Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Work
    Data: Now A Differentiator, Soon A Commodity?

    Tim O'Reilly once presciently described data as "the new Intel Inside," the primary source of competitive differentiation in a world where technology has largely been commoditized. While he referenced Google and other web giants, today mainstream enterprises have embraced Big Data as they seek to stand out. But a danger...

  • Cloud
    The Surprising Holes The IT Security “Kill Chain” Is Neglecting

    The conventional wisdom holds that your organization will be secure if you focus on shutting down zero-day exploits and keep out the rest of the exploits by applying multi-layer defenses from multiple vendors. That complacency is about to take a serious beating from new research coming out of NSS Labs...

  • Mobile
    The Mobile Enterprise: 4 Steps To Keeping It Secure [Infographic]

    Guest author Vijay Dheap is a Mobile Security Strategist at IBM.Security is a balancing act, especially when it comes to emerging technologies that promise to unlock massive business potential. Each new wave of change requires an enterprise to adapt its security posture, or risk being left behind - or exposed...

  • Web
    RIAA Slams Google For Anti-Piracy Fail

    Frustrated and bitter that laws like SOPA and PIPA have yet to get pushed through Congress without those pesky constituents objecting to turning the U.S. government into muscle for entertainment industry, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is taking out its anger on Google. The music industry lobbying group...

  • Entertainment
    Nielsen Redefines “TV” To Include Your iPad And Xbox

    It's been 63 years since Nielsen started measuring what we're watching on TV. For most of that time, the concept of "TV" has  pretty much remained the same. But in the last half decade, the old model has been blown wide open by the Internet as more people go online...

  • Social
    Microsoft, Big Data Pick Oscar Winners – And They Are…

    Ten days before Hollywood hands out its Oscar statuettes, a pair of studies - one by Microsoft's in-house "Nate Silver," and another measuring social influence - have already picked the winners.Microsoft Research's David Rothschild, who, like Silver, used early polls to correctly predict the outcome of the presidential elections in...

  • Entertainment
    How To Watch President Obama’s 2013 State Of The Union Address Online

    Unless you're Tim Cook, you probably don't have a front row seat lined up for President Obama's State of the Union (SOTU) address on Tuesday night. That's okay though, because the ever-more-interactive speech is best experienced online, where it will be accompanied by more context and conversation than in any...

  • Work
    Big Data: Red Hat’s Jim Whitehurst Looks 20 Years Into The Future

    Jim Whitehurst, CEO of Linux vendor Red Hat, has never been shy about sharing his vision of the future of enterprise technology. But at a recent lunch in San Francisco, Whitehurst extended his outlook well beyond the next quarter or two - he looked ahead two decades to predict big changes...

  • Work
    Africa May Leapfrog The World In Big Data

    Africa is already well known for leapfrogging the rest of the world in use of mobile money, but African countries now have another big leapfrogging opportunity: big data analytics.Across the continent, there’s a tremendous potential for using data analytics in powerful new ways in a wide range of industries and...

  • Social
    SDL SM2: Find Out What People Are Saying About Your Business On Social Media

    (This post is sponsored by SDL-SM2, a social-media analytical tool for small- and medium-sized businesses and small agencies.)Tracking and measuring social media is no longer just a nice-to-have for businesses – it’s now a core essential of any modern marketing plan. And that’s true for giant multinational corporations as well...

  • Social
    Twitter Wins Big During Super Bowl XLVII

    The Ravens may have walked away with Sunday's real glory, but Super Bowl XLVII was also an epic day for Twitter. The social media service is a natural choice for up-to-the-minute news and commetary of a nation glued to the game. Across 24.1 million tweets, Super Bowl watchers cheered for their...

  • Web
    10 Reasons Why Now Is Not A Good Time To Buy Apple Stock

    My nephew called me the other day, the morning before Apple released it fourth quarter earnings last week, and asked me if he should buy Apple stock. His "friend," a stock broker, said he couldn't think of "one good reason why not to buy the stock."I didn't get a chance...

  • Entertainment
    Why Magazines Are Using Digital To Boost Prices, Not Bolster Innovation

    Well, this is disappointing.As magazines make the transition from print to pixels, some publishers are using the move as an opportunity to jack up their prices - in some cases, to more than they were charging for print editions. And that's for tablet versions that are too often crappy afterthoughts. To...

  • Social
    Whoa: Facebook Now Owns Over 25% Of Total Time Spent On Mobile Apps

    Well, it looks like Zuck might have had it right. Facebook may still be figuring out this whole monetization thing, but it is a mobile company. In fact, in the mobile app world, it's the mobile company.Facebook Is Now The Most Popular App In The U.S. According to new data from comScore, Facebook leapfrogged...

  • Mobile
    Forrester: Enterprises Must Look To Web For Mobile Success

    The enterprise has always been buttoned-down, conservative. And that's a good thing. Let the wacky Web crowd dabble in new-school technologies. Eventually they'll be back, begging for a white paper or two to explain best practices of green screens and mainframes. Right?Not even close. As Forrester analysts Jeffrey Hammond and...

  • Web
    Should You Use Mega, Kim Dotcom’s Megaupload Replacement?

    In an over-the-top press event at his New Zealand mansion last weekend, the notorious Kim Dotcom unveiled a new cloud storage service called Mega. From the ashes of his now-defunct Megaupload, which was shut down by U.S authorities exactly one year ago, rises a service that promises to be incredibly...

  • Web
    Microsoft’s Security Essentials Fails Major Antivirus Test

    Microsoft's free Security Essentials antivirus tool has failed the approval process from a leading antivirus test lab, a stinging rebuke for Microsoft's security efforts.Microsoft, for its part, essentially claimed that the tests were unfair, and that the malware that its software didn't detect affected just 0.0033 percent (or just over...

  • Work
    Microsoft’s Tami Reller’s Secret Windows 8 Talking Points

    When company executives give speeches, they carefully consider what they plan to say, and what they plan not to say. But that's only the beginning. They also have to prepare for the questions they're likely to receive, whether or not those questions ever actually get asked.That's why we found it...

  • Hack
    Why Write Your Own Book When An Algorithm Can Do It For You?

    Phil Parker is unlike any writer you've ever met - or read for that matter. That's because he doesn't write most of his books. Instead, the trained economist uses sophisticated algorithms that can pen a whole book from start to finish in as little as a few minutes. The secret...

  • Web
    MIT To Launch Internal Investigation Following Death Of Aaron Swartz

    Aaron Swartz, Internet activist, pioneer and innovator, died on Friday. He was 26. Swartz committed suicide in his New York apartment, according to his family. (For more on the case, see The Persecution Of Aaron Schwartz, by ReadWrite's Jon Mitchell.)Swartz was best known for creating RSS when he was 14 and later...

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