Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Entertainment
    Cartoon: The Beast Must Be Fed

    Yes, yes, the Internet is killing old media companies. But every once in a while, they take their revenge. They put us through agony over the threats of god-awfullegislationlike SOPA, currently before the U.S. Congress. They cackle as Canucks and other non-Americans grind their molars to dust every time we...

  • rfid-wireless-battery
    Interview with Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation, Part II

    Given Zemlin's unique perspective as someone at the heart of the open source community (see Part I of this interview), I was keen to hear his views on why he thought Linux was becoming so successful in the embedded sector. His analysis was interesting: "Linux has reached this critical mass...

  • Social
    What the Social Web Can Learn from Burning Man

    Burning Man is, in some ways, a virtual world. It's not unlike Second Life: a flat, empty plane onto which creator/participants build a temporary society however they can, making every decision into a work of art. Indeed, Second Life founder Philip Rosedale is a longtime Burner himself, and the Burning...

  • Web
    How To Use Google+

    Waiting for a Google Plus invite? Google is rolling out the service in waves and you can expect it to become a ubiquitous social option in the coming months. We have been playing with the service since getting invites yesterday and there are a lot of things to like about...

  • Work
    Be Careful Whom You Befriend on Social Networks

    We all know that cyberspace can be a nasty place, but a new study from Bitdefender shows exactly how easy it is to compromise personal information across social media. The study found 100 people at random that fit into two categories - professional IT security workers and hackers - and...

  • Work
    Op-Ed: Stop Feeding Facebook, It’s Time for Moderation

    The answer is to moderate our use of and dependence on social media, especially Facebook.Frictionless sharing, the act of passively notifying social media of all manner of activity, scares the hell out of me. Not just because of the obvious privacy implications. Frictionless sharing turns up the volume on useless...

  • Entertainment
    What Technology Wants: Kevin Kelly’s Theory of Evolution for Technology

    Over the past week I read Kevin Kelly's latest book, What Technology Wants. It's a highly ambitious and expansive book, which looks at technology from an evolutionary perspective. Over 350 pages, Kelly outlines and explores technology as a living system, akin to humanity's biological evolution. The title alludes to this...

  • Web
    5 Tips for Raising a Venture Round

    While certainly not every business needs to raise venture financing, it is the path for many high-growth technology startups. Therefore, going down the fundraising path is something many technology entrepreneurs will need to do and is a critical step in the development of their business. This can be an intimidating...

  • Web
    Forget PIN Numbers, Apple Wants to Let You Unlock Your iPhone With Your Face

    Compared to how things used to be done with desktop computers, accessing your smartphone seems as instantaneous as it gets. You just pick up the device, tap a button, slide a finger to the right, enter (or Swype) your passcode and you're in. The whole process takes about two seconds...

  • Entertainment
    Jason Calacanis: “Blogging Is Dead” & Why “Stupid People Shouldn’t Write”

    "Blogging is largely dead.""There are a lot of stupid people out there ... and stupid people shouldn't write.""There needs to be a better system for tuning down the stupid people and tuning up the smart people."Serial entrepreneur and publisher Jason Calacanis has never been opposed to saying what is on...

  • Mobile
    The iPad Turns One: My Top 10 iPad Apps Over the Past Year

    On April 3, 2010, Apple officially launched its much anticipated tablet: the iPad. It was the most hyped tech product of the year, but for many of us the hype turned out to be justified. My own Web browsing habits were immediately changed by the iPad. Indeed, I'm writing a...

  • Web
    Can Big Data Be Outsourced? Mu Sigma’s $150 Million in VC Backing

    They say Big Data is going to be big business, big innovation - a big deal. But how is it going to go down? Applied math and decision science company Mu Sigma announced more than $100 million in new venture backing yesterday, including from previous investors Sequoia Capital, bringing the...

  • Web
    The Other Steve Jobs: Censorship, Control and Labor Rights

    The death of Steve Jobs has rocked people the world over, affecting everyone from the most hardcore Apple fanboy to Barack Obama to all those gathered outside the new Apple store in Shanghai. While Steve Jobs will be remembered for revolutionizing personal computing, the music industry, consumer mobile products, film...

  • Hack
    If HTML5 Kills the Blog Format, I Won’t Shed a Tear

    At the end of this discourse, to borrow a phrase from my hero, Edward R. Murrow, a few people may accuse this reporter of fouling his own comfortable nest. But if you've seen this nest recently, you know that if it was fouled to any considerable degree, it might not...

  • Work
    What Steve Meant Back Then

    I promise I didn't write this in advance, waiting for the appropriate moment to unleash it from the vault of pre-conceived, pre-digested stories about the deceased the way one fills in the Free Space in the middle of "N" on the Bingo card. When people would ask me, what will...

  • Web
    Can the World’s Next Political Revolution Be Predicted By Computers?

    Big data and sentiment analysis can do amazing things, whether it's in the enterprise or in the quest to create compelling applications and experiences for consumers. But can technology trends such as these actually predict major real-world events? As sci-fi as it may sound, that's exactly what researcher Kalev Leetaru...

  • Web
    Stop Whining About Netflix and Redbox Price Increases

    In the last few months, Netflix has lost 800,000 subscribers and Redbox is being accused of "pulling a Netflix" due to price increases. From the whining about Redbox and Netflix online, you'd think that the companies were demanding customers' first-born children. The reality is that both companies have been entirely...

  • Web
    How Storifying Occupy Wall Street Saved The News

    In the dead of night on Monday, November 14, Zuccotti Park in New York City was raided by police. In the preceding days, there were crackdowns at several of the major Occupy protests around the country. The effort had apparently been coordinated between cities. Monday night's actions against the original...

  • Hack Challenge 4th Inning: The Point of No Return

    Hinds Hall, Syracuse University campus, 2:48 am ET November 11 - Three in the morning is a magical time. There's a certain weightlessness about 3 am, when you're up all night working on a huge project, after midnight has hurdled you into the great unknown, when you realize you're reaching...

  • Mobile
    5 Things Apple Can Learn From Third Party iPad Web Browsers

    For all the wonders of Apple's iPad, one feature that's always been a little underwhelming is its native Web browser. Like on the iPhone, Safari for the iPad definitely gets the job done and is overall a pretty solid browser in terms of performance, but there are few features that...

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