Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
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    Editor’s Note: Welcome To The New ReadWrite

    Welcome to the new ReadWrite. Today we are relaunching this legendary tech site with a new name, a new design and a new approach. I’m thrilled to be joining ReadWrite as the site’s new editor-in-chief, and to be teaming up with Fredric Paul, a veteran tech journalist who is our...

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    Futurist’s Cheat Sheet: Artificial Intelligence

    There is no more powerful concept in futurist writings then the notion of artificial intelligence. The ability for humans to create machine-based life that thinks on its own and acts on its own has the potential to make our lives dramatically better - or worse, depending on what kind of...

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    RWW Founder Richard MacManus Starts His Next Chapter

    Last night, which was today, New Zealand time, Richard MacManus announced his departure from ReadWriteWeb. He was our founder, navigator, and editor-in-chief, and we will miss him.Richard is about to start a new chapter in his storied career. He’s writing a book. ReadWriteWeb is also about to make some great...

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    Tech That Protects The President, Part 1: Data Mining

    President Obama's appearance at the Democratic National Convention in September took place amid a rat's nest of perils. But the local Charlotte, North Carolina, police weren't entirely on their own. They were aided by a sophisticated data mining system that helped them identify threats and react to them quickly. (Part...

  • Work
    Why It’s Finally Time To Break Up Hewlett-Packard

    Hewlett-Packard is in big trouble. That's hardly news. But things have now gotten so bad that Wall Street analysts are starting to call for the breakup of the iconic tech company. Here's why they're right.Lately, HP hasn't had much good news for investors. Its stock is in the tank and...

  • Mobile
    The 5 Commandments For Smartphone Owners

    I am a conflicted tech reporter. I started covering the technology beat because of my love for the power of the smartphone. But the conspicuous consumption of gadgets, with its attendant human and environmental costs, makes me feel as though I'm complicit in injustice. To reconcile these feelings, I've settled...

  • Work
    Big Data Is Creating Big Job Demand

    Programming and development abilities top many employers' most-sought-after-skills lists, as big data and mobile-platform development jack up demand to new levels.Wall Street firms, for example, are searching hard for programmers with a side of database skills, according to employment recruiter eFinancialCareers, which specializes in financial gigs. When the site posted its top...

  • Social
    The True Cost Of Facebook Keeping Secrets From Its Users

    Facebook recently announced three important projects, all of them potentially successful, all of them at risk. Why? Because the social network doesn't know how to communicate with its users.Note: Guest writer Ted Rheingold Is VP, Social at SAY Media and was the founder and CEO of and You...

  • Work
    SAP’s Creepy New Retail Software Uses Big Data To Make You Buy More Stuff

    Not so long ago, the most advanced piece of technology present at the intersection of consumer and retailer was the cash register. Today, buyers are bringing their own technology on their shopping trips - and trailing a very revealing online data footprint. One big enterprise software company is promising retailers...

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    How To Participate Online In The Presidential Debates

    When Barack Obama and Mitt Romney go head-to-head Wednesday night to tell America why they should be President, the whole country, and in some cases the whole world, will be watching. But thanks to the rise of the Internet and social media, millions of people won't just be watching, they'll...

  • Social
    Why Klout Deal Is Not The Answer To Microsoft’s Social Search Strategy

    As Microsoft seeks to better quantify the influence of its social search, the company has partnered with the controversial online-influence ranking service Klout as a first step. It looks to be no more than a marriage of convenience.Microsoft said Thursday that it would make an investment in the company, and...

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    New Ethics Scandal Rocks Wikipedia

    A week after allegations of high-level Wikipedia editors promoting paid content, questions remain on how much damage the actions will inflict on the popular wiki site.The story broke September 18, when CNET reporter Violet Blue posted a detailed analysis of internal Wikipedia discussions surrounding the apparent activity of former Wikimedia...

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    What A Facebook Social Search Engine May Look Like

    When it comes to search strategy, Google and Facebook both seek to give users the best possible result. While Google will continue to trust technical data over social data, though, Facebook is likely to stake the success of its search engine - and perhaps the entire company - on a...

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    How “Big-Data-as-a-Service” Can Help Smaller Companies Compete

    The common perception of how big data is used centers around giant multi-national enterprises spending millions trying to fine tune their business strategies to eke out every last penny from their customers. But in reality, big data is worming its way into businesses large and small, often as a service...

  • Work
    Why The Tech Industry Isn’t As Green As It Says It Is

    High-tech companies like to portray their industry as the greenest of industries - saving everything from paper to business travel. But tech companies continue to be major sources of pollution and waste.These facts have to the fore once again in a yearlong New York Times investigation that found huge amounts...

  • Social
    Facebook’s Ad Exchange Has A Promising Launch

    The much-anticipated Facebook Exchange, intended to help advertisers target ads at customers who have visited their site, finally launched Thursday and the early indications are it could be a game-changer.That’s according to Triggit, a real-time media management company that is one of a handful of partners Facebook has worked with...

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    Live Blog: Apple’s iPhone Announcement – Plus iTunes Update, iOS 6, New iPods

    9:21: John Paul Titlow: We've got 40 minutes to go, and still the last-minute leaks and rumors are churning. What has been confirmed is that we'll be getting the iPhone 5 (by that name), new iPods and an iTunes update. If history is any indication, they should be pushing out...

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    The FBI’s Billion Dollar Facial Recog System

    It's the eye in the sky, patiently watching, tracking your every move. Look up and say "hi," because with an influx of cash and a voyeuristic agenda, the FBI is more than ever the model for Big Brother. In February, the FBI began a $1 billion pilot program using facial-recognition and...

  • Work
    Intel Dabbles In Science Fiction

    Computers that simply do the sames things faster and faster are becoming boring. Been there, done that. But a device that can detect and interpret your emotions? Or intelligently organize a meeting, knowing that one of the participants is jogging at the time? That’s a more interesting proposition. Intel, perhaps...

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    A Close-Up Look At Amazon’s New Kindles

    In a Santa Monica Airport hangar on Thursday, Amazon announced its latest round of Kindles and related services. Overall, they look pretty impressive.After a big corporate self-hug as CEO Jeff Bezos took the stage, Amazon focused on three key items: new Kindle Readers, new Kindle Fires, and enhancements to the...

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