Results for "mobile"

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  • Web
    Bungee Launches PaaS for Building Web Apps in the Cloud

    The Bungee Connect platform is the first end-to-end, cloud-based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for professional-class web applications. Today, Bungee Labs released a new version of the Bungee Connect web application development and hosting platform and opened its Public Beta program to all developers. With Bungee Connect, developers can use their web browser...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 11-15 Feb 2008

    Here is a summary of the week's Web Tech action on ReadWriteWeb. For those of you reading this via our website, note that you can subscribe to the Weekly Wrapups, either via the special RSS feed or by email. Easily the biggest tech story of the past two weeks has...

  • Web
    Is the iPhone the Ultimate eBook Reader?

    "People don’t read anymore," said Steve Jobs last month. Try telling that to users of his company's iPhone and iPod Touch devices, many of whom seem to be using the device as an eBook reader. Our network blog last100 theorized that what Jobs' really meant was, who needs the Amazon...

  • Web
    Protagonize, A Collaborative Fiction-Writing Community

    You may recall a previous post we did listing several web-based fiction writing resources...well, here's another one to add to that list: Protagonize. The Protagonize web site is an online creative writing community dedicated solely to collaborative fiction. At Protagonize, one author begins a story, and others post different branches...

  • Web
    Assetbar Aims to Bring Scalability to Social Web Apps – RSS Reading is First Up

    Prelaunched social RSS reader Assetbar calls itself the first application built on the company's new “Media Participation Platform” and has a number of remarkable features already that you'll want to check out if you can get in. (invite code below)The experienced team of entrepreneurial engineers behind the application says its...

  • Web
    The Future of Search: Peter Morville Defines, Shows Examples

    I'm at the Webstock conference in Wellington, New Zealand. Currently speaking is Peter Morville, whose topic is "Ambient Findability and the Future of Search". Peter Morville was co-author of the famous 'polar bear' book about Information Architecture - which was like a bible to many of us who started our...

  • Web
    Crude Android Prototypes Unveiled

    Syndicated from last100, our digital lifestyle blog Android has landed. And it looks like, well, some sort of space alien. Several companies at this week’s Mobile World Congress unveiled prototypes of Android, Google’s highly anticipated, open-source operating system. But rather than showing off sleek, sexy cell phones, with a super-fast...

  • Web
    Tired of Blackberry Outages? Run Your Own Blackberry Server Instead

    Research in Motion, the maker of Blackberry smartphones, was once again under fire due to Monday's service disruption, the second in a span of 10 months. The outage left customers without Blackberry service for several hours on Monday of this week. Coincidentally, RIM has now just announced its first "push"...

  • Web
    The State of Mozilla and Open Source in Asia

    One of the speakers at the LIFT conference - where Kevin Marks from Google also presented - was Gen Kanai, Mozilla's Director of business development in Asia. In his presentation Kanai talked about Mozilla's market share in Asia, plus the perception that Asia isn't contributing enough to open source projects....

  • Mobile
    Microsoft Buys Danger – Zune Phone Anyone?

    Syndicated from last100, our digital lifestyle blog Long before Apple’s iPhone, another Silicon Valley-based company pioneered the consumer-friendly smart phone. That company was Danger Inc. best known for its T-mobile branded Sidekick (the Paris Hilton smart phone of choice) and its user friendly mobile OS and Internet applications.As of today,...

  • Social
    Visualizing Social Media Fatigue

    Our attention is stretched so thin these days that there are times when I have actually tried to register for what I thought was a new service only to realize later that I already had an account -- it just got lost in the shuffle. With so many new web...

  • Web
    The Web Media Player Framework

    If you haven't heard of longtime Flash developer Paul Yanez, there's a good chance you've likely seen some of his work over the past few months. Yanez creates web-based flash media players that interact with the Internet's top video sites, and many of them have been written up on top...

  • Mobile
    Yokia! Why Nokia Should Buy Yahoo

    Syndicated from last100, our digital lifestyle blog Forget Microsoft, News Corp. or even Apple. Nokia, the world's no.1 mobile handset maker, should buy Yahoo. Or so says Information Week's Stephen Wellman, who puts forward a compelling argument: If Nokia is repositioning itself as a Web services company, to combat falling...

  • Web
    miVitals Takes Aim at Tough Online Health Market

    miVitals is a new Australian startup that has an ambitious goal: to enable individuals to manage their personal health data via a web application. miVitals describes itself as "a secure online storage system for health and lifestyle records". The company says that "most people have about 5 professionals involved in...

  • Web
    Utterz Expands Media Messaging Service

    Multimedia messaging service Utterz is launching an expanded offering Monday morning that will allow users from 17 additional countries outside of the US to post to the service with their mobile phones. Utterz combines voice, video, photos and text to facilitate conversations either on the Utterz site, through Twitter or...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrapup, 28 Jan – 1 Feb 2008

    Here is a summary of the week in Web technology on ReadWriteWeb.Reminder to PR people and startups: If you would like ReadWriteWeb to consider covering your product, you should email us at [email protected]. This address is monitored daily by all our main bloggers. Pitch emails sent to my personal email...

  • Web
    MTV Election Coverage is a Coup for Citizen Journalism

    As part of MTV's coverage of the 2008 presidential elections in the US, the media network assembled a "street team" of 51 amateur journalists -- one in each state and the District of Columbia -- to file blog reports, photos, videos, and audio podcasts about election issues during the course...

  • Web
    Digg Joins DataPortability Working Group (Plus Related Resources)

    Digg made a post to the company's blog this morning announcing that they are officially joining the Working Group. Digg follows Facebook, Google, Microsoft and many other companies in getting on board to discuss protocols that will make it easier for users to move their data from one site...

  • Web
    Dear Google: 2000 Called, It Wants Its Ad Format Back

    Dan Frommer over at Silicon Alley Insider reports that Google's latest effort to break into newspaper ad sales includes printed barcodes that can be scanned by readers to send them to web sites. That sounds very similar to failed plans of late-90s Internet/technology startup Digital Convergence, who saw their :CueCat...

  • Web
    Chandler: No Version 1.0 After 7 Years – Can it Survive Post-Kapor?

    Chandler is an open source, cross platform PIM (Personal Information Manager) product that has been in development since 2001, but has yet to get to a 1.0 version. It is being built by the Open Source Applications Foundation (OSAF) and has been funded to date by Mitch Kapor, who is...

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