Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Mobile
    How Facebook Mobile Was Designed to Write Once, Run Everywhere

    Facebook has the most downloaded native application of all time. It also has perhaps the most visited mobile website of all time with nearly 350 million users and growing, using everything from basic feature phones to the smartest smartphones. It is available everywhere. The company started working on mobile solutions...

  • Web
    Redux August 2011: Disgruntled Canadian Developer Behind Internet Explorer IQ “Study” Hoax

    After making the rounds on the Internet for a few days, a news story about research purporting to show that Internet Explorer users tend to have low IQ scores was revealed this morning to be a hoax. Evidently, the study, the press release and the supposed company that released it...

  • Web
    How CloudFlare Aims to Save the Future of the Internet, With an Amazon-Style Technology Roll Out, for Free

    Baby trashes bar in Las PalmasOne year ago a distributed DNS and content delivery network startup called CloudFlare launched at a TechCrunch event. It didn't win. ReadWriteWeb's Frederic Lardinois wrote about its promise to "speed up your website by an average of 30% and dramatically decrease your bandwidth usage and...

  • Web
    Redux June 2011: Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles

    Final update: Three months after ReadWriteWeb first described these plans in detail, Google announces Google Circles as part of a larger social initiative. It is as we reported it.We believe that Google will preview a major new social service called Google Circles at South by Southwest Interactive today. Update:Google has...

  • Web
    5 Tools to Improve Your Idea Before You Write a Line of Code

    In my last post on ReadWriteStart, I talked about how, in many cases, it wasn't an advantage to build your start-up in stealth mode. As a continuation of that theme, I thought it would be interesting to explore five tools you can use to iterate and improve your startup idea...

  • Hack
    Hilary Mason Wants To Get You Started With Big Data

    I spent part of this week with Hilary Mason, one of the smartest people that I know in Big Data. She works as the Chief Scientist for and has a wealth of skills at her fingertips that bridge computer science and mathematics. Plus, she is used to facing largely...

  • Mobile
    New Wikipedia Layer on Geoloqi Gives You Vision Beyond the Greek Gods

    Last night I rode my wife's bike through North East Portland, Oregon and my new favorite iPhone app purred in my pocket with push notifications each time I passed through a new little neighborhood. "King is a neighborhood bounded by MLK and the river..." it whispered (in text). "Vernon is...

  • Hack
    KORE Telematics’ Alex Brisbourne (Part 2): Marketing the Internet of Things

    It is no surprise to anyone who has covered either the computing or telecommunications markets for any length of time that manufacturers' visions of the future are centered around the ubiquity of the products they create. The 2007 vision of ubiquitous communications among carriers revolved around a kind of flip-phone...

  • Web
    How Mobile Payments Will Evolve In the Next Several Years

    Mobile payment has become a mainstream tech topic in the last couple of years, mirroring the rise of smartphones and application stores. E-commerce is becoming m-commerce. The focus point of the buzz has been the evolution of near-field communications as related to smartphones. The thing is, nobody in the payments...

  • Work
    Remembering Dennis Ritchie, Creator of the C Programming Language and UNIX Co-Creator

    Dennis M. Ritchie, co-creator of UNIX and father of the C programming language, died this past weekend after a long illness. It's no exaggeration to say that without Ritchie, modern computing would not be what it is today. Often known as "dmr," Ritchie was born in Bronxville, NY in 1941....

  • Mobile
    How the Boston Globe Pulled Off HTML5 Responsive Design

    On Monday, The Boston Globe released its new premium content mobile initiative dubbed That is not to be confused with, its free flagship website. This unto itself is not all that interesting. Yet, the HTML5 development community is heaping praise on primarily for how the sites renders...

  • Web
    4chan’s Chris Poole: Facebook & Google Are Doing It Wrong

    Chris Poole delivered the most powerful 10 minutes of Web philosophy of the afternoon at Web 2.0. The man formerly known as moot - founder of anonymous image sharing den 4chan and its new, better-lit cousin, Canvas, gave us a rousing and principled picture of what the big players get...

  • Web
    The Future of the Camera

    First it was smartphones integrating cameras. Could we be about to see the inverse - cameras integrating smartphone technology? That's the concept being explored by Seattle design company Artefact. They've come up with an intriguing prototype for a camera that incorporates smartphone technology - a.k.a. a SmartCam. Artefact claims that...

  • Web
    Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: Free Apps, Ad-Supported Business Models => Dangerous!

    At today's roundtable, the last for 2011, we had four different countries represented and an intense set of discussions on five very interesting businesses - a fabulous event to end the year with.BootstrapTodayAnand Agarwal from Pune, India, pitched BootStrapToday, an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) SaaS solution from his company Sensible...

  • Web
    VMware’s 10-point Plan for Disaster Recovery

    There is a continuing change in the way businesses are thinking about the concept of disaster recovery and system maintenance, brought on perhaps for the first time since the advent of the Internet itself by government agencies. In researching how huge, country-wide data networks should plan for the contingency of...

  • Web
    GoDaddy’s SOPA Support Sparks Calls for Boycotts and Domain Transfers

    The list of companies that support the controversial piece of U.S. legislation called the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is fairly predictable. It includes huge media conglomerates, music industry groups, pharmaceutical companies and the like. One name that stands out, however, is that of domain name registrar GoDaddy. Whereas many...

  • Work
    CES 2013 Minus Microsoft: No More Tomorrow-land

    There's a good possibility that Microsoft may have made a bigger splash by exiting the keynote address and booth presence at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show than it made by being there in the four years leading up to 2012. If CES were an accurate barometer of consumer sentiment, then...

  • Cloud
    Alcatel-Lucent 10/40GbE Switch Throttles Up the “Carrier Cloud”

    We've talked here before in ReadWriteWeb about the so-called "carrier cloud" concept being developed by Alcatel-Lucent. Think about the level of interconnectivity your enterprise data center would need to present voice and multimedia data to customers at carrier speed, while at the same time transferred to a cloud platform that's...

  • All Categories
    Intel Consolidates Mobile Businesses for Another Phone Push

    Intel has consolidated its mobile efforts into a single business unit, its latest attempt to propel its chips into phones and tablets. According to a report by Fortune, the new "mobile and communications" group within Intel will be led by Mike Bell and Hermann Eul, consolidating the mobile communications, netbook...

  • Mobile
    Teen Girls Text Nearly 1.5X As Much As Their Boy Counterparts

    Teens sure do love their texting. New data from Nielsen proves it. According to an analysis of 65,000+ mobile subscribers' phone bills, U.S. teens have tripled their data usage. In the third quarter of 2011, teens aged 13-17 averaged 320 MB of data per month. This number has increased 256%...

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