Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    5 Companies Building the “Internet of Things”

    The "internet of things" is a concept that describes a wireless network between objects. In a way, it parallels the current network of addressable web pages (aka the "world wide web"), except "the internet of things" would include addressable inanimate objects that could be anything from your home's refrigerator to...

  • Social
    MySpace’s Former Owner: Facebook Will Win – for Now

    Brett Brewer, who co-founded InterMix Media - the company that developed MySpace - and turned a tidy profit when that company and MySpace were sold to NewsCorp for $580 million, says MySpace's ongoing battle for social network supremacy with Facebook won't last much longer. In his opinion, Facebook has already...

  • Web
    O’Reilly Challenges Proprietary eBook Standards With Bookworm

    It is only Tuesday, but it has already been a good week for eBook fans. Yesterday, Amazon released the newest version of its Kindle eBook reader, and today, O'Reilly announced that it will now host Bookworm, a popular open source eBook reader and management system, as part of its O'Reilly...

  • Web
    Beyond Latitude: 4 Innovative Location-Based Apps

    Google's new geo-aware mobile application Latitude which lets you share your location with friends may have received all the hype, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best or the most innovative app out there. We've recently come across some smaller, lesser-known services that could give Google a run for...

  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: Google Knows All and Sees All

    Google Latitude is out, giving your friends the ability to tell where you are (or at least where your mobile phone is) 24/7. You can, of course, opt out in whole or in part - updating your location manually, or concealing it altogether. Which should prevent certain awkward conversations ("If...

  • Web
    Amazon’s Kindle Gets an Update, But Doesn’t Wow

    Amazon today announced a new version of its highly successful Kindle eBook reader. The new Kindle now features 2GB of memory, and a new 5-way controller for easier navigation. Amazon has also upgraded the screen, which can now show sixteen shades of gray instead of just four, and the battery,...

  • Web
    The iPhone Becomes a Web Server

    When those Apple advertisements tout "there's an app for just about anything," they aren't kidding. The latest example? A new iPhone application which just debuted in Japan's App Store transforms the handheld into a full-blown web server. Called "ServersMan@iPhone", the application allows your iPhone to appear just like any other...

  • Web
    Google in Your TV

    Google is everywhere. From your web mail to your web searches and now even tracking your location on a map, the ubiquity of Google is something that many of us have just started taking for granted when we go online. But something a lot of people don't realize is that...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Google Latitude, Facebook Sentiment Engine, The Goverati, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarising the top stories of the week, we continue our series on recommendation technologies with a special RWW Live podcast and a review of Baynote; we analyze a new Google product called Latitude, which could change the way you network on...

  • Web
    Bebo Prepares Itself for Reinvention

    Earlier this week, we were lamenting about Bebo's lack of innovation in the online social networking space. Here it was 2009 and they were only just now releasing tools that would help take Bebo mobile. Once again, it looked like Bebo was following the industry leaders...and doing so far too...

  • Mobile
    Google Latitude: Ready to Tell Your Friends (and Google) Where You Are?

    Where you are is as important as what you're looking for. That's why more and more services are looking to location as a filter for providing relevant information when and where we need it. So it only makes sense that Google - a company known for its ability to deliver...

  • Web
    Soon, Majority of Web Users Will No Longer Use IE

    It might take a few more years, or it might happen suddenly, but trends appear to indicate that the time when Internet Explorer is used by the majority of people on the web will soon come to an end. New numbers from analytics firm Net Applications put IE at a...

  • Web
    Mashery: Untold Secrets Behind Managing an API

    Editor's note: this is a "Sponsor Post" by one of our long-term sponsors. These posts are clearly labeled as such, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support our sponsors by trying out...

  • Web
    Confirmed: Apple and Adobe Collaborating on iPhone Flash

    The ongoing debate over Flash on the iPhone appears to be over after Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen announced last week at the World Economic Forum that Adobe and Apple are working together in an effort to bring Flash to the iPhone."It's a hard technical challenge and that's part of the...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Guide to Super Bowl XLIII: Geeking Out on the Big Game

    This Sunday, millions of people will tune into watch Super Bowl XLIII, where the Pittsburgh Steelers will meet the Arizona Cardinals in Tampa Bay, Florida (home of ReadWriteWeb's Sarah Perez) to decide who is the best team in professional football - or more correctly, given our international audience, American Football....

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Recommender Systems, Social Media Trends, State of Blog Search, And More…

    In this edition of the Weekly Wrapup, our newsletter summarising the top stories of the week, we continue our series on recommendation technologies, outline 10 ways that social media will change in 2009, look at 8 mobile technologies to watch in 2009-10, review the state of blog search, and more....

  • Web
    Google’s Mythical GDrive Surfaces Once Again: Will It Bring Cloud Storage to the Mainstream?

    At this point, most signs point toward Google releasing its rumored GDrive in the near future. In many ways, this mythical GDrive is simply the missing puzzle piece in Google's online strategy. While Google offers a number of online services with a storage component, it still doesn't offer a unified...

  • Web
    Radar’s Photo Sharing App Comes to the iPhone

    Radar is a small but rapidly growing photo sharing site with a strong focus on mobile sharing. Radar has already developed applications for the Blackberry and T-Mobile Sidekick, as well as numerous other phones. Today, Radar also released its iPhone application (iTunes link), which is one of the better photo...

  • Mobile
    AdMob Launches Advertising Service for Android Apps

    The Android platform might still be in its infancy, but AdMob, one of the world's largest mobile advertising marketplaces, launched its first dedicated advertising unit for Android applications today. Even though the Android platform was developed by Google, Google itself has yet to release a dedicated advertising service for Android...

  • Social
    10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2009

    "Social media" was the term du jour in 2008. Consumers, companies, and marketers were all talking about it. We have social media gurus, social media startups, social media books, and social media firms. It is now common practice among corporations to hire social media strategists, assign community managers, and launch...

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