Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    10 Adobe AIR Apps Bloggers Will Love

    Last month we showed you some of the more popular and useful Adobe AIR applications (see "6 Adobe AIR Apps to Check Out"), but there are so many great Adobe AIR applications currently available, it would be a shame to stop at just those six. As we delved through he...

  • Web
    Interview: Socialthing! Founder Matt Galligan

    Recently people have been comparing lifestreaming services FriendFeed and Socialthing!, trying to determine which one will win or whether they even compete. For example, see ReadWriteWeb's post FriendFeed vs SocialThing!. I signed up for FriendFeed when it first came out and more recently I was lucky enough to get a...

  • Web
    SugarSync File Syncing Platform Launches – 50% for 2 Years for RWW Readers

    In January, ReadWriteWeb brought you an exclusive look at SugarSync, the long awaited file syncing utility from Sharpcast, our 2006 Most Promising Web LittleCo. SugarSync is a software program that syncs files across multiple systems -- i.e., desktop, web, and mobile -- allowing users to access backed up data from...

  • Web
    Meebo and the Mainstreaming of Web IM

    Venture Beat is reporting that cross-platform web Instant Messaging service Meebo is raising a substantial amount more money at a valuation of more than $200 million. Consensus among the community of VB readers seems to be that such a valuation is insane. Looking at the details about Meebo indicates otherwise,...

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Licenses Flash Lite and Reader

    Microsoft and Adobe today announced that Adobe Flash Player Lite and Reader LE software would be shipping on Windows Mobile (neither company has indicated when). This is somewhat surprising given Microsoft's desire to see their Flash competitor Silverlight succeed, but it is also a good move for both companies.We're just...

  • Mobile
    What Happens When WiFi Goes Away?

    Moconews posed an interesting question this morning: will wifi go the way of the public phone booth? Their premise was that public wifi (i.e., at conferences, or busy coffee shops) is often slow and hard to use, while mobile broadband is more reliable. Further, mobile broadband is spreading like wildfire...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 10-14 March 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. It's been a busy week, with a RWW interview with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, iPhone analysis aplenty, a special look at Web visualization, reviews of Semantic Apps Twine and Reuters Open Calais, and much more. And don't forget to...

  • Web
    Internet TV Update: Hulu, Joost, TiVo

    This week there's been a fair bit of action in the Internet TV sector, with announcements from Hulu, Joost and TiVo. Our network blog last100 has been covering the action.This week Hulu - the online video project from Newscorp and NBC/Universal, with participation by Sony, MGM and others (our previous...

  • Web
    Ubuket – Your Media Everywhere

    Are you into multimedia? Do you stream music over the web, share photos on Flickr and Picassa, watch videos at YouTube, share links with friends, and hang out in social networks? A new startup from Ubuket wants to help make access to your content from anywhere even easier. The service...

  • Web
    12 Future Apps For Your iPhone

    With the new iPhone SDK, it's just a matter of time before we see a wave of new applications. We expect a lot of popular web 2.0 apps to offer an iPhone version. Native Twitter, Facebook and Flickr clients for iPhone will run faster than their in-browser versions and will...

  • Web
    HiveLive Partners With Marketer, Responsys: It’s More Enterprise 2.0

    HiveLive, a B2B social software platform provider, brings the social web to businesses by providing them with customizable tools like user profiles, blogs, discussion forums, wikis, and RSS which they can skin, edit, and secure easily, and without any coding. The platform is based on a building block called a...

  • Web
    Mark Zuckerberg on Data Portability: An Interview

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is at SXSW doing press interviews today and many people want to know what his thoughts are concerning data portability. There's a big web out there that would like to give and take user data in and out of Facebook. We focused on data portability in...

  • Web
    Poll: iPhone Exchange Support; Did Microsoft Make a Mistake?

    In yesterday's post Why Apple Will Dominate Next Gen Computing, Alex Iskold wrote that Apple's announcement of iPhone support for Microsoft Exchange "makes perfect sense" - as a competitive move against Blackberry and to position the iPhone as the default consumer / enterprise phone. However, how smart was this move...

  • Web
    The Best Stuff from MIX08

    This week was Microsoft's MIX08 conference in Las Vegas. The event was filled with announcements, demos, and the debuts of new products, like IE8. Some of the news was expected, but there were other things that came as a surprise (like IE8!). If you weren't able to attend this year's...

  • Web
    Kyte Takes More Money, Moves Away from User Created Video

    Online and mobile video publishing service Kyte.TV, a darling of the European venture scene, has added still more funding to its substantial war chest and is taking a radically different approach to content.The high hopes vendors like Kyte have had for User Generated video are crashing on the rocks of...

  • Web
    The iPhone Gets Serious: A Summary of Today’s Announcements

    Apple's iPhone is aimed to be a game changer for the mobile world and today has been one of the key turning points in that unfolding story. Today's announcements were basically two. The new iPhone SDK, or Software Development Kit, made all of the debates about locked or unlocked phones...

  • Web
    Web Technology Trends for 2008 and Beyond

    Today I gave a presentation at the Media08 event in Sydney, entitled: What's Next on the Web? Web Technology Trends for 2008 and Beyond. It's an overview of some of the top trends we cover on ReadWriteWeb; such as Websites becoming web services, Semantic Apps, Open Data, Mobile Web, Recommendation...

  • Web
    Google Releases Contacts API

    What's the most in-demand API on the web that hasn't existed until today? Wether they knew it or not, millions of people online have thought to themselves "why is this new site I'm on asking me for my Gmail username and password? When will there be a secure API for...

  • Web
    The Coming Death of Paper as an Information Storage Medium

    The other day I was sitting in the bank watching a clerk copy information off a paper bank transfer to initiate a new wire transfer. Being a busy person I hate inefficiencies, and this was just plain bad. When I asked why the bank didn't use an electronic copy to...

  • Web
    Location Aware: Smart Rollout for Yahoo! Fire Eagle

    I've got serious reservations about applications that track my physical location, but Yahoo! made an impressive beta launch of its Fire Eagle service today that does just that. Fire Eagle is a platform that will allow other applications to incorporate location awareness into what they do. The first two apps...

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