Results for "mobile"

We found 14375 results for your search.
  • Web
    Yahoo Releases Messenger iPhone App

    As of this moment, Yahoo! has no less than 4 iPhone-native applications in the iTunesapp store. The latest is Yahoo! Messenger, which already was spotted on the original Yahoo iPhone application (our review here) as well as their mobile-optimized web site. This latest offering, though, is much more of a...

  • Social
    OrSiSo Wins Award, Still Confusing

    The Adobe AIR-based social network organization app OrSiSo (Organize, Simplify, Socialize), announced they recently won the Mobile Monday Singapore award, despite not being designed for a mobile phone nor having a mobile-optimized site. The application, which is still in beta, attempts to help you organize all of your various contacts...

  • Web
    Sense Networks: 4 Million Sensors to Help You Find a Party in San Francisco

    Yesterday we discussed MIT's project WikiCity, which monitors location data in cities via mobile sensors and creates visualizations from that. That project comes out of the SENSEable City lab at MIT and in our post we questioned whether there is any practical value in WikiCity currently or if it is...

  • Social
    Nambu: A Better Twitter Client Than Tweetdeck?

    If you are looking for a desktop client for Twitter these days, you will most likely be overwhelmed by the amount of choices, but according to TwitStat, the most popular desktop clients right now are TweetDeck and Twhirl, and TweetDeck is the clear choice of Twitter's most active users. This...

  • Web
    Android Isn’t a Phone OS Because in the Future There Will Be No Phones

    T-Mobile is working on plans to build several devices that run Google's Android operating system but can't really be considered phones, according to internal documents secured by the New York Times this weekend. The revelation appears to provide more evidence to the argument that Android isn't really a mobile phone's...

  • Mobile
    Hyperlinking the Real World (Redux)

    European researchers working on the MOBVIS project have developed a new system that will allow camera phone users to hyperlink the real world. After taking a picture of a streetscape in an urban area, the MOBVIS technology identifies objects like buildings, infrastructure, monuments, cars, and even logos and banners. It...

  • Web
    Could FeedBurner Be Replaced by (Redux)

    RSS analystics service is putting out a call to feed publishers for feature requests for a new service that will aim to replace the near-dead FeedBurner. The company's initial proposal looks far, far cooler than anything FeedBurner ever did - but after a Google acquisition turned Feedburner from every...

  • Web
    Web 2.0 Expo Booth Crawl

    At this week's Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, we set out to find some of the most interesting companies who had set up their booths on the Expo floor. This was no easy feat - the Expo is not a place where new and innovative companies tend to launch...

  • Web
    Real Time Cities, or Just Info Porn?

    Andrea Vaccari, from the SENSEable City lab at MIT, spoke at ETech recently about how cities are being transformed by mobile Web technologies. He described MIT's project WikiCity, which monitors cell phone traces in Rome and creates visualizations from them. The goal is ultimately to make this data useful to...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Web 2.0 Expo, Skype for iPhone, Local Web, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter where the top stories of the week are summarized, we present highlights from our coverage of the Web 2.0 Expo (held this week in San Francisco), review the new Skype app for iPhone, discuss the local / mobile Web with a...

  • Web
    PhoneGap: People’s Choice Winner at Web 2.0 Expo Launch Pad

    The Web 2.0 Expo's startup showcase, Launch Pad, gave five companies five minutes each to present their product to a panel of experts today and the People's Choice winner was awesome. The judges who cut the field from more than 80 applicants down to 5 were Matt Marshall (VentureBeat), Anand...

  • Mobile
    Heroes Creator Introduces New Genre of Entertainment

    First there were movies, then there was TV, now prepare for the entertainment platform of the future: the "mobile immersive experience." That's actually not it's official name, but is a term that was invented on the spot this week at a dinner gathering of Nokia execs, journalists, and oh yes...

  • Web
    Who’s Getting Hired in Tech? Q1 Numbers from ReadWriteHire

    Rapleaf's Auren Hoffman says that hiring is harder in a downturn because the noise goes up but the quality stays the same. That's a pretty strong statement to make, but if it's true then it's all the more remarkable to see which companies are making hires now.Our site ReadWriteHire covers...

  • Web
    Evernote for iPhone 2.0: Now More Finger-Friendly

    Evernote, the free-form web based bookmarking and note-taking service, has pushed out a 2.0 release of their popular free iPhone app. It adds a number of new features such as landscape keyboard support, thumbnail views of saved items, hooks to mobile Safari, speedier load times and more. We aren't sure...

  • Web
    How Tough Is It Today Being a VC? 10 Questions for Two Early-Stage Stars

    Pity the poor venture capitalist. Times were... well, so cushy. Money was flowing, deals were being done in record time, monetization was something one worried about later, and Silicon Valley was bursting at the seams. The sweet smell of wealth creation was everywhere. But suddenly, money got tight and the...

  • Social
    MySpace Goes Local: Announces Partnership with Citysearch

    MySpace today announced a partnership with Citysearch that will bring Citysearch's database of local businesses to the social network's new MySpace Local service. Users on MySpace can now review, rate, and share content about businesses on MySpace Local, and reviews and ratings will appear in users' activity stream. MySpace will...

  • Web
    Why You Have to Use the Standalone Google Contacts Page

    Over the weekend, you may have heard the news about how Google finally assigned their standalone Gmail Contacts page a proper URL. Although the independent site has been available since fall of last year, it was previously somewhat hidden through an obfuscated URL. Now the site is online at,...

  • Web
    What Can Voice Do For You? Ribbit Announces Winners of KillerApps Challenge

    Ribbit, the VOIP platform that was bought by British Telecom last year, announced the winners of its $100,000 KillerApps challenge today. The contest was obviously meant to stimulate interest in Ribbit's APIs among developers, and judging from the line-up of winning applications, a lot of developers came up with highly...

  • Social
    Super Rewards Launches Virtual Currency Platform

    Super Rewards, a monetization solution for online games and social networks, announced that developers can now implement its virtual currency platform on any social network, virtual world, or online games. Super Rewards launched in December 2007, quickly grew into one of the larger CPA networks on Facebook and MySpace, and...

  • Web
    Banner Exchanges Come to the iPhone: AdMob Launches Download Exchange

    AdMob, one of the world's largest mobile advertising networks, released its Download Exchange today. In return for running ads for other apps, developers can now promote their own apps across AdMob's network of over 1,000 applications. At its core, Download Exchange is basically a more sophisticated version of the many...

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