Results for "Analysis"

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  • Entertainment
    The State of Online Music Discovery

    Choosing music that someone else would like is more complex than suggesting toaster ovens or even movies. The reasons we like a song are highly subjective and can hinge on very specific, sometimes subtle characteristics. Thus music recommendation is a hard problem whose solution would simplify and brighten the lives...

  • Web
    AOL, Yahoo Mail Users Are Energy Hogs

    In an exceedingly odd metric, a new survey reveals that Yahoo Mail users consume far more power in their residences than do Gmail users. But AOL users appear to be the worst energy hogs of all. The reasons why might surprise you.According to an initial survey of 2.8 million U.S....

  • Web
    Sponsor Post: Social, Mobile and the Tip of the API Iceberg

    Editor's note: We offer our long-term sponsors the opportunity to write posts and tell their story. These posts are clearly marked as written by sponsors, but we also want them to be useful and interesting to our readers. We hope you like the posts and we encourage you to support...

  • Cloud
    Google’s BigQuery Gets Big Dashboards and Expanded Multiple Queries

    Google has been busy adding features to its BigQuery service in the six weeks since it became available. There are new visualization dashboards, the ability to process more concurrent queries and additional commands. Clearly, Google is trying to make this a go-to service for ad hoc data processing.Let's look at...

  • Web
    Startup Talent Wars: Why You Can’t Be Like Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs was not a people person. When in a rotten mood - which apparently was often - he’d storm around Apple reducing employees to tears. But he was Steve Jobs. And you’re not. Today’s startup founders are learning that hiring and keeping the best talent may be the most...

  • Web
    Researchers Find Online Photos are Worth Much More than 1,000 Words

    The next time you pull out your smartphone and snap a photo of a landmark to upload to Facebook, think about the broader implications: Not only are you sharing your experience with your friends, but you’re contributing a small piece of data that could one day build a model of...

  • Social
    Reimagining Finance: StockTwits

    Mary Meeker's recent Internet Trends presentation introduced a new buzzword into the tech world: reimagination. Meeker listed 50 different market categories that are in the process of being reimagined - in other words, disrupted or changed. Over the coming months, we'll profile some of the leading reimagineers of this Web...

  • Web
    What Facebook and Apple Will Gain by Teaming Up for iOS 6

    If the latest reports are to be believed, we'll soon be doing a lot more "liking" from our iDevices. That's because Apple is expected to roll out Facebook integration in iOS 6, allegedly not unlike it did with Twitter in the last major update to its mobile operating system. The baking...

  • Web
    Meet Our New Editors: Ted Greenwald and Fredric Paul

    Since ReadWriteWeb was acquired by SAY Media in December, we've been busy beefing up our editorial and writing team. Today I'm pleased to welcome Fredric Paul and Ted Greenwald to our growing team. Fred as our Business Editor, Ted as a Senior Editor. The two will be based in SAY...

  • Cloud
    Bandwidth Bottlenecks Stifle Pervasive Networks

    If pervasive networks, cloud computing and big data are going to deliver on their promise - to make increasingly vast quantities of information always available and understandable - something is going to have to be done about existing network architecture bottlenecks.This quiet but uncomfortable truth permeates the discussion of technology...

  • Web
    Google Warns Users of Government Hacker Attacks

    Never mind Stuxnet's infiltration of Iranian nuclear facilities - national governments are carrying out Internet attacks against private citizens, often their own. Now Google has stepped into the breach. If it detects an attack, the search giant says, it will warn the victim and block the perpetrator.Diplomatic cables leaked by...

  • Web
    HP Reveals Post-Acquisition Plans for Autonomy

    Last summer, when HP gave up on smartphones to place a $10.3 billion bet on semantic-search company Autonomy, then-CEO Leo Apotheker's bold plan was to create a new kind of enterprise search-enabled content management. Today, under new CEO Meg Whitman, the company revealed some of the fruits of that acquisition, including...

  • Web
    The Flame Virus: Spyware on an Unprecedented Scale

    Security researchers recently discovered one of the most complex instances of computer malware on record. Flame, which also goes by the names SkyWiper and Viper, has infected hundreds of computers across the Middle East and Europe. What does it do? Where did it come from? Who unleashed it?What makes Flame...

  • All Categories
    LinuxCon Japan 2012 – Schedule – Tizen

    Please note that the schedule is still fluid and will change as speakers and sessions are finalized. Wednesday, June 6th All Keynote Presentations Are In Room 503 8:30 Registration 9:15 Welcome Jim Zemlin, Executive Director at The Linux Foundation 9:30 Expectations for Tizen Dr. Kiyohito Nagata, Senior Vice President, NTT...

  • Work
    Cartoon: Why Social Media Matters for Your Customers

    It is time for another look at enterprise IT from our friends Chief and Chuck. If your management still thinks Facebook and Twitter are fads, then perhaps this cartoon will hit home. After all, if we could only just not be bothered all the time from our customers when they...

  • Web
    Oracle Bets Big on Social Message Management, Acquires Vitrue

    There's a belief (which, for some, has metastasized into a desperate hope) that how you say something online, not so much what you say, directly translates to whether you'll read it. Today, a corporation that's notorious for never changing the way it says anything, announced it's acquiring a company whose...

  • Web
    Rise of the Tech Bandits: John Gruber & Josh Topolsky, the Cool Kids

    Editor's note: In the Summer 2012 issue of SAY Magazine, Dan Frommer chronicles the history of tech blogging. For the rest of this week, Richard MacManus, who founded ReadWriteWeb in 2003, will be looking back on the early days.In our final look at the leading tech bloggers of this era,...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Google’s Knowledge Graph, SlideShark’s Presentation App and More

    Google unveiled the Knowledge Graph. SlideShark makes giving presentations via your iPad easy peasy. Learn more about these stories and many more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up. After the jump you'll find more of this week's top news stories on some of the key topics that are shaping the Web...

  • Web
    The Most Sought-After Silicon Valley Startups for Engineers

    On LinkedIn's blog today is a post about the top 10 most sought-after engineering startups in Silicon Valley. And no, Facebook and Google didn't make the cut because this was a list of companies with fewer than 500 employees. (Pinterest was number 6.) To compile the list, the company looked...

  • Web
    The Hottest IPO You’ve Never Heard Of

    With an expected valuation of close to $100 billion, it’s understandable that no one can stop talking about Facebook’s initial public offering this week. But while Facebook basks in the social media spotlight, companies tackling tough business problems are exciting investors, if not consumers. Workday, for example, is expected to...

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