Qik, the service that turns mobile phones into handheld streaming video cameras, is pushing to make mobile streaming video accessible to the masses – no matter what handset they’re carrying.

Earlier this month, Qik announced that it had added support for consumer-focused phones – generally falling outside the “smart phone” category – like the Nokia and Sony handsets. Now, Qik is making its way on to the handset that most business users carry: the BlackBerry. Well, some of them, at least.
Currently in alpha, the Qik BlackBerry application is available for handsets like the Blackberry Pearl 8120, Blackberry Pearl 8130, and Blackberry Bold, running Blackberry Operating System 4.5. Qik plans to add support for the Blackberry Curve and Blackberry Pearl Flip 8220 in the near future.
This makes Qik available on the most popular handsets in the world – leaving it even more conspicuously absent from the Apple iPhone. (iPhone owners interested in using Qik are currently forced to jailbreak their iPhones to use the service.) The new Android phone, the G1, is also currently missing out on Qik support.
But today, a few lucky BlackBerry users get to test Qik functionality for themselves. Those BlackBerry who carry the supported handsets and are interested in testing the alpha software can visit Qik to download the application.