With the attention-grabbing headling Social Networking Goes Global, comScore has released its latest stats on the large social network sites. According to comScore, MySpace is over twice as large as its nearest rival, Facebook. Both Facebook and Bebo have had extraordinary growth over the past year (270% and 172% respectively):
These are interesting stats which show that a) MySpace is still King; and b) Facebook is worthy of the attention it’s getting.
The fineprint on the above table revealed that comScore only selected sites “from among those with at least 10 million visitors worldwide, 50 percent growth during the past year, and of particular significance to the North American region” (emphasis ours). On the latter point I can understand why, because comScore states that “both MySpace.com (62 percent) and Facebook.com (68 percent) attract approximately two-thirds of their respective audiences from North America.”
Even so, what I’m more interested in seeing is stats on the top social networks in all the major countries, e.g. China, UK, Germany, etc – whether or not they are significant to the North American region.
For example, I asked Gang Lu (an occasional R/WW writer) what is the number 1 social network in China. He wasn’t certain, but told me that QQ would have the largest numbers – although it’s not exactly like MySpace or Facebook. QQ is a top 10 web property in Alexa and is the leading provider of Internet, mobile & telecommunications value-added services in China. Gang Lu wrote a post for Read/WriteWeb in Feburary about QQ, noting that is has half a billion registered users.
MySpace also has a Chinese version, which incidentally has a much cleaner design than its english language equivalent!
Anyone have some more details on what the top social networks are all over the world?