Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Social
    When Does 500 Million Equal A Lot Less Than 500 Million? When Twitter Hits Its Next Milestone

    Much is being made out of projections by Twitter tracking service Twopcharts's projections that Twitter will activate its 500 millionth account next month, but a closer look at the microblogging service's growth shows anything but a steady rise.Twitter passed the 200 million mark last February and then, on May 18,...

  • Web
    Top 0 Lessons Learned from the SOPA Protest

    So what just happened? Well, several of the world's most prominent Web destinations interrupted their regular programming to remind their readers of the dangers of a world where certain content may be arbitrarily made to disappear. For most Americans, this was probably the first they'd seen of any efforts by...

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    MapR CEO: Hadoop Will Be Less About NoSQL, More About Parity

    Last month, veteran IDC analyst Dan Vesset predicted that while Hadoop will become a standard component of the modern data center, by 2015 the market around Hadoop will have matured at such a rate that the major players we recognize today probably would no longer exist. MapR - a commercial...

  • Web
    On the Eve of the iPad 3, Apple to Rethink Textbooks and Education

    The unveiling of the third generation of Apple's iPad is still, unofficially, weeks away. That isn't stopping the company from taking a crack at the way tablets and other mobile devices could change the way people learn. Tomorrow, Apple is expected to reveal its latest plans in the education space...

  • Web
    The Broadcast World Takes Interest in the SOPA/PIPA Debate

    There are parts of the world where it's understandably difficult for the topic of Internet piracy, or the theft of U.S. intellectual property, to be elevated to critical significance. There is still rioting in Syria, a cruise ship has run aground killing some passengers, and Japan is still struggling to...

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    Interview with Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation Part II

        Given Zemlin's unique perspective as someone at the heart of the open source community (see Part I of this interview), I was keen to hear his views on why he thought Linux was becoming so successful in the embedded sector. His analysis was interesting: "Linux has reached this...

  • Web
    White House Strangles SOPA, Citing Censorship, Security Concerns

    In a statement on behalf of the Obama administration this morning, a trio of senior officials including the nation's Chief Technology Officer made clear that any anti-piracy legislation passing the President's desk would not create risks of censorship, nor would it condone any alterations to the Internet's domain name system...

  • Web
    Why Facebook’s Data Sharing Matters

    Facebook has cut a deal with political website Politico that allows the independent site machine-access to Facebook users' messages, both public and private, when a Republican Presidential candidate is mentioned by name. The data is being collected and analyzed for sentiment by Facebook's data team, then delivered to Politico to...

  • Work
    NPD: Consumer Sales Continued Dip in December, PCs Not to Blame

    It seemed like everything was going so well. Holiday mall traffic was said to be brisk, consumer sentiment seemed to be thawing a bit, even the unemployment numbers made a U-turn just before critical mass and started heading nicely downward. Then came reports of exceptions to the general rule of...

  • Social
    Congressmen Wary of Facebook Patent That Seeks to Track User Information

    The Hill reports that Reps. Edward Markey (D-Mass) and Joe Barton (R-Texas), co-chairmen of the Congressional Privacy Caucus, have accused Facebook of evading questions related to whether it tracks users' online activities to deliver more targeted ads. The congressmen were not satisfied with Facebook's response to questions raised by a...

  • Work
    How to Sort Googlers According to Myers Briggs

    If you are a fan of Myers-Briggs, the psychological testing that is commonly used by many employers, then you'll like this infographic that looks at the entire Googleplex and segments them into the 16 different categories. I was heartened to see that my type, ISTJ, is in the majority. Not...

  • Web
    Will Data Collection on User Behavior Be Forced to End Soon?

    Harvard Business Review ran three interesting short pieces in this month's magazine, under the misleadingly timeless title "Tackling Business Problems." The three essays are actually guest submissions from business radicals, the final of the three being from social media luminary Doc Searls.Traditional Customer Relationship Management is dead meat, Searls argues....

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    How Google Tweaked Its Search Algorithms In December

    Google's monthly search improvement digest is a whopper this month, describing 30 highlighted changes to the way Google search works. This month, Google has started adding code names to make the changes easier to remember and follow.The tweaks are a little bit scattered, affecting all different aspects of Google's search...

  • Web
    Google’s First Crack At U.S. Election Coverage Made Waves In Iowa

    My main man Steve Myers over at Poynter has broken down the outcome of a brand new phenomenon in the coverage of elections. Google's U.S. elections portal, launched just ahead of the Iowa Caucuses on January 3, provided more useful data about the caucus results than the Associated Press did....

  • Work
    Gartner: Next, Social Networks Will Sell Insurance, Become Banks

    A recently published business development analysis by research firm Gartner looked into social networks' need for a more structurally sound revenue stream, and came to the conclusion that to maintain viability and competitiveness, they will soon enter the financial services industry. One Gartner analyst, Juergen Weiss, went so far as...

  • Mobile
    The Clincher: Multitouch Ultrabooks Still Reliant on Touchpads

    The promises from Intel on the week before CES 2012 in Las Vegas speak of a device that's as lightweight as a tablet, but that has the full keyboard users require to do real-world work, and the Windows 8 operating system they need for their everyday software. It's a "tablet...

  • Mobile
    First Signs of an Intel Windows 8 Ultrabook: Here We Go Again

    For at least seven years running, Intel has been working to specify a form factor for lightweight, mobile computing devices. No, not tablets. As early as 2005, the first whispers of a joint Intel/Microsoft specification were bandied about, where Intel specifies the internals, and they supply the plastic. At the...

  • Web
    VMware’s Gaetan Castelein: Transitioning to Disaster Avoidance

    The evolution of VMware's disaster recovery guidance for customers is taking it in a direction that is actually less focused on the disaster itself, and more on business continuity. That's changing the very economics of disaster recovery (DR) software itself, according to VMware infrastructure product manager Gaetan Castelein.In an interview...

  • Web
    Washington Post Launches App To Track “Social Media Success” In Presidential Primaries

    The Washington Post launched a new app Tuesday aimed at tracking mentions of presidential candidates on Twitter.@MentionMachine was developed exclusively for the newspaper and was launched in conjunction with Tuesday's Iowa Caucus, the official start of primary season for the 2012 Presidential Election. The app uses Twitter's streaming API while...

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    Iowa Tested Social Media’s Ability To Make Political Predictions

    Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney won last night's Iowa Caucus by eight votes, and the consensus on what role Twitter and social media played in the contest may be just as evenly split.Jenn Deering Davis of TweetReach, a social media analytics service by San Francisco-based Appozite that tracks Twitter mentions...

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