Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Business Cards Suck: Try These Tools Instead

    Business cards are a horror show. When it gets to the point that you have to either resort to a die-cut, motion-sensitive, titanium-plated laser show of a card or get your contact info embossed on beef jerky to avoid being forgotten in the trash heap of useless swag and Clif...

  • Mobile
    All Phones Are (Or Will Be) Smartphones – So Now What?

    According to a new report from tech research firm Forrester, the smartphone as a standout mobile category is a shaky paradigm with rapidly shifting parameters. The emergence of mobile operating systems, the ability to install and run third-party apps, and the wide availability of multimedia features (camera phones, video phones,...

  • Mobile
    Is This The Future of the iPhone? Push, Background, Bundles

    Version 3.0 of the iPhone operating system is in beta testing among developers and if all the actual and rumored changes come to fruition, the iPhone user experience is likely to be very different soon.In this post we'll take a brief look at three of the biggest changes being talked...

  • Mobile
    RoamBi Turns Spreadsheets on the iPhone Into Useful and Pretty Mini-Apps

    The iPhone is clearly making some inroads in the business world, and RoamBi, which launched today, is one of the many new companies that is trying to win over some of these business customers. RoamBi's mission is to make spreadsheets readable and browsable on the iPhone (iTunes link), and its...

  • Web
    Visible Past: Where Information Searches For You

    Visible Past is a location-aware learning environment being developed at Purdue University. It is based around the idea that data can be organized using space and time attributes. The team behind the project believes that Visible Past can be used as a learning tool in schools and museums.Practically speaking, Visible...

  • Mobile
    Why is Apple Rejecting PhoneGap-Built iPhone Apps?

    PhoneGap is a very interesting development platform for mobile applications that lets developers build apps that work for multiple devices, including the iPhone, using only HTML and Javascript. That means far more people are able to develop mobile applications.Recently, though, Apple has been rejecting an unusual number of apps built...

  • Entertainment
    Napster Relaunches Tonight, Here Are The Details

    Last fall, Best Buy bought Napster for a jaw dropping $121 million, a staggering sum in the free-music era that Napster helped create. The electronics retailer thinks it can do something special with the music service though and now those plans will see the light of day.At 5pm PST the...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 16 May 2009

    We've added a lot of great events to our guide this week. Check out what's coming up, below. In this feature on ReadWriteWeb, we provide a weekly roundup of upcoming social Web events. We'll publish it every weekend, as good a time as any to review your conference plans.Know of...

  • Web
    Creating Your Vision, Mission, Strategy and Plan

    This is one post/chapter in a serialized book called Startup 101. For the introduction and table of contents, please click here.This was a hard chapter to write. It feels like a chapter that would work better in the final book. You have to have a mission and strategy and plan,...

  • Web
    Augmented Reality & The Web: Present and Future Scenarios

    Augmented Reality (AR) is when virtual graphics and/or data are overlaid onto real world objects. Many of you have seen this portrayed in movies such as Minority Report and The Matrix. It still seems a bit far fetched in 2009, yet there are apps that are beginning to make it...

  • Web
    Searchology: State of the Union of Search at Google

    While Google CEO Eric Schmidt is over on the East Coast helping the Washington Post and the New York Times work out how best to make money out of their content, Marissa Mayer, VP of Search Products and User Experience, along with a team of Googlers is in building 40...

  • Web Now Lets Users Post by Email

    A couple of weeks ago, we reported that the highly popular blog host now allows its users to reply to comments by email, but starting today, is taking its email strategy even further, and now allows users to post text and images by email as well. Those

  • Web
    Google Offering Training Services for Hyperlocal News in Europe

    What can be done to help professional news organizations survive in this internet era? The New York Times made mention this weekend of a particularly interesting project in the Czech Republic. Google is providing local staff to train reporters in one hyperlocal news network in the use of services like...

  • Web
    Amazon Opens a Kindle Store for the iPhone

    Today, Amazon finally released an iPhone-specific version of its Kindle eBook store, which makes it a lot easier to browse and buy books while on the go. Sadly, though, Amazon did not release a new version of the Kindle app with a built-in browser (yet). So users are still being...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Events Guide, 9 May 2009

    Time now for the third edition of our events guide. In this new feature on ReadWriteWeb, we provide a weekly roundup of upcoming Social Web events. We'll publish it every weekend, as good a time as any to review your conference plans.Know of an event taking place that should appear...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Real Time Web, Larger Kindle, CloneCloud, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we analyze the Real Time Web, interview the founder of a venture tech firm, report on a new and larger version of Amazon's Kindle eBook reader, look at a cloud computing product for the...

  • Entertainment Launches New Online Radio Player: Adds Combo Stations and Slideshows, the popular online music discovery service, just launched its new Personalized Visual Music player today, which, at least from a visual perspective, takes online radio to a new level. The new player automatically plays a slideshow with related images uploaded by the community, which looks surprisingly good. More...

  • Social
    Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger

    Firefox doesn't keep track of the number of users it has but Asa Dotzler, Mozilla's director of community development, said today that the company estimates that there are 270 million people using the browser. That's 35% more users than Facebook has signed up for accounts (200 million), and almost triple...

  • Work
    Where Is My Dashboard Aggregator?

    In the old days, somebody running a business had a cadre of middle managers who aggregated data about the performance of different parts of the business. They would typically write monthly reports highlighting trends, issues, and exceptions. In a modern, web-enabled, web-centric business, this role is served by the online...

  • Web
    Don’t Look Now, But Someone’s Building Yet Another Techmeme

    Love it or hate it, but there's no arguing that the go-to aggregator for finding the top tech news of the day all on one page is none other than the news portal Techmeme. It's the site that catches you up when you get behind, lets you know what happened...

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