Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • philips-healthsuite-app
    Connected Devices
    Philips launches ecosystem of connected health wearables

    Philips unveiled a suite of new connected health devices on Monday, in a move to bolster its position in the personal healthcare market. The firm said all four devices have been built “with leading doctors and psychologists,” according and connect to the company’s HealthSuite app. See Also: Digital trust could...

  • Connected Devices
    How cognitive computing is changing IoT

    Cognitive computing means giving computers the ability to work out complex problems for themselves. Just like humans, cognitive computers benefit greatly from experience, learning better ways to solve problems with each encounter. When a traditional system of rules finds a task impossible, cognitive computing sees only an opportunity to expand...

  • Connected Devices
    Cameras and IoT: Going from smart to intelligent

    Eyes are considered to be the most powerful human sense. The equivalent technological tool is an intelligent video camera that can observe, analyze and act on provided information. This technology is know as Intelligent Video Analytics or Video Content Analysis. See also: What is the Internet of Things? Vendors such as...

  • Transportation
    TankTaler wants to Tesla up your tired old ride

    It's easy with the evolution towards cars that are not only connected but autonomous vehicles to forget that such technologically enhanced vehicles are preceded by cars that have operated with perfect functionality for many years despite their lack of technical prowess. Up until now, the owners of such cars have...

  • Smart Cities
    Huawei bets tomorrow’s smart cities are today’s safe cities

    The planning of smart cities often looks a lot like the futuristic cities envisioned by Gene Roddenberry in his epic Star Trek universe. Clean, gorgeous walkways wind through lush greenery. Well-designed buildings decorate the landscape as traffic rolls by at a steady pace. Getting to these near-Utopian visions of the...

  • Health
    6 benefits of IoT for hospitals and healthcare

    There is no doubt that the Internet of Things is transforming the healthcare industry completely by redefining how apps, devices and people interact and connect with each other in delivering healthcare solutions. That is, IoT is constantly offering new tools as well as efficiencies that make up an integrated healthcare...

  • maker 2
    Connected Devices
    IoT and jobs: There are plenty of great opportunities

    The Internet of Things is growing and with it comes a heightened demand for skilled professionals that can usher in a new generation of network-capable devices. As businesses of all different types are looking for new ways to put IoT technologies to good use, the need for additional workforce to create and facilitate...

  • Connected Devices
    Will IoT totally reshape how, when and where we get content?

    The internet of things (IoT) is only in its infancy, and it is already raising the bar for what consumers expect from their media experience. IoT promises unprecedented levels of personalization, easy access to content, and technology that enables unique, immersive experiences beyond what has been offered before. In fact,...

  • Connected Devices
    USA Cycling drafts off IBM cloud in Rio gold hunt

    In the ramp up to the Rio Olympics, USA Cycling Women’s Team Pursuit is boosting riders’ performance through connected devices and wearables that generate real-time insights via IBM’s Apache Spark cloud-based data analytics. Performance insights gained from data analytics are increasingly used as a training tool in the hyper-competitive field...

  • Transportation
    With connected cars, the payoff is the model

    With the collision of IoT and connected cars, we are also seeing a collision of technology and business models. To understand more about this change in revenue models, we sat down with Brendan O'Brien, the co-founder of Aria Systems, a cloud billing and monetization platform Brendan O’Brien: The reason IoT was...

  • microsoft-band-2-cyclist
    Connected Devices
    Microsoft wearables pack cyclists’ suitcase of courage

    Microsoft has been working with a number of cyclists in the recent Amgen Tour of California -- an eight-day cycling race that crosses the state -- to provide detailed analytics on how a large amount of exercise affects the body. Cyclists wore Microsoft’s own fitness wearable, the Band 2, to...

  • Connected Devices
    YAP’s beacon just wants your shopping to be fun

    While at the Mobile World Congress Shanghai conference, I had an opportunity to walk through a day like a Yapper, and it's an eye-opening experience. Launched in 2014, South Korea-based Yap is a location-based integrated online-to-offline (O2O) commerce and payments platform -- and now, that means beacons. Calling it a "breakthrough...

  • worst
    Connected Devices
    Calm, cruel and connected: June’s best and worst of IoT

    It seems that every day a new IoT device or means to connect existing devices is revealed. With so much energy in being devoted to tell us how, when, where, what we can connect to each other, the “why” may be getting a little blurry. So we want to take a...

  • Connected Devices
    Space-Time Insights aims for the IIoT cloud with GoFactory

    In a bid to bolster its cloud capacities, Space‐Time Insight bought San Francisco-based Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) startup GoFactory for an undisclosed amount. San Mateo-based Space-Time said the acquisition will boost its real-time visual analytics by adding GoFactory’s industry expertise and IIoT technologies. This follows another recent cloud computing...

  • Connected Devices
    U.S. government spent 20% more on IoT last year

    The private sector may be driving new Internet of Things (IoT) technology, but a new study shows the US government is rapidly hopping on board. An article by Nextgov reports that a new study by research analysis firm Govini revealed that federal agencies are rapidly boosting their spending on sensor-driven...

  • Connected Devices
    Consumer IoT channels continue to struggle

    Many people recognize that the IoT is not actually new. For years, industries have become increasingly sophisticated in the way they collect and use data from systems and devices.  In the B2B space, the IoT market is already well advanced. The majority of new commercial buildings are ‘smart’; systems are...

  • Connected Devices
    Me too please! FTC wants in on US federal IoT dialogue

    As more US government departments and lawmakers wake up to the growing influence of the Internet of Things (IoT), the Federal Trade Commission says they want in on the regulatory conversation. As reported by, the FTC has decided to stick its oar in the IoT waters by issuing an official...

  • qadium-internet-of-things-google-maps
    Connected Devices
    Qadium raises millions to build IoT search engine

    The Internet of Things (IoT) exposes a variety of security challenges that have been prevalent on the Internet since its inception, but exemplified now that hackers can attack entire governmental or commercial systems worth billions of dollars. To prevent these large scale attacks from happening, CIA and DARPA alumni Tim...

  • Connected Devices
    The Commerce of Things is coming to a retailer near you

    Imagine a time when your retail purchases are curated, refined and personalized by your previous purchasing habits. You receive a package of ink in the mail when your printer runs low and a new toothbrush head just before it's time to change yours. This is the Commerce of Things, according...

  • Smart Cities
    Can telcos rewire the data silos of tomorrow’s smart cities?

    While the Internet of Things (IoT) may connect our devices, smart cities are launching increasingly disparate applications that need help connecting together the mess of data being generated. In a commentary on The Stack, Comptel IoT specialist Veli-Pekka Luoma argues that telecommunications operators, or telcos, are perfectly suited to play...

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