Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Web Technology Trends for 2008 and Beyond: Update

    Today I gave a presentation at the XMediaLab event in Wellington New Zealand, entitled: What's Next on the Web? Web Technology Trends for 2008 and Beyond. It was an update of a presentation I gave in Sydney in March. It covers some of the top trends we track on ReadWriteWeb;...

  • Web
    Strands Lifestreaming: What They’re Doing and Invites for Readers

    Recommendation service launched a lifestreaming service this week that aims to pull together the company's wide range of services in particular media and online activity into one central place for users to share socially. The new Strands is a way to share your music, bookmarks, blog posts and other...

  • Mobile
    Google’s Android: How Will it Compare to iPhone?

    RWW network blog last100 has coverage of the latest Android news coming from Google's I/O conference. Dan Langendorf writes that "as you would expect from the company that brings you search and Google Maps, Android handles information delivery, location and navigation extremely well -- or so we think. There's still...

  • Web
    Android Is Out For iPhone Blood

    Wednesday, at Google's I/O Event, the company demonstrated their Android prototype phone, a device which has been greatly improved since its last public outing at this year's CES and Mobile World conferences. Today, Android looks classy enough that you half-expected them to pull a Steve Jobs and announce that you...

  • Web
    Why Google is Wooing Web Developers

    Google I/O is the first event for web developers that Google has run. It happens later this week on 28/29 May and Google is expecting 2,500 people to attend. The I/O stands for "Innovation/Open" (i/o is also a programmer term input/output). Recently I spoke with Tom Stocky, a Director of...

  • Web
    Thanks RWW Sponsors; Packages Available June-July

    Thank you to our sponsors, for supporting ReadWriteWeb's mission to provide in-depth coverage of Web apps and trends. To enquire about sponsor slots on ReadWriteWeb, please email us for a Media Kit. We are currently booking June and July spots; and we offer discounts for signing up for 2 or...

  • Web
    Alternatives to Twitter

    With all the frustration, confusion, and support going towards Twitter this week, a break from Twitter might be just want the doctor ordered. This weekend users have been asking for alternatives to Twitter. In this post we answer that question in a variety of ways. Here's a look at several...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 19-23 May 2008

    Here are some of the highlights from the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. On the product side we explored: next gen apps outside the browser, uses for wikis, Facebook's usefulness (or lack thereof), the public launch of Google Health, and 4 promising mobile social networks. On the trends side...

  • Web
    Nine Company Blogs That Are Fun For Anyone to Read

    Here at ReadWriteWeb we spend a lot of time reading the blogs of companies we write about (send yours to [email protected]) and we've found that some of them are just plain fun. An interesting company blog can be a great way to draw in new people through relevant content of...

  • Web
    You Play a Game, Computers Get Smarter, AI Starts to Work

    Last week a new site called Gwap was launched by Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science. The site offers an array of multi-player games that have a benefit beyond just that of momentary distraction or amusement. These games are helping improve image and audio searches, teaching computers to see, and...

  • Web
    The URL Is Dead, Long Live Search

    Last week I was watching TV and saw something that really caught my eye. It was a commercial for Special K, the breakfast cereal from Kellogg, and rather than end with a plug for the product's web site -- -- it advised people to search Yahoo! for "Special K"...

  • Web
    Facebook Censoring User Messaging: Spam Prevention or Unaccountable Control of Conversation?

    Facebook and MySpace have replaced email for a substantial number of young people. Facebook, though, appears to believe that some things are better off not discussed in conversations between its members. We've found two instances of words that will get a Facebook message blocked and we presume there are others....

  • Mobile
    Opera Takes on Apple With Open Widget SDK

    The popular mobile browser Opera today launched a software developers kit (SDK) for widgets. While rival Apple's iPhone SDK requires that applications be distributed exclusively through the still-unlaunched iPhone App Store, pay a $99 application fee and wait - Opera SDK built widgets appear to be much more open and...

  • Web
    Top 10 Ways to Search Wikipedia

    Wikipedia, which turned 7 this year, is a source of information for 683 million visitors every year. A poster child for user-generated content, Wikipedia has grown from its first year in which just 12 articles were created to over 10 million today in 253 different languages. That's a whole lot...

  • Social
    Social Media U: Take a Class in Social Media

    Social media. Web 2.0. You know what these things are and you take advantage of them every day on the net. Whether you're socializing on Facebook, updating Twitter, or just adding a new bookmark to Ma.gnolia, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, that doesn't...

  • Web
    Next Gen Apps Won’t Be Pushed Around By the Browser

    The invention of the browser was a huge boon to the internet and a substantial amount of computing now goes on through that interface we've grown to love. The internet is not a place where innovation takes a break, though, and a new generation of applications are emerging that have...

  • Web
    How to Make Facebook Useful Again

    Oh the heels of some of Facebook's missteps (ahem, Beacon) and the proliferation of a myriad of useless, silly, and time-wasting apps, someformer Facebook users decided to quit the site for good this year. However, a handful of early adopter angst doesn't have Facebook worried. Why is that? Because Facebook...

  • Web
    Google to Crank Out More iPhone Apps

    With Apple set to roll out the next major software update for the iPhone, and with it official support for third-party applications, it will come as no surprise that Google is busy prepping some new wares. “We expect to have applications at Day One”, Google’s vice president of engineering, Vic...

  • Web
    Toluu Gets Updated, Adds Twitter Integration and More

    Earlier this year, we reported on the new OPML sharing and matching service called Toluu, giving you "10 Reasons Why You're Going to Love Toluu." For anyone who remembers the now defunct site, ShareYourOPML, Toluu is a big improvement, providing you with a much easier way to discover new feeds....

  • Social
    The Most Popular Twitter Apps According to the Blogosphere

    Six weeks ago, ReadWriteWeb published their definitive list of the top Twitter clients. The methodology for that list was watching the Twitter public feed and logging tweet sources. However, how does the list of clients people are using match up the list of the ones people are talking about? Using...

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