Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Web
    How MyFitnessPal Became The King Of Diet Trackers

    MyFitnessPal recently sold to Under Armour for $475 million. In this exclusive excerpt from ReadWrite founder Richard MacManus's new book, Trackers: How Technology Is Helping Us Monitor & Improve Our Health, he reveals founder Mike Lee's secrets for building an app that has helped millions lose weight.  Trackers is now available on Kindle...

  • Structure
    Why You Need To X-Ray Your Data Center

    Guest author John Gentry is vice president of marketing and alliances at Virtual Instruments.The tree in your front yard may be a lot like your data center. It has a lot of stories to tell, and if you cut it down, the circles in the stump may reveal periods of...

  • Work
    How To Avoid Working For Machines

    The machines may be taking over, but not everyone will end up working for them. Indeed, according to recent MIT research, it accomplishes little to rage against the AI machine, Luddite hammer in hand. No, the best way to beat the machines is to complement them with uniquely human skills.In...

  • Cloud
    How Big Data Could Limit Super Bowl Sticker Shock

    Guest author Alex Salkever is the head of product marketing and business development at Kitchell is from Seattle and is the co-founder of PriceMethod, a startup that helps AirBnB and HomeAway hosts price their properties. His co-founder Joe Fraiman is from Boston. They both follow football and pondered going to...

  • Mobile
    iOS 8.1.3 Shrinks Free Space Needed For iPhone Updates

    Apple just removed one of the biggest irritations with its current iPhone software—the amount of free space on your handset required to install updates.The latest release of its iOS mobile software, version 8.1.3, shrinks that storage requirement, which can vary depending on the specific iPhone or iPad model. Previous versions...

  • Web
    Maybe The Microsoft Surface Isn’t Dead After All

    Like the Little Engine That Could, Microsoft's beleaguered Surface tablet keeps chugging uphill—and refuses to quit.Its latest achievement: In Microsoft's latest quarterly earnings report, its Surface line pulled in $1.1 billion in revenue, a 24% increase over the year-earlier period. The company's flagship tablet, the Pro 3—an expensive but essentially full-fledged Windows...

  • Cloud
    IBM The World’s Largest Cloud? Not Even Close

    Sometimes an untruth is so breathtaking in its audacity that you have to at least admire the chutzpah that gave it birth. Take, for example, IBM's claim that it now does $7 billion in "cloud revenue," making it the world's "largest cloud provider," as a spokesperson told GigaOm's Barb Darrow.While...

  • Work
    How To Hire A Data Scientist

    We're getting Big Data all wrong, and it's holding us back. By making a fetish of the volume of data we're collecting, we've completely overlooked the most important aspect of our data: analyzing it.Such analysis is often assumed to be the province of data scientists, those magical unicorns that take...

  • Code
    Ranking Programming Languages: Swift’s Growth Is “Unprecedented”

    Developers may be a fickle bunch, but they're sticking with Java, thank you very much. Even so, as the newest Redmonk Programming Language Rankings suggest, developers are very (very) open to new languages like Go and Swift that help them program for the cloud and mobile, respectively.In the case of...

  • Mobile
    Fitness Trackers Are Still Waiting For Their “iPod Moment”

    The fitness-tracker market is exploding. There are a ton of new devices on the market to track steps, sleep, heart rate, and other bodily metrics, many unveiled earlier this month at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. One reporter tried on 56 different models on display at the event.I don't...

  • Entertainment
    10 Of The Year’s Newest And Hottest Fitness Gadgets

    Editor's Note: This was originally published by our partners at PopSugar Tech.Every January, companies gather at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to reveal the best gadgets of the year. And every year in recent memory, fitness gadgets have dominated. This year is no exception, but aside from all...

  • Web
    The State Of Bitcoin In 2015 Isn’t As Bad As You Were Expecting

    Bitcoin BankThe Bitcoin isn’t doing so hot price-wise, but the numbers aren’t all doom and gloom. Digital currency news site Coindesk just released its State of Bitcoin 2015 report, covering highlights from the previous year with an emphasis on Q4. While the report noted that the price of a Bitcoin...

  • Hack
    Open Source Is Data Science’s Missing Ingredient

    Here's the dilemma: your company has lots of data and little clue what to do with it. So you figure you should hire a data scientist but, as it turns out, they're in short supply. Good ones, anyway.What do you do?As an increasing number of companies are figuring out, you...

  • Work
    LinkedIn Looks For More Writers Abroad

    LinkedIn announced late Wednesday in a blog post that its users have published more than 1 million posts on the professional social network, and that the company would consequently open up the feature to more countries. These longer "posts" aren't to be confused with the shorter status updates LinkedIn users have...

  • Work
    How Open Source Can Fix 2015’s Data Entropy

    ReadWritePredict is a look ahead at the technology trends and companies that will shape the coming year.This will not be a good year for those that believe in human progress. At least, not if enterprise software is any indication.Or, more specifically, enterprise data.As much as we keep coming up with...

  • Social
    5 Big Trends that Shaped Social Media in 2014

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.When we're mobile, we're social. In 2014, we spent 45 minutes a day on social apps on our smartphones and tablets—the biggest use for our devices after games, according to Flurry, the mobile-analytics firm Yahoo purchased...

  • Work
    Applications Drive The Biggest Money In Big Data

    We're still fixating on all the wrong Big Data startups. Hortonworks, one of the primary companies behind Hadoop, recently went public to great fanfare and a $1.2 billion valuation. But Hortonworks and the rest of the so-called Big Data startups are actually some of the least interesting Big Data companies.In...

  • Startups
    9 Startups That Made Life Better In 2014

    ReadWriteReflect offers a look back at major technology trends, products and companies of the past year.This year’s hottest startups were all about boosting our productivity and well-being. They seized the opportunities presented by open APIs, and they rode the ongoing shift to mobile devices. In so doing, these small, innovative...

  • Work
    Why Docker Is Going To Dominate Your 2015

    ReadWritePredict is a look ahead at the technology trends and companies that will shape the coming year.You might be sick of hearing about Docker, at least if you move in certain circles. And yet 2015 promises to be awash in ... even more Docker. Maybe you wanted something else under...

  • Work
    Big Companies Are Still Struggling To Buy A Big Data Clue

    Data science remains the surest ticket to Big Salary nirvana. If only it paid equally large dividends for the companies paying those salaries. Part of the problem stems from getting enough qualified people into a market desperate for answers.But part of the problem stems from asking the wrong questions in...

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