get a title, an artist, and a...

  • Web
    StumbleUpon Launches URL Shortener, But Is It Good for the Magic?

    Social serendipity service StumbleUpon began opening up its new URL shortening service this morning and we have 250 invites included below. StumbleUpon is great for two things: discovering fabulous new websites and getting waves of traffic sent to sites you publish. The new URL service is indeed quite (that's...

  • Web
    Nokia S60 Series to Ship with Qik Lifecasting

    While lifecasting in mobile devices is not new, Nokia announced this morning that its S60 series phones will be shipping Qik. Starting with the Nokia N97, Qik will provide live video capture functionality for all Nokia's Symbian devices. The application features a touch screen interface and supports 19 languages including...

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