Results for "Analysis"

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  • Mobile
    Tough Realities Persist In Mobile Payments

    The Platform is a regular column by mobile editor Dan Rowinski. Ubiquitous computing, ambient intelligence and pervasive networks are changing the way humans interact with everything.Welcome to The Platform, a new column by ReadWrite mobile editor and senior writer Dan Rowinski on how ubiquitous computing, pervasive networks and the power...

  • Cloud
    Developers, Check Your Amazon Bills For Bitcoin Miners

    Amazon Web Services gives developers access to massive computing capability. Now hackers have found ways to hijack some accounts and use that power to make money on someone else's dime.Joe Moreno’s bill for Amazon Web Services is usually about $5 a month. But last Thursday, he learned his AWS credentials...

  • Social
    Facebook, If You’re Serious About Privacy Controls, Let Me Control Them

    Facebook wants people to stop getting frustrated with the company’s privacy settings. Well, good luck with that.Almost any change Facebook makes to privacy controls triggers outcries and accusations that the social network is continuing to erode any remaining confidence people might have have sharing their data with the social network—and...

  • Web
    Protect Yourself Against Heartbleed, The Web’s Security Disaster

    The recently discovered Heartbleed bug exposed a gaping hole in the security software that's supposed to keep your information private while shopping, managing your finances or sending and reading email. While there still aren't any signs that the bug has actually led to eavesdropping or theft—financial, identity or otherwise—it's probably only a...

  • Cloud
    Google Launches The Cloud Price War ReadWrite Predicted In December

    Google slashed prices for its cloud-computing services, revving up competition with rival Amazon Web Services and setting the stage for a more general price war in the cloud.See also: Cloud Wars In 2014: Amazon Versus Google And Other FolliesAt the company's Google Cloud Platform conference in San Francisco, the company announced...

  • Cloud
    Google’s Go Programming Language: Taking Cloud Development By Storm

    What do popular projects like Docker, Heroku's and Cloud Foundry's (Go)Router all have in common? They're all written in Go (a.k.a. "golang"), Google's five-year-old programming language.While languages like Java continue to dominate programming, new models have emerged that are better suited to modern computing, particularly in the cloud. Go,...

  • Social
    Foursquare CEO: How We’ll Tell You Where To Eat And What To Order

    Dennis Crowley's vision for Foursquare extends way beyond the check-in.The cofounder and CEO of Foursquare envisions a future where our mobile devices learn our behavior and provide suggestions for events, or what to eat for dinner based on a taste profile the company has developed by observing our behavior over...

  • Cloud
    Just How Cheap Can Public Cloud Computing Get?

    Public cloud computing is all the rage, and cost is a big driver. It's not the only driver, mind you, or even the top reason that developers turn to the public cloud, which is primarily about development agility. Still, cost is a serious consideration nudging enterprises to forsake building out...

  • Mobile
    Why Intel Shouldn’t Get Into The Fitness-Tracker Business

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.Intel is reportedly buying Basis, the maker of a health-oriented smartwatch, though the companies have yet to confirm a deal.It's an intriguing moment for the wearable-computing market. Let’s just hope that this doesn't mean Intel is getting into...

  • Cloud
    Amazon And IBM vs. Open Source Hadoop: Bigness May Not Beat Quality

    At the heart of the Big Data movement is Hadoop, an open-source framework used for storing and processing large quantities of data. For years open source startups Cloudera and Hortonworks have had the Hadoop market largely to themselves. Sure, proprietary software vendors like Oracle, Microsoft and others have circled the...

  • Web
    How Big Data Fails To Make Big Plays In Sports

    Ever since Moneyball, the sports intelligentsia have rushed to find ways to implement Big Data to maximize the performance of their teams. From soccer to baseball, data is heralded as the key to winning games and, ultimately, trophies.Except that it isn't. Not completely, anyway. The more data we collect, the harder it...

  • Work
    Big Data Isn’t Just For The Enterprise These Days

    Around this time of year, the concentration of hoopla around Big Data, data warehousing and business intelligence is so thick you could probably make a chart about it. (I'm sure someone already has.) A lot of that is due to the Big Data love-fest known as O’Reilly Strata.Strata, of course, remains...

  • Hack
    Why Every Tech Company Needs An English Major

    It's an increasingly tired meme that we need more STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) graduates. Of course we do. Research shows we need more qualified workers to accommodate an economy that's increasingly reliant on engineering skills.But there's something else we need: English majors. Why? Because as important as the technology...

  • Work
    How The IT Department Will Strike Back In 2014

    The IT department isn't traditionally perceived as the hub for organizational innovation and growth, but it’s slowly getting there.Gartner recently forecasted a number of developments that will significantly impact the IT function in years to come, spanning mobile device management, hybrid cloud integration and software-defined networking. As these disruptive technologies...

  • Web
    How The Visual Web Could Achieve Its Potential

    This post is presented by CIBC. From today’s vantage point, it looks like nothing will slow the momentum of the Visual Web.See also: The Triumph Of The Visual WebSelfies, pins, memes, and other picture formats are now dominating our once text-based Web. Sites like Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram don’t just rule...

  • Mobile
    Apple Is Losing The Battle For iOS Homescreens

    Apple still reigns supreme on iOS homescreens—at least in the U.S.—but a host of Trojan Horses have been cropping up recently. Chief among them? Facebook and its family of apps.Owning The HomescreenIt's not surprising that Apple's first-party apps would dominate iOS homescreens. After all, like Microsoft's Windows, most users are...

  • Web
    You Can’t Change Your Genes, But Your Genes May Change Your Workouts

    ReadWriteBody is an ongoing series where ReadWrite covers networked fitness and the quantified self.Over the years, I’ve taken a quasi-scientific approach to fitness, trying a variety of exercise and nutrition regimens and analyzing the results. But I've longed for a more definitive approach than my patchwork of research and experiments.Genetrainer,...

  • Work
    3 CRM Challengers LinkedIn And Salesforce Should Worry About

    It's tough being a sales titan, constantly having to face off against other titans while also keeping one eye on the rear view mirror for the upstarts gunning to overtake you. Young CRM titans like LinkedIn and Salesforce know how rapidly they grew, so they are suitably paranoid about challengers...

  • Cloud
    Google’s Secret Weapon Against Amazon: Blistering Fast Networks

    It's easy to assume the public cloud war is over and Amazon has won. Gartner highlights Amazon Web Services offers five times the utilized compute capacity of the other 14 cloud providers in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Combined.However impressive this lead may seem, Gartner's analysis didn't include the Google Cloud, which...

  • Cloud
    Hadoop, There It Isn’t—A Startup Bucks The Big Data Consensus

    Data At Work profiles data scientists working at the cutting edge of big data.Konstantin Gredeskoul knows what you want.He’s the CTO of Wanelo, one of the online-shopping startups that's pioneering the Visual Web. It’s a wicked mixture of Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram with a simple twist—everything you see on...

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