Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Do Not Track Legislation Could Change the Ad Landscape

    Recently an expert tried to explain Do Not Call (lists of people who do not wish to receive calls from telemarketers), to telemarketing vendors. He waved two big tomes and explained that telemarketers need to adhere to the rules in both, or risk fines. Unfortunately the two tomes, from different...

  • Social
    Brightkite Integrates with Facebook

    Do you want your Facebook friends to know where you are and what you're doing at all times? That's now possible thanks to mobile social network Brightkite and its recent integration with Facebook. Through the addition of Facebook Connect, which is quickly proving itself to be more than just a...

  • Web
    2009: Predictions Across the Web

    The end of the year is typically a time for prediction posts. We have our own thoughts on what we expect the future to bring (which we will publish this week), but in this post we'll take a look at what some of our friends are discussing about the Web....

  • Web
    Re-Localization Opportunities – Local 2.0

    After World War 2, America built the infrastructure to deliver mass produced products, by mass transit for mass markets. We consumed along the arteries of this infrastructure, in supermarkets, fast food chains and airport malls. We have now passed the high water mark of this long distance, mass culture; the...

  • Web
    Following the Big Man: Google and NORAD Team Up Again to Track Santa Claus

    You've been good all year. But did you make the official "nice" list? If you celebrate Christmas, you'll no doubt be wondering when the big man will be swinging by your house with Rudolph and the gang. "Up on the housetop, click click click" and all of that. Instead of...

  • Web
    Top 100 Products of 2008

    Over December we've published ten top 10 lists of the top products of 2008. We intend to open these lists up for public voting in 2009, to tap into the wisdom of the intelligent crowd that reads our site. But for now, you'll have to make do with the choices...

  • Web
    Best LittleCo of 2008 & Most Promising for 2009

    Every year we do a review of the top Internet companies, to identify the ones that had the biggest impact. Last week we announced that Apple was our choice for Best BigCo of 2008. Today we're announcing Best LittleCo and Most Promising Company, as selected by the ReadWriteWeb writers. There...

  • Web
    Mashery: Measuring API Program Success

    Editor's note: this is a "Sponsor Post", by one of our long-term sponsors. These posts are clearly labeled as such, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support our sponsors by trying out...

  • Entertainment Gets Backing from Reid Hoffman, Joi Ito

    Who uses cross-posting social media app A lot of people do, but now you can add LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman and Creative Commons Foundation Chairman Joi Ito to the list. The two are among the most high profile angel investors in the startup world and they've both just put...

  • Web
    Top 10 Web Platforms of 2008

    2008 has seen a proliferation of new Web platforms, including a few major ones built using open standards. In this final instalment of our series of top products of 2008, we choose the top 10 Web platforms of the year. We've written a lot of times about platforms for the...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup: Best BigCo & Products ’08, Social Media Predictions ’09, And More…

    It's time for our weekly summary of Web Technology news, products and trends. On the product side, we continued our Best Products 2008 series with 5 more lists - covering Mobile Web, Enterprise, 'Real World', Digital Lifestyle, and Alternative Search Engines. We also named our Best BigCo of the Year,...

  • Web
    Business Benefits of Online Faxing

    In the age of Instagram, e-signatures, and video calls, the fax machine — whose direct roots date back to 1843 — seems a tad obsolete. The very idea conjures images of cowboys on horseback racing against sleek autonomous vehicles across the freeway. But against all odds, facsimile technology persists. In...

  • Web
    Top 10 Alternative Search Engines of 2008

    Editor's Note: This list was contributed by Charles Knight, editor of AltSearchEngines, a former RWW network blog.In terms of user experience, the gap between the major search engines and their alternatives continues to widen -- a lot. Google has been compared to a luxury liner that turns around very, very...

  • Mobile
    Android’s New Version To Support Upload to YouTube?

    Google's mobile phone OS "Android," will soon be updated with several new features as a part of a major roadmap update. One of those features will include support for a video recording mode that will also let users share the content. The update, code-named "Cupcake," has many speculating what that...

  • Web
    NPR Now Lets You Roll Your Own Podcast Feed

    National Public Radio (NPR) here in the US has some great audio content and the offering got even better today with the release of a new "mix your own" podcast option. Users enter a list of categories and keywords and the NPR site dynamically generates an RSS feed you can...

  • Web
    Top 10 Digital Lifestyle Products of 2008

    Editor's Note: This list was contributed by Steve O'Hear, editor of last100, a former RWW network blog.There was lots of activity in the digital lifestyle space in 2008, with new devices, services, and platforms being launched and some of our favorites from last year getting significant updates. One notable trend...

  • Web
    The 3D Web in 2008

    What's going on with the 3D web? At one point, it was being heralded as the next big thing. Is that still the case? Take for example, the virtual world Second Life. Once a booming place where every business had set up their online presence, the formerly happening hotspot is...

  • Social
    Facebook Growth Explodes, Site Reaches 140 Million Active Users

    If there's any doubt that Facebook is rapidly becoming the next big thing in social networks, you only need look at their recent statistics. According to new reports, in recent weeks Facebook is growing at a rate of 600,000 users each day, up from 300,000 to 400,000 users per day...

  • Web
    Best BigCo of 2008: Apple

    Every year we do a review of the top Internet companies, to identify the ones we think had the biggest impact. Today we're announcing the Best BigCo of 2008 and next week we'll announce Best LittleCo and Most Promising Company - all selected by the ReadWriteWeb writers.In 2007 the Best...

  • Mobile
    The iPhone is Apple’s Netbook: Almost Half of All Traffic from WiFi Networks

    According to the latest report from AdMob, 42% of all requests from iPhones to Admob's partners worldwide are coming in over WiFi instead of through the networks of mobile operators. This puts the iPhone in a league of its own, given that on average, AdMob is only seeing about 10-20%...

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