Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Work
    Big Data May Be A Pretty Small Problem

    The idea that a business needs data analysis to better make business decisions is not in dispute… but there is currently a strong debate on how big a data set a business actually needs and how much they need to spend to get that data.The lure of big data is...

  • Developer
    The Definitive Guide to Developing Portable Tizen Apps

      Here is a quick overview of what is claimed to be the 'The Definitive Guide to Developing Portable Tizen Apps'. Link at the bottom directs you to the site with ALL the information.   Table of Contents: List of Figures Source Code Listings Introducing Tizen Motivation behind portable development...

  • Work
    Why The World Needs Business Intelligence Apps

    Guest author Dr. Rado Kotorov is chief innovation officer at Information Builders.The challenge of making business intelligence (BI) easier to use and more pervasive has been widely debated for the last five years. During that time, BI has stalled at an estimated penetration of between 10% and 20% of enterprise...

  • Mobile
    Dear Nintendo: Give Me Super Mario On My iPhone Already

    Dear Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, I write to you not as a know-it-all tech analysis pontificator or even a hardcore gamer. I'm just a guy who spent his childhood Saturday afternoons hunting for 8-bit Warp Whistles and Tanooki Suits in Super Mario Bros 3 for Nintendo. And I have a simple...

  • Work
    Study: Open Source Delivers Superior Quality… Up To A Point

    For years open source and proprietary software camps have fought over which model produces better software. According to Coverity's annual Scan report, released today, both sides are right. And wrong. Depending on how big the code base is.Coverity's Scan report has long served as the state of the union for open-source software...

  • Developer
    Tizen 2.1b Release Notes

      Tizen is an open source, standards-based software platform supported by leading mobile operators, device manufacturers, and chip suppliers for multiple device categories, including smartphones, tablets, netbooks, in-vehicle infotainment devices, and smart TVs. The Tizen Platform consists of the Web framework (APIs), native framework (APIs), and core system. The Tizen...

  • Cloud
    How The Internet Of Things Will Transform Everything – According To IT Experts

    A new survey of IT decision makers by SAP and Harris Interactive reithat the rise of machine to machine (M2M) communications - more commonly referred to as the "Internet of Things" - is on the cusp of transforming our homes, our cities and how business is conducted. How, you ask? By...

  • Mobile
    Windows Phone, Still An Underdog, Comes Out Swinging In A New Ad

    Windows Phone got some good news and some bad news today from the consumer research firm Kantar. The bad: Microsoft's smartphone OS accounted for a meager 5.6% of all U.S. smartphone sales in the first quarter. The comparable number for Android was 49%; for iOS, 44%.The good: Windows Phone's showing was a...

  • Social
    One Tweet Can Kill A Market, Many Tweets Have Little Effect

    One false tweet from a hacked Associated Press Twitter account wiped $200 billion off the stock market, but most tweets don't move markets one way or another. In fact, there appears to be little rhyme or reason for Twitter's effect on individual stocks.Take Google. While its stock has been on...

  • Mobile
    A Decade Of iTunes: Transforming Apple Was Only The Beginning

    In my day, boys and girls, we downloaded songs onto our desktop computer. For free. Often illegally. Then we burned them onto CDs late into the night.iTunes changed all that. iTunes required that we actually pay for our music. It corralled us into accepting copyright-restricted digital content, while doing its best to...

  • Work
    Chief Digital Officer (CDO): Technology + Marketing = New Enterprise Leader

    Guest author Esmeralda Swartz is chief marketing officer at MetraTech.At the inaugural Chief Digital Officer Summit in New York in March, where I moderated a panel discussion with CDOs from such companies as Disney ABC Studios, BBC, PBS and Rogers, defining the emerging role of the CDO was a key topic.The...

  • Web
    RW10: The 10 Most Important Stories In ReadWrite’s History

    ReadWrite celebrates its 10th anniversary on Saturday, April 20, 2013. For the occasion, we're running a series of articles  looking back—and looking forward.As ReadWrite founder Richard MacManus noted in observing the site's 10th anniversary, our original goal was "to convert the Web into a two-way system."Back in 2003, only those...

  • Web
    RW10: Catching Up With Some Of ReadWrite’s Most Influential Writers

    ReadWrite celebrates its 10th anniversary on Saturday, April 20, 2013. For the occasion, we're running a series of articles  looking back—and looking forward.It's hard to believe that ReadWrite went live an entire decade ago. Since founder Richard MacManus first hit the "Publish" button, an impressive roster of writers have contributed...

  • Entertainment
    Twitter #Music Is Great For Artists; Less So For Fans [Hands On Review]

    Twitter put months of speculation to rest this morning when it launched its own music-focused service for iOS and the Web. Twitter #Music is a standalone app for discovering, following and listening to artists that draws its intelligence from Twitter's own user activity data. At first glance, it's a win...

  • Web
    Boston Entrepreneurs Help FBI Gather Evidence With Photo Uploading Service

    A picture can tell a thousand words. It can also help bring a criminal to justice. A group of Boston entrepreneurs know this and are trying to help. Six Boston startup founders have teamed up to create, a service that allows people to upload their photos from their smartphones...

  • Work
    Social Networking For Marketers: How Pinterest Crushes Facebook [Infographic]

    Guest author Justin Smith is product engagement manager for BloomReach.Understanding what people do on different social networks is the key to effectively using those networks for marketing. Companies currently spend 8.4% of their marketing budgets on social media, and that’s expected to grow to 21.6% in the next five years....

  • Cloud
    Will Red Hat’s OpenStack Contributions Turn To Gold?

    It's happening again. Red Hat, which for years has dominated both the development and monetization of Linux, has turned its code contributing hand to OpenStack, the popular open-source cloud computing project. While Red Hat initially fought OpenStack, today it has become OpenStack's biggest contributor.This bodes well for Red Hat. And...

  • Web
    Tax Time Tip: 3 Ways The IRS Is Tracking You Online

    If you haven't filed your taxes yet, you might want to triple-check your math before you do. That's because the IRS employs a more watchful eye than ever, thanks to Big Data analysis and digital information-gathering tactics. With the ongoing budget crisis, pressure for the IRS to recover lost revenue has...

  • Developer
    Tizen Developer Conference 2013 Schedule Announced

      Following the Call for Papers the Tizen Developer Conference we now have three tracks that have been announced by the website. These tracks have been carefully selected from over 160 submitted papers.   We have created a balanced scheduled, trying to fullfil the needs of the Application developer...

  • Web
    Bitcoins … What Are Those Again? [Video]

    Bitcoins, the digital currency that's been making headlines almost nonstop lately, suffered a major price crash yesterday, losing more than half its value in under 24 hours.That shock movement is shaking the peer-to-peer economy and any shred of trust in the currency's stability. And it's also making a lot of people stop...

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