Home Book’d: Fewer Vowels, Better Booking

Book’d: Fewer Vowels, Better Booking

There’s a new online booking service on the block, and it’s called Book’d. While there are several other SaaS outlets for small enterprise to do this sort of thing, two simple characteristics make Book’d standout.

First, it’s the only booking service ReadWriteWeb could find that also allows your enterprise to do online invoicing on top of up-front payment.

Book’d is brand new, but to our thinking, it’s already got a jump on many of its competitors through plain old good design. Both the administrative interface and the public sites you can build are attractive, intuitive in navigation, and easy to manage.


Book’d professes to be the online booking and scheduling service to include invoicing along with all its plans. Though a freemium site such as


might look good to cash-strapped small business, it only supports payment up-front through PayPal or other avenues.

Design Matters

There are some larger, more popular services for online booking, such as


, but it’s a good bet that the user experience of Book’d will make a difference.

More established options like Bookfresh may include more advanced abilities such as mobile support, but the Book’d dashboard for managing it all looks far superior to our eyes. When you’ve got a hundred appointments to handle, ease of interaction with your booking service is a great deal more important than a checklist of secondary features.

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