Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Social
    Study: Facebook Timeline Improves Fan Engagement For Brands

    Facebook posts by brands live longer on Timeline than they did prior to the social network’s massive overhaul, according to a study released Monday.While the analysis by London-based social media analytics firm Sotrender is limited in scope, covering just 130 brands headquartered in the U.K. and 5,000 posts, it is the first...

  • Web
    Read/Write Daily: Let’s Avoid Black Holes, Okay?

    Today's theme is stellar bodies. Human spaceflight might be in a state of limbo lately, but we're still getting some breathtaking images from our automated explorers.Whether far away or close to home, it sure is beautiful out there.One of the most exciting finds this week was a black hole devouring a...

  • Web
    Read/Write Daily: Does It Makes Sense To Build A Death Star?

    Today's theme is Big Brother. Government has hard problems to solve. Whether it's military objectives or legal regulations, governments spend huge sums on new tech to make their jobs easier.Some programs are scarier than others.It is apparently legal for Air Force drones to spy on American citizens now, as long...

  • Hack
    Improvements in New York Times’ Fech Makes It Easier to Follow the Money

    Having data available electronically is not the same thing as the data being useful. Campaign finance disclosures provided electronically by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), are a good example of that. The New York Times's Fech (not "fetch") is a RubyGem - a packaged application - designed to help journalists...

  • Social
    Who Will Survive The Social Media Bubble?

    Second in a five-part series.A New York Times article in Sunday's editions highlighted smaller, niche social networks that gave people more control over their privacy when compared to the giants such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. The article reviewed Path (for sharing with a small group of people), FamilyLeaf (for sharing...

  • Work
    Boutique Chic: Five Great Analysts Who Are Under the Radar

    There's a reason that IDC, Forrester, and Gartner are so big. They offer scale and coverage that small firms can't match, and they attract industry heavyweights who can make or break emerging technologies. But there's a downside to scale. Unless you're a corporate whale, it's easy to get lost in...

  • Web
    What Everyone Needs to Learn from the Data Journalism Handbook

    It's hard to pay attention to the business of journalism without hearing about data journalism or data-driven journalism. But despite all the discussion of the topic, there's precious little documentation to guide practicing and future journalists in becoming proficient in it. The Data Journalism Handbook aims to fix that, albeit...

  • Web
    Bullpen Capital’s Duncan Davidson on VC Funding and “The Era of Cheap”

    For a technology startup company to launch an initial product and survive long enough to gauge its success, requires two-orders-of-magnitude less money today than at the start of the previous decade. This from a man who knows from having made bigger investments that are smaller: Duncan Davidson, Managing Director of...

  • Web
    Good News! Angels Are Getting More Optimistic

    If you’re looking for angel investors, there’s good news afoot. The latest 2011 Angel Market Analysis, recently released by the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire, shows not only that there are more angels around, but that they are investing more money in more companies.Here’s a...

  • Work
    $700 Ultrabooks Won’t Challenge the MacBook Air

    Steve Jobs, the late Apple chief executive, famously claimed that his company did not know how to make a $500 mobile computer that was not a "piece of junk." That was in 2008, when cheap, mini-laptops called netbooks were all the rage and Apple took heat for not having a...

  • Web
    5 Things to Look for During Apple’s Earnings Today

    Apple will report its March quarter earnings this afternoon, including the first few weeks of new iPad sales. Be sure to join us for coverage and analysis starting after 4 p.m. ET, 1 p.m. PT.It hasn't been the busiest of quarters for Apple, but there's at least five things we'll...

  • Web
    Skytap Offers Better Remote Access to Its Cloud

    Skytap, a cloud service provider that claims to have more than a million hosted VMs in its cloud, today announced three new improvements to its service that will ease testing and operating collections of new virtual machines (VMs). The three features include better remote access, customizable usage reports and a...

  • Work
    Top 10 Windows 8 Features #9: File History

    The disk maintenance tools that Microsoft ships with Windows have always been, at best, tolerable. Now that there's an entire industry centered around archival storage systems and services, it's about time Microsoft gave its consumer versions of Windows a file archiving system appropriate for the 21st century.Replacing Windows Backup, Windows...

  • Entertainment
    Can Anonymous Fix Online Music?

    The digital music space is flourishing, yet at the same time, it remains fractured by a multitude of separate services and apps.It's a problem that hacktivist collective Anonymous blames on the dominance that major labels still exert over the industry. The solution, the group says, is what it calls a...

  • Work
    Top 10 Windows 8 Features No. 10: Refresh and Reset

    Yes, there really are 10 important and beneficial changes you'll find in Microsoft Windows 8, beginning with Refresh. Let's just say it's closer to perfect than Windows Backup. Refresh is Microsoft's first real attempt to address Windows' most touchy consumer pain point: Reinstallation as a solution to problems that no...

  • Developer
    It’s Here! Qt Commercial Charts 1.0 Tech Preview

    One of the most requested new features for Qt Commercial has been a charting component. We have listened and now we have reached a point where we can now release the Qt Commercial Charts 1.0 Tech Preview. We expect that the first official version will be available during June 2012....

  • Web
    Windows 8 and Windows 8 Pro: Microsoft’s Lessons Learned

    The announcement from Microsoft late yesterday touts the three versions of Windows, and if you read it through to the end, you'll count four. And you may think, once again, there's something being pulled over your eyes that looks like wool and smells like wool. The surprise here, at least...

  • Web
    Check Point’s ThreatCloud Blocks Browsers’ Access to Bots

    If security engineers could simply pool their intelligence, wouldn't that help thwart Internet clients' access to known, malicious agents? Check Point - the producer of security appliances and software that came to prominence after its acquisition of ZoneAlarm - takes a key step toward building a collective detour system for...

  • Web
    Solving College With Big Data

    College is stuck in the past, and tech is always trying to tow it out of the mud. The trick is finding a solution that provides more access to higher education, improves the learning experience, and enables future improvement, instead of miring college in some company's proprietary system. Coursera has...

  • Web
    Weekly Wrap-up: Let’s Hear It for Instagram

    Each week we wrap up our top ten stories, and this week half of our most read stories were those that dissected and discussed the billion dollar purchase of Instagram by Facebook. Learn more about this story and many more in the ReadWriteWeb Weekly Wrap-up.After the jump you'll find more...

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