Results for "Analysis"

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  • Code
    Ad Blocking Isn’t The End Of The World

    Guest author Jonathan Frangakis is CEO and cofounder of Mira.Ad blocking isn’t the end of the world, it’s actually a new beginning—and smart app developers are poised to reap the benefits. Developers, rightly, pour resources into creating great experiences in their apps. But when it comes to advertisements, there’s a fundamental...

  • Structure
    How Machine Learning And Big Data Can Boost Business

    Guest author Scott Amyx is founder and CEO of Amyx+McKinsey, a wearables and IoT (Internet of Things) strategy and execution agency.We’ve moved into an era of Big Data, with petabytes of information available mere keystrokes away from your fingertips. The situation will only deepen as the IoT expands. An estimated...

  • Grow
    5 Steps That Can Light Up Your Marketing Efforts

    Guest author Stephen Moyers is an online marketer, designer, avid tech-savvy blogger. Associated with Los Angeles-based SPINX Digital Agency, he writes about online marketing, web design, development, social media marketing and more.With roughly 27.9 million small businesses in the United States and many more mid-sized companies, having a good digital...

  • Lead
    Fellow Frogs, Winter Is Coming

    Guest author Chad Riddersen, an investment banker–turned–growth hacker, co-founded Deviate Labs, a growth hacking consulting agency, in 2014 to help scale both startups and traditional businesses. All summer long, prominent early stage investors like Mark Suster and Fred Wilson have been cautioning against Unicorn valuations and California capitalism where, as Maciej...

  • News
    Hello, Tizen Experts! Here’s to Samsung’s Future

      I know, I know. This post starts the beginning of what will be a good deal of work from me in an exciting new venture in my life as well as that of Tizen Experts. My name is Deidre Richardson, and I’m a true tech enthusiast at heart. What...

  • Operate
    The White House Doesn’t Need To Spend $700K On “Standing Desks”

    This post appears courtesy of the Ferenstein Wire, a syndicated news service. Publishing partners may edit posts. For inquiries, please email author and publisher Gregory Ferenstein.The White House reportedly wants to shell out a whopping $700,000 for standing desks. While it's true that sitting all day long has debilitating health...

  • Grow
    4 Steps For Creating Happy Customer Experiences

    Guest author Doron Reuveni is CEO and co-founder of Applause, a software-testing company based in New England.When the topic of customer service comes up, names like Amazon, Zappos and American Express often spring to mind. They should—these companies invest deeply in customer service, listening to their patrons, asking what makes...

  • Operate
    What Startups Can Learn From Uber’s Employee Misclassification Mess

    Guest author Lonnie Giamela is a partner in the Los Angeles office of national labor & employment law firm Fisher & Phillips, LLP. Uber’s on-demand business model is under increased scrutiny, as a class-action lawsuit from a group of drivers moves through the California court system. The drivers say the company has...

  • Build
    Hardware Is A Long Game—Let Me Give You The Playbook

    Building products is hard. Building hardware products and taking them to market is nearly impossible. In the past three years of growing Wearable World, I’ve worked with more than 100 hardware entrepreneurs, and together we’ve stumbled through a dragon’s den of challenges unique to the hardware business.As sensors and microprocessors...

  • Code
    Asana’s New Plan: Tracking Every Aspect Of Your Work, With Help From Developers

    As I stepped into the Hamm's Building in San Francisco's northeast Mission District Wednesday morning, I felt the presence of ghosts. I got my first big break as a reporter here in 1997, at the old Red Herring. Asana, a business-software startup, had invited me back to my old haunts to...

  • Code
    API Of The Week:

    Guest author Kurt Collins is a developer evangelist for Salesforce taking over the streets of San Francisco for its massive Dreamforce conference this week, it's hard to remember that 15 years ago, Salesforce was just another startup scrapping for attention at tech conferences. At the Demo conference in February...

  • Build
    Tech Makers: Stop Treating Tablets Like Smartphones

    Guest author Liraz Margalit, PhD, is a web psychologist at ClickTale, a company that provides website optimization software and consulting.Smartphones and tablets both get us online, store our photos and keep track of our calendars. But they are not the same. In fact, user behavior varies quite a bit between...

  • Build
    The Top 5 Technologies That Have Changed Sports

    This post is sponsored by The Wearable Tech In Sport Summit, an event taking place in San Francisco on September 9–10. It reflects the views of the sponsor, not ReadWrite's editors. Athletes today use increasingly complex technologies to enhance performance. We have seen considerable leaps forward in sporting performance as a...

  • Grow
    The Biggest Digital Marketing Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

    Guest author Stephen Moyers is the Web marketing manager at SPINX Digital Agency, a designer and a blogger who writes about Web design, and online and social marketing. The success of digital marketing depends on a number of factors: understanding your marketing history, knowing what's being said about your brand, and...

  • Structure
    6 Reasons That Apache Spark Isn’t Flickering Out

    Guest author Peter Schlampp is the vice president of products at Platfora, a "Big Data" analytics platform provider.Apache Spark is quickly becoming a core technology for big data analytics in a surprisingly short period of time. This may lead cautious types to wonder if it will fade out just as...

  • Lead
    Amazon’s Not Much Different From Other Tech Employers, Public Data Says

    This post appears courtesy of the Ferenstein Wire, a syndicated news service. Publishing partners may edit posts. For inquiries, please email author and publisher Gregory Ferenstein.The New York Times caused a stir in Silicon Valley with a viral article claiming that brutally exploits its white-collar workers with unforgiving management...

  • Code
    14 Big Opportunities In Enterprise Markets You Should Be Seizing

    Guest author Jesus Rodriguez is the founder of KidoZen.The last few years have brought a new wave of innovation to enterprise software. From companies like Workday and Zendesk redefining traditional business processes to Slack and Box opening new areas of innovation, the enterprise software space have seen companies rise up...

  • Build
    Here’s Why I Really Bought ReadWrite

    Hi! It’s time for me to speak up and introduce myself. I’m the CEO of Wearable World, the company that bought ReadWrite back in February. To the many who have loved this site for more than 12 years, I’d like to say “Thank you.” Thank you for sticking around and...

  • Hack
    Rust Never Sleeps: How Mozilla Could Become Cool Again

    Mozilla has seen better days. Once it offered a serious competitive threat to Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Today, Mozilla's Firefox squeaks into third place with just 12% market share of desktop browsers, according to NetMarketShare, and is worse than a rounding error among mobile browsers. Other projects, like Mozilla Thunderbird, are even less...

  • Wear
    Google’s Study Kit App Could Open Up Health Data

    Google has big plans for your body, and Study Kit—the name shared by a mysterious Android app and Chrome Extension—is proof.The apps appear to be the next phase in Google’s Baseline Study initiative, a “moonshot” the company first acknowledged in 2014 via a report in the Wall Street Journal. On Wednesday,...

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