Results for "Analysis"

We found 3634 results for your search.
  • Web
    EnterpriseDB’s Karen Padir: From MySQL to Postgres + Hadoop

    For a total of 17 years, Karen Padir was an executive at Sun Microsystems, and was present for that company's astounding transition to open source technologies. She was an advocate for MySQL when Sun acquired that project, and then later when Oracle acquired Sun, promising the "Dolphin" faithful that good...

  • Social
    ThinkUp Reaches 1.0: Own Your Social Network Data

    ThinkUp, the social media management tool that matters most, hits version 1.0 today. It lets you store all your social activity from networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+ in a database you control and search, sort and analyze it. If you have a Web server that can run a PHP...

  • Work
    IBM Tech Trends 2011 Highlights Biz Analytics Needs

    Okay, you know that the cloud and better mobility management are going to be two of the top tech trends in just about anyone's survey. And IBM's latest report verifies this. But what you probably didn't know is how important analytics will play. IBM interviewed more than 4,000 IT pros...

  • Web
    Who Owns Your Data, Really?

    I'll forgive you if you think my asking who owns your data is a rhetorical question. I'm quite sure that an esteemed reader such as yourself has asserted your company's ownership of data in any cloud or hosted contract you've entered. It is not my intent to disparage your abilities...

  • Hack
    Maybe it’s Time For Kinkos to Offer 3D Printers

    An op/ed piece in Make magazine by Phil Torrone talks about the many places around the world where you can stop in and learn how to make stuff. These Hackerspaces, Fab Labs, and other geeking-out lending libraries are replacing, well, lending libraries, to be blunt. "What if we were to...

  • Web
    Updated: Hollywood and Congress Target Mozilla

    Another dangerous bill is winding its way through Congress, this time it's the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) by Texas representative Lamar Smith. Smith's bill would establish a system for taking down Web sites that the Justice Department "determines to be dedicated to copyright infringement." The bill is, by nearly...

  • Web
    The Invisible Social Enterprise: What Every Exec Needs to Know Today

    In an article last year for the Sales Ops Council, I introduced the idea of the "invisible social enterprise," how employees are already using social networks to create real business value often without the knowledge of the executive team.Things have changed a lot over the past year: chose "Social...

  • Web
    New Agile Cloud Management Solutions From CA

    When you are as large as CA Technologies, you typically announce a bunch of new products (as we covered this past July) and especially around its annual CA World conference that is being held in Vegas this week. Today CA announced two new identity and access management cloud security services...

  • Mobile
    Top Mobile Developer Priorities of 2011: Reach, Engagement, Loyalty & Monetization

    If you are a mobile developer, the findings of a report from framework provider Appcelerator and research firm IDC are fascinating. The Kindle Fire is, well, on fire. So, apparently, is the Barnes & Noble Nook Android tablet. Nokia and Microsoft are making headway with Windows Phone, BlackBerry continues its...

  • Mobile
    Apsalar Taking a Holistic and Integrated Approach to Mobile Analytics

    App developers are looking for ways to gain users and keep them in the fold through actionable data. There are a variety of ways to do this and several startups have popped up in the last couple of years to focus on particular elements of analytics, advertising, marketing and engagement...

  • Hack Challenge 2nd Inning: The Souls of Ideas

    Hinds Hall, Syracuse University campus, 12:27 am ET November 11 - The students in the College Challenge are thinking about beginnings. There's eleven hours left in their project, and that's still double-digit territory. Their task is to assemble a funding pitch for a group of venture capitalists, who will...

  • Social
    Graphing the Occupy Movement’s Use of Social Networks

    Whether you think the protestors camping out in various city parks around the world is justified or not, it is interesting to see this analysis published in Technology Review today. They used a tool from SocialFlow that examined a pile of Twitter data. Did you know the first use of...

  • Web
    3 Key Business Lessons From Steve Jobs: Intuition, Reinvention, Focus

    Over the weekend I finished reading the authorized biography of Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson. It's a hefty 650 pages and spans the entire life and career of Steve Jobs, the iconic Apple co-founder who sadly passed away a month ago. The biography is well worth reading, I gave the...

  • Mobile
    Analyst: Android Fragmentation Costs Carriers Billions

    We've written here before in ReadWriteWeb about the bad side of Android platform diversity: multiple phone manufacturers with one or more carriers apiece, simultaneously supporting more than one active version of the operating system. One can't help but think that Microsoft has handled Windows platform transitions better than this, but...

  • Social Plans to Strengthen the Skeleton of the Social Web With Verisign Partnership

    Our social Web is a busy, data-intensive place. Twitter sees 1 billion tweets in a week, Facebook now has 800 million users, and those are just the big players, neither of which was around eight years ago. The social Web is still relatively young, and growing. Like the Web itself,...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: VCs Are Not Always Right

    I know that many, many entrepreneurs are feeling dejected because of investor rejections.Today, I want to share with you a story of an amazing entrepreneurial team led by Alex Bouzari, CEO of Data Direct. In How To Defend Your Dream Against All Odds, Alex and I explore the company's journey...

  • Hack
    First Hadoop Platform Solution for Parsing Big Data

    There aren't many redeeming qualities for big data other than its bigness. Although we may think giant SQL data tables have become unwieldy, they're not the cause of the "data obesity" problem that afflicts large enterprises. More big data is made up of raw text logs, event streams exuding from...

  • Web
    GeoIQ Releases Real-Time Streaming Social & Device Data & Mapping API Platform

    Location data provider GeoIQ today detailed a new offering called GeoIQ Social. This is a real-time streaming API that delivers location-enabled data from Twitter, Pachube-enabled sensor hardware and other platforms into a map-friendly output format that can be updated as the data changes. Boom!Sentiment analysis, user ranking, data from sensors...

  • Web
    5 Takeaways from the VMware/Intel Virtualization Chat

    Each time ReadWriteWeb holds a live chat with an expert panel, we get more attendees than the time before, and Tuesday was no exception. But not everyone gets a chance to show up and submit a question. If you missed us Tuesday, engineers Steven Shultz from VMware and Mitch Shults...

  • Web
    Hortonworks Herds Hadoop into a Cloud Platform

    A select group of developers is being invited by Hortonworks, the commercial caretaker of Apache Hadoop, to join a limited technology preview of the company's own forthcoming cloud data platform based on Hadoop. If you haven't heard of it yet, this is either your first time on ReadWriteWeb, or you've...

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