Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Cloud
    Why Are We Still Talking About Software Integration?

    A few weeks ago in Redwood City, California, dozens of CFOs gathered for a Technology Forum seminar to explore strategies for financial transformation. At one point, a speaker asked the audience, “How many of you are worried about the quality of your data and what it means for your business?”The...

  • Work
    More Big Data Is Better, But Good Luck Understanding It All

    In math, multiplying two negative numbers together yields a positive number. In the world of data, multiplying a huge number of negative data points, worthless in isolation, can yield highly positive insights, according to new research published by Flemish researchers in the Big Data journal.As the authors conclude, "when predictive...

  • Entertainment
    Apple TV: The Fun Little Experiment Is Getting Serious

    It looks like Apple just got serious about Internet video. The company has given Apple TV, its streaming-media gadget, some prime digital real estate, clearing out a dedicated section of its online store to highlight the set-top box.See also: Why This Loyal Apple User Switched From Apple TV To RokuThe site groups...

  • Entertainment
    Can Technology Predict The Grammys?

    The Grammys are here, and, like any proper competition, everyone has an opinion on the should-be winners. Among others, Spotify issued a list of its official predictions based on an analysis of its user's artist and album listening statistics. But can the Internet predict who will win?Social Music Places Its...

  • Work
    In A World Of Open Source Big Data, Splunk Should Not Exist

    Splunk should not exist. In a world awash with innovative, open-source Big Data technologies, Splunk remains expensive, proprietary ... and hugely popular. Others may zig, Splunk zags. And yet it works. Oh, does it work.Who Knew Log Data Could Be So Valuable?In 2013 Splunk pulled in roughly $200 million in revenue....

  • Entertainment
    Video Games As Spectator Sport: Why Twitch Is Booming

    If you aren’t a gamer, it’s wholly possible that either you don’t “get” Twitch or you’ve never even heard of it. But that won't last for long.Twitch is a website and community where gamers watch gameplay videos uploaded and streamed by other gamers. It’s kind of like a huge virtual...

  • Cloud
    The Silver Lining Of The NSA Scandal

    It’s hard to imagine an organization of any kind having to deal with the level of backlash the NSA has had to since the spring of 2013.Between revelations about backdoor links into Internet giants like Google and Yahoo to the mass data collection program known as PRISM, and, more recently, spying...

  • Work
    How To Hire The Enterprise Sales A-Team

    This guide is not for big old vendors or inside sales; this guide is for tech founders of enterprise software startups looking for outside sales people to generate millions of dollars for the company year in and year out.Here are nine things to look for to find the A-team sales...

  • Web
    CES 2014: Dreams Of A Good Night’s Sleep At A Glittering Tech Showcase

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.I came to Las Vegas, the home of the annual Consumer Electronics Show, expecting the giant gadget trade show to feature a lot of new and improved fitness devices.I wasn’t disappointed—and yet, I was.There were plenty of heart-rate...

  • Hack
    How To Protect Against PrisonLocker, The Next Major Malware Threat

    Just when you’ve guarded your computer against CryptoLocker, there’s a newer threat that's capable of holding gigabytes of your computer's data hostage at a time.Unlike Cryptolocker, which was custom-made for one ring of thugs, any criminal with $100 and a computer can easily purchase a copy of PrisonLocker—alternately called PowerLocker—for themselves.See...

  • Web
    Why Pinterest Needs To Upgrade Visual Search Stat

    Pinterest isn’t a social network. It’s a visual search engine. And its latest purchase of Visual Graph further proves its growing self-awareness of this fact.Millions use Pinterest to curate appealing images by designating them to specific categories called “pinboards.” But beneath the surface, our interaction with the service is not...

  • Mobile
    Android Usage Data Only Tells Half The Story

    If marketing is all about creating stories around a product, few CEOs are as good at storytelling as Apple's Tim Cook. But that doesn't mean the stories he tells are true.At least, not as true as he'd like. Like any storyteller, Cook likes to cherry pick the data that suits...

  • Work
    Enterprise In 2013: Enterprise Ascends Into The Cloud

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.In looking back over the past 12 months, it’s apparent businesses pushed the envelope of the programmable web. Instead of being influenced by consumer apps and trends like BYOD, employers this year looked inward to solve...

  • Cloud
    Why OpenStack Needs Red Hat

    There's no mistaking OpenStack's community momentum. In 2013 some of that momentum translated into serious enterprise adoption, with PayPal's CTO, for example, declaring it now runs 20% of its infrastructure on OpenStack, "a number that will only increase." Even "no software" Salesforce may be getting into the OpenStack game.See also: Can...

  • Web
    Top Big Data Trends Of 2013

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.Thank the U.S. National Security Agency for bringing Big Data onto the national stage. The agency’s questionable use of data mining and analysis in the name of national security raised Main Street’s awareness of Big Data...

  • Social
    The Most In-Demand Job Skills Of 2013

    If you’re in the market for a new job, you might want to consider the tech sector. According to LinkedIn, the most desirable skills in 2013 were dominated by tech. LinkedIn took a look at the skills and employment history of over 259 million members to determine what the most popular...

  • Cloud
    The Hand That Rocks The Hybrid Cloud Could Rule The Enterprise

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) could be worth upwards of $50 billion by 2015, by some estimates, but that doesn't mean enterprise IT is rushing to embrace the cloud leader. In a blunt reminder that the enterprise is different, UBS analyst Brent Thill argues that old-line datacenter outfits Microsoft and VMware—not...

  • Web
    The Promise And Pitfalls Of Connected Classrooms

    ReadWriteHome explores the implications of living in connected homes.Classrooms have historically been slow adopters of technology. When I was a young student, the latest blueberry iMac sat on my desk at home while my school library ran Oregon Trail circa 1990. Today, as connected homes and advanced consumer technologies increasingly become part of our daily lives,...

  • Hack
    Software May Be Eating The World, But Open Source Software Is Eating Itself

    Software may be eating the world, as Marc Andreessen posits, but open-source software seems to be eating itself. And at a far faster clip. While the software world has grown used to products and their vendors dominating for long stretches (think: Microsoft in operating systems and Oracle in databases), the...

  • Web
    R2-D2? Dalek? Actually It’s A Pre-Cog Robocop

    Look out all you mall cops, there’s a new patrol officer in Silicon Valley—one that rolls along on three wheels and uses sensors and social media to help fight crime.Robotics company Knightscope recently took the wraps off the beta prototype of its K5 robot. Built on a Segway personal transport, the...

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