Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Work
    Windows 8 Stabs The PC Market In The Gut

    The PC market tanked in the first quarter, IDC reported. Shipments fell by a stunning 14% from a year earlier, almost twice what IDC had predicted and the worst performance since the firm began tracking the market in 1994. Can we all agree now that Windows 8 has wounded an...

  • Cloud
    The Coming Of Virtualized Storage

    Today the race is on to virtualize all aspects of the data center. Dubbed the software-defined data center (SDDC) or sometimes software defined networking (SDN), SDDC is a market IDC projects will top $3.7 billion by 2016.It's a hot market, too: just this week, Cisco, IBM, VMware, Red Hat and...

  • Mobile
    What Apple’s Jony Ive Can Learn From Facebook Home

    Facebook Home, which Facebook has described both as "a new way to turn your Android phone into a great, living, social phone" and "the best version of Facebook there is," won't be available on Apple's iPhone anytime soon, if ever. Does Apple care?Probably not, although it should. More than an...

  • Work
    EMC & VMware Vs. Amazon: The Empire Strikes Back

    Amazon Web Services is on fire, and EMC and VMware are feeling the heat. So the established enterprise-computing duo is striking back — by launching Pivotal, a joint venture that aims specifically to dethrone the current king of cloud computing.Pivotal is led by Paul Maritz, the ex-CEO of VMware and...

  • Work
    What The Donglegate Fixation Made You Miss At PyCon

    Sadly, the only news coming out of PyCon last week was Donglegate. In a sad case of he-said-she-blogged, two people lost their jobs and the technology industry took a deep look inside and discovered that (surprise!) it's a male-dominated, sometimes misogynistic bro-fest. Lost in all the finger pointing of the...

  • Work
    Microsoft’s Data Explorer: Picking Up Where Bing Leaves Off

    Interacting with Big Data is daunting enough that, for most people, a search engine query is about as far as one is willing to go. But for those willing to get their hands dirty, Microsoft is quietly working towards fully integrating public data sources into Excel, eventually baking it into...

  • Work
    Relational Databases Aren’t Dead. Heck, They’re Not Even Sleeping

    To listen to the media, you would think that the end of the relational database is about to strike at any moment, leaving behind a shattered mess of tables and queries strewn about in proprietary servers, collecting silicon dust.Truth be told, the future for relational databases has really never been...

  • All Categories
    Samsung NX300 Smart Camera using Tizen OS?

        Based on the analysis of the firmware used, the latest Samsung Smart Camera NX300 turns using the operating system (OS) Tizen. Samsung intentionally did not disclose the fact that appealing to the public, where they have tried pushing Tizen to be used in products other than smartphones. Although...

  • Web
    ReadWrite Poll: Are You A Fan Of Photos On Our Facebook Page?

    Here at ReadWrite, we're constantly experimenting with different social channels and how to best present ourselves to you in these different contexts. So we'd like to take a moment to ask you as readers, fans and followers what you most want to see on the ReadWrite Facebook page.In recent weeks...

  • Work
    How To Make Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) A Strategic Asset

    Guest author Kevin Prendeville is a global managing director with Accenture’s Product Lifecycle Services practice.The tables have turned on many large high-tech companies - market leaders have become followers while followers have become leaders. What’s behind the seismic shift? The ability of those former followers to leverage investments in product...

  • Entertainment
    Next Round In The Google-Amazon Deathmatch: Streaming Music

    For an industry that has such a hard time making money, digital music sure is hot right now. Everybody wants in. Amazon is now the latest tech giant rumored to be eyeing a slice of this increasingly tempting pie, according to a report on The Verge. But why? News that Amazon...

  • Cloud
    Cloud Computing: 4 Ways To Overcome IT Resistance

    Guest author Kyle Falkenhagen is director of product management at ServiceMesh.Business and IT leaders are bombarded with cloud computing hype and promotion. Yet very little is said about how the cloud affects the evolution of the IT organization itself. Enterprise cloud adoption is a transformative shift where the greatest implementation challenges...

  • Web
    South Korea Cyber Attack Heightens Tensions In Hair-Trigger Region

    No one is at all clear at all about the origins of a purported cyber attack against South Korean media and financial organizations yesterday, which left broadcaster and bank networks paralyzed for hours. The obvious culprit is a state-sponsored attack from North Korea, but even if that nation isn't directly...

  • Work
    The Enterprise Tablet Party Is Over For Apple

    In 2010, Apple captivated PC users with the release of the iPad. The thin and light tablet with exceptional battery life, ease of use and attractive design became the must-have mobile device for many corporate executives and employees. With nothing comparable in the Windows PC world, Apple had the business...

  • Mobile
    Shakeup At Google: Andy Rubin Out At Android, Sundar Pichai Takes Over

    Google CEO Larry Page dropped a bomb on the smartphone world this morning, announcing that Andy Rubin, head of Google's Android unit, is "handing over the reins" of the world's most popular smartphone platform to Sundar Pichai.Android is the most used mobile operating system in the world: we have a...

  • All Categories
    Samsung Said to be Locked into Android no Plans To Stray with Tizen

      There is little doubt that Samsung (005930) is exploring a world where it relies on Android far less than it does today. According to Hillside Partners analyst Rory Maher, however, there is hardly any chance Samsung will begin to stray from Android in favor of its upcoming Tizen platform....

  • Web
    Microsoft Adds Flash Back To IE10 – Is That A Good Thing?

    Beginning Tuesday, Microsoft is reversing itself and adding Flash back into the Internet Explorer 10 browsers used by Windows 8 and Windows RT. The browser will use a "touch-enabled" version of Flash optimized with Adobe.Specifically, Flash will be enabled with the Windows 8-style "Metro" environment by default, Microsoft said. It...

  • Work
    12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Online Security

    At the RSA Conference in San Francisco last week, I got the chance to sit down with Stephen Cobb, a distinguished security researcher for the IT security company ESET. We talked about a lot of things, including Android security issues and how walled gardens have their uses.(See also In The...

  • Mobile
    Quantifying Quality: Ranking The Top 60 Apps In iOS & Android

    When app quality analytics service Applause was launched at the end of January, it caused a bit of a firestorm when it used an algorithmic analysis of inherently subjective data to quantify iOS and Android app quality. And you know what it revealed? People think that iOS apps are better...

  • Work
    How Big Data Can Boost Weather Forecasting

    Guest author Steve Hamm is a strategist, writer and videographer in IBM's corporate communications department.Last September, when Typhoon Sanba smashed into the Korean peninsula, it packed winds so strong that they sent rocks flying through the air like missiles and caused massive power outages. “Hwangsa” storms, carrying dense clouds of...

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