Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Web
    Forget Med School – Be a Startup Doctor

    Late last year, Mark Cuban (self-made billionaire and owner of the Dallas Mavericks) wrote that entrepreneurs should ignore what their customers want. This may sound shocking, but it's nothing new. In fact, it's practically common knowledge for start-up companies; many entrepreneurs (including Steve Jobs) consider it one of the "best...

  • Web
    What You Can Learn From Kaggle’s Top 10 Data Scientists

    What do a Russian math professor, a Harvard neurobiologist, a French actuary and British finance quant all have in common? They all were recently identified as some of the top 10 Kaggle data scientists.Each received the designation as part of their efforts in developing some of the best solutions to...

  • Work
    Cybersecurity Is About Risk, Not War, Says Former DHS Cyber Chief

    The word The Wall Street Journal used in its headline was "war," which always gets people's attention. In a March 28th story headlined, "U.S. Outgunned in Hacker War," outgoing FBI Executive Assistant Director Shawn Henry was quoted as saying, with respect to the ongoing battle against cyber threats, "We're not...

  • Social
    5 Things the Experts Say You Need to Know About the Facebook-Instagram Merger

    Depending on which hastily pasted-together analysis you believe, Facebook's $1 billion acquisition Monday is reason enough to close your Instagram account, and Facebook is going to ruin Instagram. We're not buying it, so instead we spent Monday interviewing a dozen experts for their thoughts and opinions on the deal.All agreed...

  • Web
    GoGrid Introduces Predictive Analytics Platform

    GoGrid today introduces its Big Data Solution predictive analytics platform. It adds features that combine the best from cloud computing with hybrid cloud flexibility and front-end apps. Everything is managed from the GoGrid web-based management portal. Amazon and others need more assembly of individual pieces that are less integrated than...

  • Smartphone
    Maliit Keyboard now With Word Prediction and Error Correction (Video)

    This is a feature that I personally wanted for a long time. Interrupted by FOSDEM, some Wayland research and many other things, I finally managed to get word prediction and error correctionbeyond prototype quality. The video shows just how amazingly good the Presage word prediction can be, even without extensive training (in fact, for...

  • Web
    IPO Task Force Leader: JOBS Act a Wake-up Call for Startups

    "A lot of the noise in the market right now is about bringing back irresponsible IPOs. That is a short-lived strategy, and a wrong-headed strategy." This from Kate Mitchell, the former chair of the National Venture Capital Association, and current Managing Director of Scale Venture Partners. "Our objective is to...

  • Mobile
    The Nokia Lumia 900 Will Be the Key to Driving Developer Interest in Windows Phone

    The Windows Phone Marketplace is a sad, sorry place. It is a land of copycat games, worn-out titles and a plethora of apps that border on outright spam. Since the end of 2011, it has grown from about 40,000 apps to nearly 70,000, but any subjective analysis of those new...

  • Hack
    New IBM DB2 Database Adds “Time Travel” for Projecting Past, Future Data

    It's been the case for every SQL database in practical use since E. F. Codd first came up with the concept: Records either exist or they don't. When you run a SELECT statement, you're querying the current state of the data. A state is either true or false. As far...

  • Web
    FTC: Privacy Requirements May Be Relaxed for Small, Maybe Big Companies

    It's beginning to look a lot more like a "Consumer Privacy Bill of Suggestions" as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission today made recommendations about limiting the scope of any "Bill of Rights" emerging from the President's suggestions last February 23rd. Already, the framework is being presented as voluntary criteria for...

  • Social
    How to Monitor Your Facebook Network

    We have truly entered a social-networked monitoring society. So keep an eye on your Facebook friends. In 2009, Zuckerberg declared the age of privacy over. By making Facebook user information public by default, he really did mean it. He later backpedaled and removed the default public-facing status update, but the...

  • Entertainment
    6 Ways Spotify Could Improve Its Mobile User Experience

    Spotify hasn't even been available in the U.S. for an entire year. Still, its growth has been phenomenal, and it appears to be continuing unabated, thanks in part to its deep integration with Facebook. The product's other big initiative of the last several months has been its third-party app marketplace,...

  • Web
    Become Your Own Techmeme: Curating Big Data in the Cloud

    Easily the largest contributors to ReadWriteWeb's overall traffic on any given day include technology news aggregation services, one of them being Techmeme. It's a service that pulls interesting headlines from amid the ever-flowing sea of content, and compiles them into an amalgamated front page of what's happening; it's directed toward...

  • Mobile
    Pay With Square, and You Hardly Have to Interact at All

    Square updated its "pay by saying your name" app Card Case, simply renaming it Pay With Square. What's more interesting is the photo feature: If a customer turns on the auto-open tab, which shows location, merchants will be able to see how close the customer is before they even step...

  • Smartphone
    Smart Phone Brain Scanner 2: part I

    This Article is from Arek Stopczynski: Just one year ago our team at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) started Project Smartphone Brain Scanner. We obtained one Emotiv Epoc gaming neuroheadset and asked ‘can we make it fully mobile?’. This is how it has begun. If you managed to escape all the hype...

  • Hack
    Microsoft Uses RICO Laws To Take Down Zeus Command Servers

    The next time representatives from Microsoft come knocking on your door, it may be to actually seize your servers. And it is all legit, thanks to the RICO laws. The interesting thing is it is part of its digital crime efforts to disrupt botnet operators. On Friday, Microsoft staffers entered...

  • Hack
    AP Creates New Big Data Approach to its Article Archive

    If you are looking for large content repositories, you probably can't get much larger than the article archive of the Associated Press. Today they announced they have launched a content analysis tool that is used to search the millions of articles in their archives to create custom archive products for...

  • Mobile
    Deep Dive Into Ad Network Behavior on Android

    Ever wonder where tech reporters get all their fancy data? For instance, how do we know that 52% of mobile app sessions were for games in the first couple of months or 2012 or that the use of native apps versus the mobile Web is tied? The truth is that...

  • Web
    Want To Save Journalism? Start At The Bottom

    Recovering newspaper people get a little squeamish when you talk about things like click-through rates, page views and social reach. That's because most of us were raised on the belief that the best newspapers carried "All the news that's fit to print," not "All the news that's fit to share."...

  • Web
    South By Southwest as a Silicon Valley Startup: Time to Sell

    If the last few days at the South by Southwest Interactive conference in Austin are any indication, the technology and digital media industries have never been healthier. At least that's my interpretation of the vast amounts of free BBQ, booze, performances, parties, t-shirts, and toys that hundreds of brands and...

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