Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Social
    A Life Lived Online: How We Talk About Death on Social Media

    Death is a part of life, both on and offline. Facebook and MySpace become gathering spaces for the living to mourn their fallen friends. What kind of language do people use to express their grief?A new study out of the University of California at Irvine's School of Information and Computer...

  • Web
    Four (Competing) Approaches to Security in the Mobile + Cloud Era

    "When you give the power to the users, sometimes this can cause a lot of problems." This from Check Point Software Technologies security evangelist Tomer Teller, in a recent interview with ReadWriteWeb. Check Point is the current distributor of the ZoneAlarm firewall for Windows, which set new standards a decade...

  • Hack
    Gravity Announces Labs and Open Source Projects

    Gravity, a company that provides "interest graphs" based on content visited by users has announced Gravity Labs.Gravity Labs is, as CTO Jim Benedetto puts it, "an initial peek into our underlying interest graph infrastructure as well as a showcase of some of our Open Source projects."Some of the Labs projects...

  • Work
    How Windows 8 Succeeds From Here: A Prognosis

    We live in a post-something era. This much, Microsoft is willing to concede; the iPad's thundering success changed the landscape. It has shown that the buyer is willing to imagine a different form factor than the PC commanding her principal information delivery platform. Apple has yet to conquer that platform,...

  • Social
    The Eye Test: Determining What Problems Ambient Location Apps Solve

    After calling shenanigans on ambient social location apps last week, the reaction I have seen has been mixed. For the most part people agree with me: these apps will be consumer duds. The technology and philosophy behind many of these apps is sound as the concept of implicit social graphs...

  • Fund
    Crowdfunding Moves Closer to Congressional Approval

    In the House of Representatives yesterday we were treated to a rare showing of bipartisanship. The House passed HR 3606 to make changes to our securities laws allowing crowdfunded companies and other early-stage ventures to legally solicit investors. Now it is up to the Senate to pass its equivalent bill...

  • Social
    “I Wanna Live Forever,” or How We Die on Social Networks

    The 1990s Britipop band Oasis' song "Live Forever" was written by bandmember Noel Gallagher in 1991, shortly after his foot was crushed by a pipe while working. With more time on his hands, he was able to focus on song lyrics. This is how it ends: "We're gonna live forever...

  • Work
    Redrawing the Battle Lines: What We Actually Learned at RSA 2012

    Passwords are dead. Of course, passwords have been dead for over a decade, but the problem with this dead technology is that it just won't die. The successful breach of security nearly one year ago on the RSA division of EMC targeted an all-too-weak two-factor authentication system.For a moment during...

  • Hack
    Can Data Tell the Story of a Location? Discovering Haight Street

    With the right data, you can get a pretty interesting picture of an area. Whether it's a state, city, or even a street, you can learn a lot from data. Do you need to pack a coat if you're visiting in March? What's the elevation, cost of living, how many...

  • Web
    Don’t Bet On Social Media Picking Super Tuesday Winners

    We've been skeptical of social media's ability to predict election results, but that hasn't stopped a slew of social media experts spending the eve of Super Tuesday from rolling out predictions for Republican presidential primaries in nine states tomorrow.The reason we're skeptical is simple: social media is often echoing poll...

  • Mobile
    The Benefits and Pitfalls of ESPN’s new Developer Center

    What do you do when you have a treasure trove of valuable data that developers would love to get their hands on? Release an API and let them create applications for you. That is precisely what sports network ESPN did today by announcing its Developer Center replete with multiple APIs...

  • Mobile
    The Benefits and Pitfalls of ESPN’s new Developer Center

    What do you do when you have a treasure trove of valuable data that developers would love to get their hands on? Release an API and let them create applications for you. That is precisely what sports network ESPN did today by announcing its Developer Center replete with multiple APIs...

  • Mobile
    AT&T Clarifies Data Throttling Policy but Still Faces User Backlash

    When it comes to data throttling, there is no way that U.S. mobile carriers can win the war of public opinion. That goes double for AT&T and its PR fiasco over the last couple of weeks over its throttling of unlimited data plans. A California man won an $850 settlement...

  • Social
    Exposé Details Facebook’s Growing Pains

    Fortune magazine released an exposé of Facebook that portrays Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg as a leader who promoted friends over qualified Facebook employees and may have been too focused on "extracurricular" activities as the public face of the soon-to-be public social network."She encourages others to keep a low profile,...

  • Smartphone
    Application – Sports Tracker for Nokia N9/N950 updated v1.01 – MeeGo Harmattan

      The app comes the with the tried and true tracking features, the training diary and the ability to share workouts on Facebook, Twitter and The Diary will also sync your workouts to for backup and further analysis on the bigger screen. Sports Tracker features on Nokia N9:...

  • Work
    Strata Conference 2012: The End of Big Data Hype?

    Last year, I was slated to attend the first O'Reilly Strata Conference, but the 2011 Snowpocalypse intervened and said "no flights for you, St. Louis." Not only did I miss the inaugural Strata Conference, but it seems like I missed out on all the hype and irrational exuberance for big...

  • Entertainment
    Why Video Games Are Good for Your Kids

    Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt of "The Modern Parent's Guide to Kids and Video Games," by Scott Steinberg, which is free to download at addition to understanding the many real concerns that today's parents have with video games, it's also worth considering the benefits and positive aspects...

  • Social Facebook-Connected Online Dating That Isn’t Creepy

    Most 21st century humanoids have probably either at one point tried online dating or dissed online dating. Or both. We have reached a new point in history, at which we either do not feel like we can meet people in real life, or we are too encumbered by technology, or...

  • Web
    Expert Panel at RSA 2012: Who’s Responsible for Cloud Security?

    "Whose problem is this? Whose problem is a vulnerability in an app? Is it the app developers? Is it the service provider of the operating system? Or is it the distribution center of the application?"These aren't questions presented to an expert panel by attendees at the Cloud Security Alliance Summit...

  • Work
    Anatomy of an Anonymous Attack on the Vatican

    In the middle of last year, the hacking group Anonymous tried but failed to attack various Vatican Internet servers. A report that was just released by Imperva shows the extent of their prowess, and is a blueprint for other corporate security managers who want to try to protect their own...

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