Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Top 10 Real World Web Apps of 2008

    Here at ReadWriteWeb, we love to talk about the latest and greatest Web 2.0 applications. However, while a lot of these services make our life on the Internet a lot easier, another group of services on the web helps to keep our offline life organized. Here is our list of...

  • Web
    Idiomag Pushes the Envelope With Big New Music API

    Ambitious online music magazine Idiomag serves up synchronized songs, photos, videos and articles from and about artists it believes you'll like, based on your past behavior. Today the company is opening up its store-room of dynamically aggregated content to 3rd party developers through a particularly exciting API (application programming interface)....

  • Web
    Top 10 Enterprise Web Products of 2008

    Enterprise adoption of cloud computing, SaaS, and social media (whatever you want to call it) is accelerating. This is a healthy market, in which vendors are doing well in a tough economy. As we near the end of a year that will go down in history with the words "meltdown,"...

  • Entertainment
    What if We Replaced iTunes With the Cloud?

    These days, everybody's talking about cloud computing - the notion that computing's future lies in web-based applications and services and not in software tied to the desktop. After years of web app releases, we now have many solid alternatives to desktop tools ranging from office document creation tools to photoeditors....

  • Web
    PostRank Releases Awesome New Top Posts Widget

    We love Canadian startup PostRank here at ReadWriteWeb, but today the company has really outdone itself with the release of a powerful and eye catching new widget to display your blog's hottest posts.PostRank scores every item in your (or any) RSS feed, by number of comments, inbound links, saves in...

  • Web
    Favorite Podcasts of the ReadWriteWeb Community

    Podcasting has had its challenges over the past couple of years and we even once questioned whether it would survive! But at heart we at ReadWriteWeb love listening to podcasts, nearly as much as we love reading blogs. So we decided to find out the favorite podcasts of our readers...

  • Web
    Gmail Enables SMS Messages from Chat for US Phones. No, Really.

    If you're a big SMS user, you've no doubt encountered this situation: you're sitting at your desk in front of your computer, you get an SMS message, you pick up your phone and respond. The conversation continues as you hack away on your handset keyboard, making typos and resorting to...

  • Web
    Does Google Really Want Net Neutrality?

    According to a report in the Wall Street Journal today, Google has approached major broadband providers in an attempt to get a "fast lane" for its content over the Internet.If true, the Father of the Internet, Vint Cerf may be reconsidering his views on net neutrality given his statement of...

  • Mobile iPhone App Now Available

    Earlier this month we noted that Barack Obama's Presidential transition site had added OpenID login for commenters and that the site had traded the traditional copyright for the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Last week, the iPhone app for was added to Apple's Web apps page, thanks to...

  • Entertainment
    The Year in Internet Radio: CBS The Big Mover

    A report on Reuters claims that 2008 was a breakthrough year for radio on the Web, with a proliferation of new web and mobile apps for radio. The report states that Clear Channel has "long led the way" with innovative Web programing such as its "Stripped" concert series and "New"...

  • Web
    Who will Preserve Your Digital Data?

    Almost every piece of information we access today is stored somewhere in digital form--think iPod, YouTube, digital cameras, mobile phones, not to mention our personal and professional information spread across LinkedIn, social networking sites and blogs. It's difficult to imagine life without digital data in this information age. But who...

  • Web
    LeWeb’08 Wrapup

    Le Web 2008 conference, the web conference held this week in Paris, was not about bright, shiny, and new. It was about solid, reliable, and usable. The creative energy of the past few years now seems to be channelled towards building and growing apps that everyone, not just the tech...

  • Mobile
    Visa Launches First Financial App for Android

    Back in September, Visa announced that their Visa Mobile Application would become the first financial application for Google Android-powered handsets. The application, launched only days ago, lets users receive notifications on their mobile phone about their account activity, receive offers from merchants, and use GPS to map out where those...

  • Web
    Gmail Preferred By Students, But Nothing Beats Texting

    Today's high-school and college students got their first email account at an average age of 13. Most students have had one of their email addresses for 8 years and have an average of about 2.4 addresses each. But if you really want to reach these students, you should forget email....

  • Web
    Firefox, Chrome and IE Talk Add-ons

    While we are no closer to really knowing what the future of the browser holds, today's closing keynote at Add-on Con in Mountain View CA gave us a brief glimpse into the future of Chrome (out of beta today), IE and Firefox. The Future of the Web Browser keynote brought...

  • Web
    Most Popular Searches of the Year on Google and Lycos: Palin, Poker, and Facebook

    This is the time of the year when search engines release their yearly round-ups, and today, both Google and Lycos released their respective lists of most popular search terms of the year. Former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin tops the list of fastest rising search terms in Google's year-end Zeitgeist, while...

  • Web
    Top 10 Consumer Web Apps of 2008

    It's a well-known fact that our readers are on the cutting - if not bleeding - edge of technology. But sometimes, it's important to take a step back and realize that the apps to which we've grown so incredibly accustomed are just barely beginning to register with the general public....

  • Web
    Appcelerator Launches Titanium: AIR for the Open Web

    Today, Appcelerator, a Mountain View-based company that focuses on open source technologies for building rich web applications, announced the first public release of its Titanium platform. The closest analogue to Titanium is probably Adobe AIR. Titanium allows developers to create platform independent, web enabled desktop and mobile applications. The Titanium...

  • Web
    First iGoogle Banking Gadget Released By Fidelity

    Fidelity, one of the world's largest financial service institutions, has just launched the first iGoogle secure banking gadget for use by their tens of millions of customers. With the new Fidelity Secure Gadget, customers no longer have to visit or in order to check their account balances -...

  • Web
    Share Your Keynote: SlideShare Finally Accepts Native Apple Presentation Files

    SlideShare remains one of the most popular networks for uploading, sharing, and embedding presentation files. But for the longest time, it's had one unresolved enhancement request sitting on the waiting list: accepting native Apple Keynote files. Now, SlideShare has announced that the wait is over. Users can now upload Keynote...

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