Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Web
    Hacking The Future Turns Out To Be A Pretty Good Job

    Google may be the most in-demand tech company for which people want to work, but according to a new report from Glassdoor, Twitter ranks #1 when it comes to employee satisfaction. This is particularly interesting given that Twitter didn't even crack the top-50 last year. Now it headlines the list....

  • Hack
    Open Source Is Way Whiter And Maler Than Proprietary Software

    If tech's "dirty little secret" is that it's still mostly male and mostly white, open source has an even dirtier secret: its practitioners are even less diverse than those in proprietary software. For an empowering phenomenon that encourages developers to "scratch their own itches," open-source projects thus run the risk...

  • Mobile
    Android Or iOS Dominating Tablets? Developer Economics Has The Answer

    Android is big in tablets. The problem is that no one has a clue how big it is. While Apple happily reports its rising unit sales for tablets, Samsung and other major Android distributors keep mum. Hence, we're largely left in the dark as to just how many Android tablets...

  • Work
    Python Displacing R As The Programming Language For Data Science

    While R has traditionally been the programming language of choice for data scientists, it is quickly ceding ground to Python.While there are several reasons for the shift, perhaps the biggest one is that Python is general purpose and comparatively easy to learn whereas R remains a somewhat complex programming environment...

  • Cloud
    Can OpenStack Be Saved From Itself?

    OpenStack has a broad and growing community driving its development. Which may, ironically, be its biggest problem. At least, that's what I heard from a several industry experts last week at Amazon's AWS re:Invent conference, and which former OpenStack leader Andrew Shafer suggests in a biting review of the current...

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    Samsung Launches KNOX Partner Program

    Samsung has officially Launched the KNOX Partner Program. This means that Resellers and ISVs Can Now Offer Enterprise Customers a Secure Android Platform with Samsung KNOX. Hopefully Tizen will inherit the KNOX Solution in the near future. Below is the full Press Release: Seoul, November 12, 2013 – Samsung Electronics Co,...

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    HTML5 versus Native programming?

      Like ever so often the world is divided in camps: Those that know, love A and hate B; Those that know. hate A and love B, Those with knowledge to see good elements in both A and B and Those who know little but are either in A or...

  • Mobile
    Apple Maps Takes Off: Cue The Antitrust Lawsuit?

    Apple Maps is on a tear, taking market share from Google Maps according to new comScore data. Apple fans will cheer, but will U.S. and European antitrust authorities? Given the similarities to Microsoft's illegal tying of Internet Explorer into Windows back in the late 1990s, Apple may be setting itself...

  • Mobile
    Running In Circles: I Can’t Pick The Right Running App

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.Almost every morning, as I set out to run intervals on San Francisco’s Telegraph Hill, I go through an absurd ritual: I pop open my overstuffed fitness-apps folder and laboriously launch six different apps to track my 30-minute...

  • Social
    How Post-IPO Twitter Could Make Billions Without Alienating Users

    Guest author Fei Deng is a co-founder of Embedle, a Twitter tool for networking with like-minded tweeters.Twitter's IPO, the most anticipated offering of 2013, will most likely hit the public markets soon. While the company is on pace to reach $1 billion in revenue by 2014, it's still unprofitable. Its...

  • Cloud
    A Connected Garden Can Reap More Of What You Sow

    This is a post in the ReadWriteHome series, which explores the implications of living in connected homes.Before we enter the connected home to see what's within, we can pause a moment and look around at lays without: the beautiful gardens and lawns that many of us want to have.Growing a...

  • Social
    Facebook Is Interested In Your Location—Your Cursor Location, That Is

    As if Facebook wasn't already collecting enough of your personal information, the social network is now testing ways to track where you point your cursor.Ken Rudin, Facebook's head of analytics, told the Wall Street Journal that the technology would allow the company to better understand how its users behave on the...

  • Entertainment
    What Playing Pokemon Can Teach Adults—No, Really!

    The Pokemon franchise, a series of role-playing games with strategic elements, is a smash hit, both in its origin country of Japan and around the world. With its first simultaneous worldwide release on October 12, Pokemon X and Y (two barely dissimilar versions of the same game) sold over four million copies...

  • Social
    People Buy From Apple But Want To Work For Google, Study Finds

    Apple and Google are currently locked in a mobile death match, with Google's Android trouncing Apple in market share but Apple skimming most of the profits. In terms of attracting employees, however, Google claims top spot, according to a new LinkedIn analysis of the world's most in demand employers. And...

  • Social
    How Social Analytics Goes Beyond Marketing To Save Lives

    Kelsey Falter, founder and CEO of social analytics website Poptip.The conversation happening on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook is a reflection of what’s happening in the world around us, and whether people realize it, companies are mining data from posts to use in marketing and advertising.But social analytics...

  • Mobile
    How To Watch Today’s Apple’s iPad Announcement Live Stream

    Today Apple is expected to launch two new iPads to its tablet lineup along with several other new products. For consumers that want to follow along with the announcement, Apple is making a live stream video available on its website and through its Apple TV set-top box.See also: 5 Things To...

  • Social
    Building The Front Page Of The Internet: Reddit’s Alexis Ohanian

    ReadWriteBuilders is a series of interviews with developers, designers and other architects of the programmable future.Alexis Ohanian took on the challenge of building the "front page of the Internet" by co-founding the social platform Reddit in 2005. Reddit has blossomed into one of the most popular social sites on the web, boasting over...

  • Social
    Chicago Police Use A Real-Life Graph Search To Stop Crime

    Last year, Chicago witnessed more than 500 murders, more than both New York City and Los Angeles. While that number is declining—this year so far, the city’s murder rate is down 22 percent—much of the ongoing violence is related to gang activity, with some 630 different factions frequently battling it out...

  • Hack
    Bitcoin And The Black Market: The Ties That Bind

    This past week produced an intriguing illustration of the black market's influence on Bitcoin valuation. The anonymous crypto-currency’s value dropped suddenly last Wednesday after federal law enforcement agencies shuttered Silk Road, an online black market used to buy and sell illegal drugs with Bitcoins. According to Mt. Gox, one of the...

  • Cloud
    How We’ll 3D-Print The Internet Of Things

    The Internet of Things promises that every object will eventualy be hooked up to a network. And 3D printing promises that any object we can imagine, we can build—on site and on demand. And big data promises we'll know everything there is to know about these networked objects.What happens when...

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