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    2012 Embedded Linux Conference Schedule

      Please note that the schedule is still fluid and will change as speakers and sessions are finalized. Wednesday, February 15th All Keynote Presentations Are In Grand Ballroom Champagne Bordeaux Veranda 8:00am Registration 9:00am The Kernel Report Jon Corbet, Editor at 10:00am Break 10:30am Saving the Power Consumption of...

  • Web
    Windows on ARM: Yes, There’s a Desktop; No, It’s Not Compatible

    While Apple's preferred method for introducing customers to new products is with a gala stage event, Microsoft's method has become the doling out of information in carefully timed lumps through corporate blog posts. Today, a rather hefty lump (almost the size of one of my analysis articles) was doled out...

  • Web
    Web Pros: Candidates Are Running Neck-And-Neck In Mediocre Web Design

    Politics is partisan and objective, but Web design is often much more subjective: you know good Web design when you see it.Unless, of course, you're a presidential candidate and his campaign staff. We asked expert Web designers to evaluate the major presidential candidates' campaign Web sites. The candidates got okay,...

  • Entertainment
    Were and “Group Listening” Just a Summertime Fad?

    Other than Spotify, there could hardly have been a more buzz-worthy music startup this summer than The group listening and virtual DJing app seemed to come out of nowhere and take the Web by storm, grabbing funding and users in huge quantities. The company, which rose from the pivot-generated...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Path Steps In It and more

    Path uploads your entire address book to their servers. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you a daily recap of what you missed in...

  • Web
    Wolfram Alpha Pro is “Freemium” Done Right

    Wolfram Alpha isn't the "Google killer" that many hyped it up to be prior to its 2009 launch. Instead, the self-described computational knowledge engine takes a completely different approach to letting users find and analyze information. Rather than scouring the Web and ranking everybody's pages in the order it thinks...

  • Social
    Analytics From “Most Social Super Bowl” Reveals Chat Wasn’t About Football

    Although predictions last week raised expectations about the role that social media would play in reshaping what has historically been one of the most engaging non-holiday events in the U.S. every year, the first analysis of yesterday's public social network data by advertising analysis firm Networked Insights makes a compelling...

  • Web
    Most Brands Failed To Connect Super Bowl Ads To Social Media

    Forget what all those ad executives tweeting on #brandbowl and #whartonfoa told you last night: There were 87 commercials during last night's Super Bowl, but very few of them failed to meaningfully connect their message to their social media platforms.The ad execs praised the use of Twitter hashtags, even going...

  • Web
    Believe It Or Not, There’s An Upside To Diminished Online Privacy

    Sunday's New York Times was a Luddite's dream. Tthe paper's Sunday Review section had three lengthy opinion pieces dedicated to "Life Under Digital Dominance" (their words, not mine), including Evgeny Morozov's lengthy treatise that social media will kill originality because we're all too afraid to publicly "like" something on Facebook...

  • Mobile
    Apsalar’s Daily Cohorts Gives Mobile Developers Real-Time Analytics to Engage Users

    The first interactions a user has with an app will determine its overall success ands longevity. If a user likes an app, its long-term potential greatly increases. If not, well, it is destined to the black hole of app oblivion.That is why the ability to track the first few sessions...

  • Work
    What You Missed at Monki Gras

    If you didn't make it to London for Monki Gras, the follow on conference to Monktoberfest, you missed out on quite a lot of great content and beer.The conference is organized by RedMonk, an unusual analyst firm. Their conferences, reflecting the analysts at RedMonk, are unusual as well. The Portland,...

  • Hack
    Data Visualization for People Who Don’t Visualize Data: CA ERwin 8.2

    In enterprises everywhere, including even the largest ones, the transition to cloud-based architectures has brought a new class of managers into the computing process. Suddenly, personnel managers and folks whose purview had been limited to finance and personnel, are being doubled-up with oversight roles for cloud deployments. The back office...

  • Work
    A Ludicrous Value Proposition, If Not From Facebook

    Some weeks ago, I happened to drive by an evangelistic church whose outdoor marquis speaks about as well of the present times as any I've come across. "And there followed hail and fire mixed with blood," it read, "and they were cast upon the Earth. Like us on Facebook!"The initial...

  • Work
    [Case Study] Lessons in High Performance Computing with Open Source

    Providing adequate software and tools for researchers has always been of great importance to organizations, but has often come at a great cost. In an era of constantly evolving technology and rapidly dwindling budgets, my IT team has had to work with a large pool of researchers to provide cost-effective...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Biggest Risks Explained

    Facebook is about to jump into unfriendly waters. If founder Mark Zuckerberg thought the company faced fierce competitors in Silicon Valley, he is about to find that the denizens of Wall Street are not nearly so forgiving. There are risks to going public. How does the world perceive your company?...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Biggest Risks Explained

    Facebook is about to jump into unfriendly waters. If founder Mark Zuckerberg thought the company faced fierce competitors in Silicon Valley, he is about to find that the denizens of Wall Street are not nearly so forgiving. There are risks to going public. How does the world perceive your company?...

  • Web
    How IT Addresses the Growing Cost of Poorly Planned Changes

    "I like to describe the roots of all evil being unplanned, or poorly planned, changes," states Jimmy Augustine of HP Software. "Somewhere between 70% and 80% of all service disruptions are caused by faulty changes. Somebody goes in and makes a security change to a network device, and brings down...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Lanyrd’s Innovative HTML5 Mobile App and More

    Dan Rowinski takes a look at how Lanyrd has created a great mobile web app using HTML5. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you...

  • Web
    Daily Wrap: Lanyrd’s Innovative HTML5 Mobile App and More

    Dan Rowinski takes a look at how Lanyrd has created a great mobile web app using HTML5. This and more in today's Daily Wrap.Sometimes it's difficult to catch everything that hits tech media in a day, so we wrap up some of the most talked about stories. We give you...

  • Mobile
    Opera Mini Predicts the Winner of Super Bowl XLVI

    I am not going to lie to you. I am a little distracted this week. You would be too if your favorite NFL team were in the Super Bowl. I am spending an inordinate amount of time reading about the Patriots and the Giants when I should, you know, be...

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