Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
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    Just What Are Online Courses Good For? A Q&A With Harvard’s Peter Bol

    This post is part of Hire Education, an ongoing series in which ReadWrite examines technological innovation in education and how it's reshaping universities that are preparing students for a transformed workforce.If you believe the proponents of online education, universities are in the midst of a full-blown technological transformation—one that will...

  • Work
    Big Data, Apple Driving Industry’s Biggest Salaries

    Enterprises may still not know exactly what value they expect to glean from Big Data, but that hasn't stopped them from spending big money on Big Data skills like Hadoop and NoSQL. According to a 2013 Dice Tech Salary Survey, Hadoop and NoSQL skills, the two mainstays of Big Data...

  • Deals
    Big Data Investments Currently Earn 50 Cents For Every Dollar Invested

    As investments go, Big Data is currently dramatically underperforming the market. Driven in part by media hype, enterprises are investing in Big Data well in advance of actually understanding how to derive value from it. Small wonder, then, that a new analyst report indicates that enterprises are deriving far less...

  • Cloud
    The Internet Of Things Might Try To Kill You

    The Internet of Things promises to make life easier in countless ways. But don't make it angry. You won't like it when it's angry.Rise Of The MachinesScene: New York City in mid-July, not too many years from now—the first day of a new war.The Holland Tunnel connecting New Jersey with...

  • Mobile
    The iPhone 5S and 5C: Complete Coverage Of Apple’s Big Event

    Welcome to ReadWrite's live coverage of Apple's special event in Cupertino. Readers, you'll need to refresh the page to see our latest updates. We'll also be scanning comments and bringing up anything that seems worthy into the live blog itself, so have at it!Our coverage so far:Apple: iOS 7 Final...

  • Work
    Red Hat To Oracle: Have You Tried Free?

    Oracle probably isn't the first company that comes to mind when words like "austerity" are used. Perhaps for that very reason Oracle president Mark Hurd recently took to the blog-o-sphere to argue that going all-in with Oracle, even at a premium price, delivers better value. Ironically, Red Hat CEO Jim...

  • Web
    The Data-Driven Future Of Journalism

    Everyone seems to assume that Jeff Bezos, the founder of, spent $250 million on the Washington Post as some kind of hobby or charitable move. And some question whether he even has a plan on how he'll run the newspaper.Tech investor Keith Rabois, whom I recently hosted at our ReadWriteMix...

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    Welcome To The ReadWrite Family, ReadWrite Japan!

    I’d like to welcome ReadWrite Japan to the ReadWrite family.Since Richard MacManus launched this site 10 years ago from New Zealand, ReadWrite has always had an international reach and outlook. Though we are now headquartered in San Francisco, we retain that point of view: Transformative technologies and smart opinions about them...

  • Hack
    U.S. App Makers: Seize Global Opportunity While You Still Can—Like Quip Just Did

    App stores from Google and Apple offer developers instant, international reach. But a new study from Flurry suggests most American app makers aren't really taking advantage of that, to their peril.But one startup, Quip, is seizing that opportunity by offering its word-processing app for tablets and smartphones in five new...

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    Navigating The App-Data Explosion: Localytics’ Raj Aggarwal

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.When Apple launched a little thing called the App Store in 2008, few people predicted the resulting explosion of mobile apps over the last five years. Raj Aggarwal is one of the few. Aggarwal co-founded Boston-based mobile...

  • Cloud
    Relationships With Telecoms Gets NSA 75% Of Internet Traffic

    The NSA's new Utah Data Center, codenamed Bumblehive, under construction.The National Security Agency is probably wishing for the days it wasn't in the news. But following the leak of classified information from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, headlines are nearly a daily occurrence.Case in point: the Wall Street Journal is...

  • Cloud
    Gartner: AWS Now Five Times The Size Of Other Cloud Vendors Combined

    Amazon's AWS dominates cloud computing. That should surprise no one. What is perhaps surprising, however, is how dramatically it dominates. According to a new Gartner analysis, AWS offers five times the utilized compute capacity of the other 14 cloud providers in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Combined.Even more surprising, it has spent...

  • Hack
    What’s Bitcoin Worth In The Real World?

    We’ve all got at least a passing understanding of Bitcoin, that digital crypto-currency that can’t be regulated by any bank or government (at least for now). But here’s a trickier question: what’s a bitcoin actually worth? Like gold, Bitcoin derives its value from scarcity. It is intentionally difficult to use computers to...

  • Mobile
    White House Takes Small Step To Patent Reform By Vetoing iPhone Ban

    The White House has decided that it wants to have a say in the in the ongoing patent wars that have waged between smartphone manufacturers over the past several years. This weekend, the Obama administration vetoed a ruling from the International Trade Commission that called for an import ban on older...

  • Work
    The Future Of How Businesses Connect With Customers

    What's the biggest software business nobody seems to talk about?The numbers suggest it's customer-relationship management, the suite of software tools businesses use to track sales prospects, customers, and marketing campaigns.And the vast majority of businesses aren't using sophisticated software from Salesforce, Oracle, or Microsoft. They're stuck using email, contact managers,...

  • Web
    Dyson: Big Data-Driven Thought Control Is Here

    Big Data not only has the potential to measure and anticipate human behavior. It also is dangerously close to helping businesses and governments understand our thoughts, both what we're thinking now and what we may think in the future. And take action accordingly. Thus spake George Dyson, science historian and...

  • Work
    McKinsey Report Sells Big Data Short As Game Changer

    Even as the United States struggles to grow its economy, McKinsey & Co., a leading management consulting company, confirms in a new study what we already know: Big Data is a big deal. According to the report "Game changers: Five opportunities for US growth and renewal," effective use of Big Data...

  • Mobile
    Ubuntu Edge: A Device In Serious Need Of A Community

    So you've got $830 burning a hole in your wallet, and you really want a hybrid smartphone/desktop device. You know, a smartphone running Android that also dual-boots into a full-blown desktop operating system. You won't actually see the device until May 2014, but you must pay for it today. Sound...

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    Tizen 2.2 SDK Released

    Following on from last weeks Tizen 2.2 SDK Beta release, there is no holding back progress and now it is the Full Tizen 2.2 SDK Release available at   Tizen 2.2 contains several changes in UI and UX. Highlights of this release include: H/W back key and menu key replacing S/W...

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