Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Web
    Help Me Search the World for the Next Big Tech Stories

    Hello, ReadWriteWeb readers! As Richard noted earlier, I am joining ReadWriteWeb as its new Editor-at-Large, and I am very excited about it. I'll start writing for the site in January, but in the meantime, I have some planning to do. And I'd love your help.First, a brief introduction: For the...

  • Entertainment
    Rdio Beats Spotify at Having Music You Actually Like, Says Study

    In the fast-changing digital music streaming space, it's hard to know which service is best for you. Spotify gets the most hype, but lots of people love Rdio, which has solid backing and a huge library of music. There are also beloved underdogs like MOG and Grooveshark. When it comes...

  • Social
    Did A Twitter-Fueled Latvian Bank Run Start With One Account? [UPDATED]

    Analysis by the social network analytics company shows how rumors fueled a run on Swedish-owned banks in Latvia over the weekend.Banking officials are calling it the world's first ever social media-fueled run on banks, and officials say that the misinformation campaign may have been a deliberate attempt to destabilize...

  • Mobile
    Summly: New App Helps You Read All Your Bookmarked Links in Minutes

    If you had a button that you could press to pause time, make flying birds freeze in mid air, etc. what would you do with that opportunity? Some of us would catch up on all the links we've bookmarked as "to read" or favorited on Twitter. I don't have a...

  • Mobile
    Don’t Buy 3G/4G on Your Tablet: Wi-Fi is Fine

    While walking through one of the T-Mobile or AT&T or Verizon stores this holiday season, you may be tempted to buy a tablet after looking at the low price tags on some of them. However, before you buy a tablet from your mobile service provider, understand their total cost and...

  • Web
    ReadWriteWeb Acquired by SAY Media

    I'm thrilled to announce that ReadWriteWeb has been acquired by SAY Media, a digital publishing company headquartered in San Francisco. ReadWriteWeb will anchor SAY Media's growing Technology channel, which reaches more than 75 million global consumers each month.ReadWriteWeb is going to get bigger and even better. Our plans include widening...

  • Web
    SAP Invades Radian6 Territory with Social Media Drill-down Tool

    In a New York Times interview published yesterday, CEO Marc Benioff - who was no doubt relishing his place in the spotlight - poked a little fun at his competitors, whom he now perceives as challengers to his position. "Where are SAP, Microsoft, Oracle?" Benioff asked. "Why haven't they...

  • Web Promises “Light” Instead of “Heat” on New U.S. Election Site

    Today, has launched a U.S. election hub at It opens with an introduction to the Republican candidates along with a few topical analysis posts. It's a redirect to the topic page, so it's the same coverage that the British audience gets.As the election gears up, the site's...

  • Web
    Top 10 Enterprise Products and Trends of 2011

    It was a year of consolidation for the enterprise. A year where maturing technologies trumped startups. The year that social networking began to creep into just about every nook and cranny of corporate applications, even something banal like email that you wouldn't have expected these to change with the times....

  • Technology
    Tizen Summit – Day 1 – Beijing 2011

        Welcome to this report on the very first Tizen summit from the wonderfully sunny (if somewhat chilly) city of Beijing. The conference started well and had pretty good attendance. Pasi Nieminen from Nomovok (who organised the event) explained how this had originally been planned as a MeeGo Summit...

  • Entertainment
    Hands-On With the New Spotify Radio: Look Out, Pandora

    Normally when a tech company launches a product or feature that's billed as a potential "killer" of a popular incumbent, there's cause to be skeptical. Quite often, that's just unsubstantiated hype either on the part of the company itself or tech writers. In the case of Spotify's new Web radio...

  • Work
    Better, Faster, Stronger PHP: Facebook Introduces HipHop Virtual Machine

    Facebook is announcing a new execution engine for PHP in order to try to boost performance. Facebook introduced HipHop for PHP nearly two years ago. Today the company announced a new tool in the HipHop toolbox, which it claims is 60% faster, with a 90% reduction in memory cost. Facebook...

  • Mobile
    3 Lessons Learned from the Carrier IQ Falderal

    The revelation two weeks ago from security researcher Trevor Eckhart (see YouTube video) that performance measurement software installed by carriers on Android phones record dialer keystrokes, resulted in the almost autonomous generation of Web stories asking rhetorical questions, in the vein of, "Is your smartphone spying on you?" Web publications...

  • Web
    “Why You Buy What You Buy” Becomes a Job for IBM

    "What if you could quantify the world's consumer behavior," asks a company video, "and use it to make different and better decisions than you ever have before?" This is the question that has been asked over the past decade by a company called DemandTec, a manufacturer of retail analytics software...

  • Social
    Cartoon: My Brand, My BFF

    There's nothing like air travel to drive home just how broadly social media has permeated the marketing psyche. I drew this on my way to NTC last week in DC. At every turn on the trip, I saw Twitter and Facebook icons: littered throughout the in-flight magazine, plastered on the...

  • Mobile
    A Deep Look Into IBM’s Mobile Development Strategy

    IBM is poised to unleash its revamped mobile strategy with a full suite of tools aimed at providing enterprise developers with an end-to-end system for collaboration, development and management for mobile applications. IBM is putting the full weight of its history, tools and computing clout behind its mobile strategy. The...

  • Social
    How Social Media Is Changing The Stock Market

    Social media opens up both conversation and creativity for stock traders. But most importantly, it creates community around niche interest topics. The way stocks are discussed among investors is different than it was even five years ago. In 2008, Howard Lindzon launched StockTwits, the online community of investors, with the...

  • Mobile
    Gingerbread Now Running On The Majority Of Android Devices

    For the first time ever, Gingerbread is running on the majority of Android devices in the wild. Google released its December fragmentation numbers for the Android ecosystem and Gingerbread 2.3-2.3.7 grew from 43.9% a month ago to 50.6%. Gingerbread also took a double-digit lead over Android 2.2 for the first...

  • Social
    Now Tied to Facebook, Color to Stick to Concept of “Elastic” Social Network [Updated]

    Color, the photo-sharing social app that took the tech industry by storm when it announced $41 million in prelaunch funding shortly after SXSW in March, is almost complete with its pivot. As announced at Facebook's developer conference in September, Color has attached itself to the social network and wants to...

  • Web
    Talend Opens Up Data Integration Processes to the Community

    Here's an interesting predicament: Suppose your business' only problem isn't with the quality of the services your software performs, but just with getting all of its databases to work together. So you're not out to replace the software, and maybe that would be a bad idea anyway. Getting data and...

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