Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Work
    Anatomy of an Anonymous Attack on the Vatican

    In the middle of last year, the hacking group Anonymous tried but failed to attack various Vatican Internet servers. A report that was just released by Imperva shows the extent of their prowess, and is a blueprint for other corporate security managers who want to try to protect their own...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Facebook Denies Reading Your Texts and more [UPDATED]

    According to the London Sunday Times, Facebook admitted to reading the text messages of users who had downloaded their smartphone app. Facebook denies this claim. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of...

  • Hack
    Three New Tools Bring Machine Learning Insights to the Masses

    Over the past few years, machine learning has quickly become the "secret sauce" of large-scale web sites. Machine learning systems have historically been hand-crafted by the small armies of computer science and mathematics Ph.D.s in employ at places like Google. With the growing popularity of machine learning and other statistical...

  • Web
    When Bots Go Mad

    There may or may not be robots that are truly "good" someday, but there will probably be bad robots, if there aren't already. If not bad robots, then bad robot situations. You can catch a taste of the feeling of what might go wrong in the robot pricing wars that...

  • Entertainment
    Torrents, Likes, Fans & Plays: How Bands at SXSW 2012 Stack Up Online [Infographic]

    While some decry the decline of the traditional music industry, we think it's hard not to get excited about the possibilities the future holds. It's true that major label revenue has dropped off a cliff over the last decade, but a whole new ecosystem is emerging. Today, music is easier...

  • Work
    Survey: 88% of Businesses Can’t Provide a Single Customer View

    If one of the goals of cloud computing is to enable anytime, anywhere access to a single view of a database, a study released today by the DataFlux division of SAS shows we may not be getting close to reaching it anytime soon. Some 551 data management professionals in North...

  • Hack
    IBM VP Anjul Bhambhri on the Era of the Data Scientist

    Just a few short years ago, the problem of database size scaling to colossal capacities that exceeded the scope of entire network storage units, seemed insurmountable. Today, it's practically under control, with a wealth of open source technology emerging not from database engineers but rather from Internet architects. Hadoop has...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Unknown Strategy Worries Stock Analysts

    For us mere mortals who probably won't get first crack at purchasing Facebook shares when the company goes public, the question becomes whether or not it's a solid investment.That will, of course, ultimately depend on where it prices. But at least one research firm is throwing up a caution flag...

  • Mobile
    Worldwide Reaction: Google’s Pending Absorption of Motorola

    If you think the smartphone you own today makes you more worldly, more cosmopolitan, then take a good look at this five-color geopolitical world map as perceived by Using data compiled from StatCounter's latest projections of mobile operating system usage country-by-country (the firm detects browser usage, and then backtracks...

  • Mobile
    Worldwide Reaction: Google’s Pending Absorption of Motorola

    If you think the smartphone you own today makes you more worldly, more cosmopolitan, then take a good look at this five-color geopolitical world map as perceived by Using data compiled from StatCounter's latest projections of mobile operating system usage country-by-country (the firm detects browser usage, and then backtracks...

  • Work
    Researchers Allege Defect in RSA Public Keys, Findings Questioned

    It's only a few weeks now before the annual security conference that bears the initials of the first commercial implementers of cryptographic security outside the government security sector. Just in time for RSA, a team of researchers based in Switzerland say they have uncovered evidence of a new flaw in...

  • Web
    Twitter Did NOT “Break” News of Whitney Houston’s Death

    MediaBistro's AllTwitter blog is claiming it has an exclusive on the Twitter user who "broke" the news of Whitney Houston's death a full hour before the mainstream media.Here's the problem with the claim: the user, @BarBeeBritt did nothing more than simply ask "Is Whitney Houston really dead?"It's been awhile since...

  • Web
    Romney Falls Victim to Latest Google Prank

    First there was linking President Bush with the words "miserable failure" on Google. Then last year Rick Santorum fell victim to another Google hack. This week it is Mitt Romney and the escapades of his long-distance car journey with his dog strapped on his car's roof that has gotten the...

  • Hack
    RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: CoffeeScript and Java Make Gains

    Here's a tip: If you want to gain traction with developers, having a name that calls caffeine to mind may not be a bad thing. OK, that may not be why CoffeeScript and Java are making gains on GitHub and Stack Overflow according to RedMonk's February 2012 language rankings, but...

  • Mobile
    [Updated] E.U. Commission & U.S. DOJ Approve Google’s Acquisition of Motorola

    Google has taken an important first step towards finalizing its acquisition of Motorola Mobility. Today the European Commission, the European Union's version of the Federal Trade Commission, approved the merger. The commission granted the approval, "mainly because it would not significantly modify the market situation in respect of operating systems...

  • Social
    Four Free Tools For Better Tweeting

    Just because you're not ready to shell out $99 per month to figure out the best times to tweet and post Facebook status updates doesn't mean you can't take better control of understanding your social media output.Indeed, paid Twitter analytics services may offer way more than the average user needs....

  • Web
    What Online Dating Can Teach Us About Social Media Sentiment Predictions

    Algorithms, and, more recently, social media sentiment, have been billed as the one-step panacea for all of life's problems. Tweak the algorithm just right and you get the perfect romantic partner. Read the social media sentiment correctly and you can become rich by predicting the ebb and flow of equities...

  • Web
    What Online Dating Can Teach Us About Social Media Sentiment Predictions

    Algorithms, and, more recently, social media sentiment, have been billed as the one-step panacea for all of life's problems. Tweak the algorithm just right and you get the perfect romantic partner. Read the social media sentiment correctly and you can become rich by predicting the ebb and flow of equities...

  • Social
    This App Tells You All About Your Facebook Friends, But Will It Make You Smarter?

    In the two weeks I have been using Wisdom, an iPad and iPhone app that gives you detailed demographic data about your Facebook friends, the number of users has gone from just over 4 million to just under 6 million. Part of that rapid growth is most likely attributable to...

  • Social
    Study Suggests Content Matters On Twitter

    Will this article get re-tweeted? According to a new HP Labs white paper, we can now predict whether or not it will become popular on Twitter.The findings are crucial because most previous analysis of how tweets travel have focused on who has been tweeting as opposed to what they have...

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