Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    Draft ‘Carrier IQ’ Bill Would Have Carriers Inform, Then Track, Customers

    Last November, after a security researcher revealed that many Android phones contained software that tracked keystrokes while users were dialing phone numbers, news providers boiled the issue into a genuine spyware scare. That gave Carrier IQ, the maker of performance monitoring software, a black eye in the public mind.As the...

  • Work
    [Infographic] Google Apps Has Some Big Paying Clients

    SaaS backup provider Backupify has recently examined its own customer sample to do some demographic profiling of Google Apps users. The results are somewhat intriguing, as you can see in the infographic below. If you remove .edu domains, Google Apps still has nearly 40% of all of its seats used...

  • Web
    Hollywood Isn’t Ruining DVD Rentals On Its Own: Netflix is Happy to Help

    It's easy to slam Hollywood for not understanding how technology works, or for putting its legacy business models ahead of user experience. Especially when big media companies do things like restrict digital access to movies and then cry about piracy.But Hollywood isn't always acting alone. Sometimes, the savviest Web companies...

  • Web
    Not So Fast: Teens Aren’t Fleeing Facebook For Twitter

    Contrary to an Associated Press report implying otherwise, teens are not shutting down their Facebook accounts in favor of Twitter.Emil Protalinski has a much more thorough analysis of what is happening, which includes the Pew Research report AP used, as well as a July 2011 Pew report that focused solely...

  • Web
    [REPORT] Twitter, LinkedIn Will See Slower Revenue Growth

    Twitter and LinkedIn will continue to see strong advertising growth, with Twitter's revenue expected to nearly double between 2012 and 2014, according to a report by eMarketer Digital Intelligence.The report comes against the backdrop of Facebook's pending, initial public offering and illustrates that advertising models for social networks seem to...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Ruby, PHP and Python Compared and More

    Ruby, PHP and Python are compared in an infographic by Udemy. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch every story that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable: Spotlight On Jacksonville, Florida

    Today's roundtable was co-hosted with the Jacksonville Startup Weekend. For the uninitiated, Startup Weekends are 54-hour events where entrepreneurs come together to pitch ideas, form teams, and learn best practices. This past weekend, the Jacksonville entrepreneurship community hosted their own version of this exciting program. 150 people came together, and...

  • Hack
    [Infographic] PHP vs. Python vs. Ruby

    Udemy has put together an infographic that compares Ruby, PHP and Python. This looks (briefly) at the history, popularity, ease of use, demand for programmers, benchmarks and more for each language. If you're job-hunting, Udemy says that you probably want to know PHP above Ruby or Python.According to Udemy, Python...

  • Social
    Facebook Ad Revenues Hit $3.8 Billion In 2011

    Boston-based Nanigans, a firm specializing in the Facebook ads marketplace, recently released new data confirming a year-over-year jump in the Facebook ads marketplace this past holiday season. Facebook ads charged a higher cost-per-click (CPC), otherwise known as pay-per-click (PPC), which means that an advertiser pays each time a user clicks...

  • Work
    How One IT Shop Cut Costs With the Cloud

    In the space of a year Precise, Software, a midsized provider of application management technologies based in Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv, Israel completely transformed its IT infrastructure to virtualization and cloud software, saving more than $2 million of its annual IT costs. This reduction came through cutting half of...

  • Web
    Supreme Court’s GPS Ruling Has Broad Implications On Tech

    Those old reruns of "The Wire" I've been working my way through, in which seemingly at least once a season Baltimore police used the latest GPS tracking gadgets to follow a bad guy, just wouldn't be the same had they been written after Monday, when the Supreme Court ruled that...

  • Web Dash Will Make Web Publishers Eat Their Vegetables

    This morning, launched Dash, a content management system smart enough to make a blogger weep with joy. It analyzes the Web to show publishers what's hot. It tracks trends within the site, revealing what works for the audience. It points out when old posts are getting popular again. It...

  • Web Dash Will Make Web Publishers Eat Their Vegetables

    This morning, launched Dash, a content management system smart enough to make a blogger weep with joy. It analyzes the Web to show publishers what's hot. It tracks trends within the site, revealing what works for the audience. It points out when old posts are getting popular again. It...

  • Social
    How Companies Use Social Media To Pick Stocks

    This week Topsy Labs Inc. released a report claiming its model was able to predict a drop in Netflix's share price after it decided to split its DVD rental and streaming video services by tracking phrases like "just canceled my Netflix subscription."It's arguable whether investors really needed a sophisticated sentiment...

  • Social
    How Companies Use Social Media To Pick Stocks

    This week Topsy Labs Inc. released a report claiming its model was able to predict a drop in Netflix's share price after it decided to split its DVD rental and streaming video services by tracking phrases like "just canceled my Netflix subscription."It's arguable whether investors really needed a sophisticated sentiment...

  • Web
    Social Media Finally Does Something Useful In The Presidential Primaries

    So far I have been skeptical about how much of a role social media buzz has been playing in the presidential primaries, particularly when it comes to "predicting" winners. But of the three primaries to date, Saturday's race in South Carolina may have been the one that was most influenced...

  • Web
    Social Media Finally Does Something Useful In The Presidential Primaries

    So far I have been skeptical about how much of a role social media buzz has been playing in the presidential primaries, particularly when it comes to "predicting" winners. But of the three primaries to date, Saturday's race in South Carolina may have been the one that was most influenced...

  • Web
    International Reaction to Megaupload Indictment: This Means War

    A sizable chunk of Internet traffic went dark yesterday. No, I'm not talking about a SOPA protest. The #91 Web site on the entire Internet, Megaupload, was taken down after U.S. authorities executed a warrant to seize its Virginia-based servers and arrest four of its proprietors in New Zealand. To...

  • Web
    International Reaction to Megaupload Indictment: This Means War

    A sizable chunk of Internet traffic went dark yesterday. No, I'm not talking about a SOPA protest. The #91 Web site on the entire Internet, Megaupload, was taken down after U.S. authorities executed a warrant to seize its Virginia-based servers and arrest four of its proprietors in New Zealand. To...

  • Web
    What One Chinese Blogger Said About SOPA/PIPA

    Pro-Internet freedom Americans aren't the only ones who got pumped up about this Wednesday's Internet blackout day. The L.A. Times reports that Chinese Internet users praised American Internet users for taking action against their own government. Wen Yunchao, a prominent Chinese blogger and government critic who left the mainland for...

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