Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Skype May Be The Biggest Winner From The Web 2.0 Era

    Skype does not get the respect it deserves, because eBay not only publicly admitted to overpaying for it but is making a mess of its core business. Another reason may be that Skype flies in the face of conventional Valley wisdom that says it has to be all about social...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Ghost Twittering, Charges, Future of Firefox, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarizing the top stories of the week, we discuss web apps that have stood the '30 day test' for our writers, analyze the past, present and future uses of the Twitter platform, look into the phenomenon of "ghost twittering", review the...

  • Web
    Study: TV Still Rules, But Online Video Has a Lot of Room to Grow

    Even though online video is clearly making its mark in the media landscape, TV is still the predominant means of media consumption for the average American. Indeed, according to a new study sponsored by Nielsen, even among young adults 18-24, Internet video only represents less than 1% of their total...

  • Web
    ReQall Goes Pro: Smarter Task Management for the iPhone

    By default, task managers are not necessarily the most exciting applications. ReQall, however, is not only one of the better iPhone task managers, but is also trying to make a business out of it by launching reQall Pro today. For $2.99 a month, reQall Pro users get a large number...

  • Web
    The Future of Firefox: Interview With Mozilla’s Chief Innovation Officer

    In my recent visit to Silicon Valley, I got the chance to visit the Mozilla headquarters. Among others at the organization, I spoke to Chris Beard - Mozilla's Chief Innovation Officer and the person overseeing its efforts to bring new concepts to the browser, a.k.a. Mozilla Labs. We discussed where...

  • Web
    Evernote Has Been Busy!

    Evernote, the popular note-taking, cataloging, and bookmarking service has been busy over the past month, cranking out a number of updates. In this short period of time, they've added support for Safari, integrated with Mac's Growl, updated the Android version, revamped their Web Clipper, and partnered up with business card...

  • Mobile
    iWonder Surf Lets Parents Lock Down Kids’ iPhones

    Wait, kids have iPhones? A new application in the iPhone App Store brings parental control mechanisms to Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch. Like other types of "net nanny" software, the iWonder application lets parents filter web site traffic, monitor what sites their kids are surfing, control permissions, and even remotely...

  • Web
    Being Harry Potter, While You Walk to Work

    Dan Hon is building a radical new future for one of humanity's oldest activities - the telling of stories. The modest young UK CEO's design company Six to Start won Best in Show at this week's SXSW Web Awards. The company's project, called Telling Stories, is a six part experiment...

  • Social
    Nielsen: Twitter Was Fastest Growing Community Last Month

    Last night, Nielsen Online reported that Twitter has now surpassed Facebook and others to become the fastest-growing site in the "Member Communities" category for the month of February. Although Facebook, the world's most popular social network, has more members than Twitter, that's not what this measurement is about - it's...

  • Mobile
    Live Folders Bring the Real-Time Web to Android

    An upcoming feature for Android smartphones called "Live Folders" will deliver real-time web updates to the phone's homescreen.  Recently, this feature was revealed in a video of "Cupcake," a development branch of Google's mobile OS where new additions and changes are tested prior to being ported over to the main...

  • Web
    First Came Geo-Awareness, Then Came Geo-Aware Malware

    An internet worm that uses social engineering to direct you to a malicious web page is nothing new - that's just everyday malware. But there is something different about the latest variant of the Waledac worm: it uses geolocation services to target its intended victims. Initially, the Waledac worm sends...

  • Web
    HSTP: Hyperspeech Transfer Protocol

    IBM's research scientists in India have developed a technology that will offer users the ability to talk to the Web and create 'voice' sites using mobile phones according to a news article in the Economic Times today.Hyperspeech Transfer Protocol (HSTP), a protocol designed to seamlessly connect telephony voice applications, will...

  • Social
    Facebook Connect for iPhone: Great, or Yet Another Privacy Threat?

    Facebook today announced Facebook Connect, its proprietary technology which allows the sharing of data between Facebook and third party applications, can now be integrated into iPhone and iPod Touch applications. This new feature will work in much the same way that Facebook Connect has worked for Web pages over the...

  • Web
    Developers: The Future of Micro-Blogging is in Your Hands

    We knew it was coming; we just didn't know when. Google yesterday announced that it is releasing its Jaiku code under the open source Apache license 2.0 after finalizing the move of the micro-blogging service to Google App Engine last week.As we mentioned two months ago, Google will no longer...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb’s Guide to the SXSW Web Awards Finalists

    SXSW Interactive begins today, bringing thousands of geeks from all around the world to Austin, Texas, to talk shop and party. One of the key stories about SXSW history is that Twitter blew up there (in a good way) two years ago. Everybody wants to know - will there be...

  • Social
    Hitwise: Twitter Drives Traffic to Blogs and Social Networks, But Not to Retail Sites

    According to the latest data from Hitwise, Twitter sends most of its traffic to Google, Facebook, TwitPic, and MySpace. Overall, Twitter sends about 1 in 5 users to social networks and another 1 in 5 to entertainment sites like Twitpic, YouTube, or Flickr. Even though some people think that Twitter...

  • Social
    Facebook Ads to Target You By Location and Language

    Yesterday, as Facebook rolled out their revamped homepage which delivered new features like real-time updates, filters, and an improved sharing box, another update was quietly occurring behind the scenes. While everyone was busy analyzing the front-end changes to the user interface, Facebook announced to advertisers there were some major updates...

  • Web
    Fire Eagle Comes to Facebook and Firefox

    Yahoo has just released a new application which brings their location-aware platform Fire Eagle to Facebook's social network. The new app called "Friends on Fire" lets you easily share your current location with a set of trusted friends. Fire Eagle users can also share short, Twitter-like posts with each other....

  • Web
    GrandCentral Returns as Google Voice

    Google today finally announced its plans for GrandCentral, the telephony service it acquired in July 2007. GrandCentral will be reborn as Google Voice, a comprehensive suite of telephony services, including all of GrandCentral's features. In addition, Google Voice will also include an automated voicemail transcription service, the ability to send...

  • Web
    Google Reader: Now With Comments

    The Google Reader team just announced the addition of an important new feature to Google's popular feed reader: you can now comment on any item that your friends have shared with you. In order to keep track of these conversations, Google has now also introduced a 'comments view' that will...

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