Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Connected Devices
    How to start incorporating machine learning in the enterprise arena

    The world is long past the Industrial Revolution, and now we are experiencing an era of Digital Revolution. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data analysis are the reality of today’s world. I recently had a chance to talk to Ciaran Dynes, Senior Vice President of Products at Talend and...

  • Connected Devices
    If data is the new oil, who is your refiner?

    For enterprise teams, data seems to be everywhere, waiting to be unlocked to drive your business goals forward. We sat down recently with two of Nokia’s leading IoT authorities — Marc Jadoul, IoT Market development director, Denny Lee, Head of Analytics Strategy — to talk about how your firm’s data...

  • News
    Is Samsung close to implementing its in-house GPU as rumored?

    Two years ago, it was all over the news that Samsung is building its GPU to augment the home-grown Mongoose CPU cores. At the time, it was the only logical option because the entire 2015 flagship lineup used Exynos 7420 thus the in-house SoCs evolved from a regional option to...

  • Connected Devices
    Facial recognition tech makes it official: There is no privacy anymore

    Recent weeks have brought controversy over electronic billboards in restaurants and shopping precincts that utilize advanced facial recognition techniques to not only provide personalized advertisements but also measure and record the consumer and their response, ostensibly to enable retailers to provide more targeted marketing and services. In Oslo, the restaurant Peppe's...

  • Industrial
    Check out a Down Under IoT solution to environmental quality

    According to the head of an Australian environmental consulting services company, the first part of improving environmental quality is tracking it, overcoming regular methods that only capture a few locations and focus on basic displays of real-time data. Robin Ormerod, the Managing Director of EnviroSuite, says, “Often, the information displayed...

  • Industrial
    Using IoT to solve the problems of the freight industry

    Honeywell last week announced a new "Connected Freight" solution that gives shippers and logistics companies unprecedented ability to monitor shipments of high-value and perishable goods, helping prevent costly damage and loss. The new solution, developed in collaboration with Intel and third-party logistics companies, provides real-time information about the location and condition...

  • News
    Samsung VP speaks on vision for Tizen, Tizen 4.0 and ongoing development of the platform

    The Tizen Developer Conference (TDC) 2017 holding in San Francisco, U.S. will be wrapping up today. The annual gathering has seen industry leaders, as well as developers, service partners and others involved in the Tizen platform, gather to brainstorm. One topic that was discussed extensively during the course of the...

  • Connected Devices
    Will data analytics transform our healthcare system?

    Big data analytics are entirely transforming business paradigms. Automated databases are enabling businesses to perform mundane tasks more efficiently. And, the commercial sector isn’t the only area to benefit from data analytics. Its impact is widespread and is being seen across many different sectors, including healthcare. Access to healthcare facilities...

  • Connected Devices
    How artificial intelligence will transform IT operations and devops

    To state that DevOps and IT operations teams will face new challenges in the coming years sounds a bit redundant, as their core responsibility is to solve problems and overcome challenges. However, with the dramatic pace in which the current landscape of processes, technologies, and tools are changing, it has...

  • Smart Cities
    Can IoT prevent gun violence across America’s cities?

    Local municipalities are increasingly turning to smart city technology to reduce public crime through efforts such as connected lighting, targeted surveillance and data assets. One of the more innovative smart solutions is ShotSpotter, a gunshot detection, acoustic surveillance technology that uses sensors to detect, locate and alert law enforcement agencies of...

  • Connected Devices
    What are the key drivers to successful enterprise IoT development?

    As IoT moves beyond pure data collection how do companies stay on top of this market and pull the most value from it? We sat down recently with three IoT authorities from Nokia: Khamis Abulgubein, IoT market development for automotive and transportation; Lee L’Esperance, IoT business modeling and Jacques Vermeulen, Nokia...

  • Industrial
    How is the new age of digital transformation changing the utilities sector?

    It is easy to take for granted the technology we have at our disposal. We flick a switch and the lights go on, we turn on the tap and clean water comes out. We don’t have to worry about the provision of natural gas for cooking. But today, the utilities sector...

  • Health
    Does big data today keep the doctor away?

    There’s a small cadre of highly skilled big data professionals and doctors who are leveraging technology to help you live a longer, healthier life. Armed with mountains of government-funded genomic data sets along with mature and easily accessible analytics tools, these technicians and doctors are building apps, tools, and systems...

  • Connected Devices
    For your big data, sometimes there’s no place like home

    As the IoT becomes more widespread, companies are coming to the realization that although IoT stands for “Internet of Things,” the reality is that these solutions are less about the things and more about using the data generated from these things. As the volume of data that these solutions deliver...

  • Connected Devices
    How to become an omni-channel, data-driven retailer

    In today’s digital age where customers are as likely to buy a product from an e-commerce website as from a brick and mortar store, delivering a seamless and value-adding shopping experience has become more important than ever before. The multiple shopping channels available to customers and the competition posed by...

  • Connected Devices
    Look at all the amazing things AI can (and can’t yet) do for lawyers

    Robot lawyers have been getting so much attention lately that AI-and-law thought leaders believe we have reached peak hype. Journalists have responded by toning down their headlines to better manage expectations. For example, last month the New York Times ran an article titled, “A.I. Is Doing Legal Work. But It...

  • Connected Devices
    Looking along the horizon for the “smart” sea change in IoT

    We’ve all been inundated with the hype surrounding Internet of Things “smart stuff” and the impending arrival of our robot overlords, so we tend to minimize the mind-blowing wonder of the responsive and intelligent computing metamorphosis that is upon us. For years, the IoT community has been saying that if we...

  • Connected Devices
    How machine learning is revolutionizing digital enterprises

    According to the prediction of IDC Futurescapes, two-thirds of Global 2000 Enterprises CEOs will center their corporate strategy on digital transformation. A major part of the strategy should include machine-learning (ML) solutions. The implementation of these solutions could change how these enterprises view customer value and internal operating model today....

  • Connected Devices
    BrickerBot malware will brick unsecure Internet of Things devices

    A new malicious software program targeting Linux-based Internet of Things (IoT) devices, called BrickerBot, has been spotted by cybersecurity vendor Radware. BrickerBot is similar to Mirai, the destructive malware program that enlists corrupt IoT devices into botnets for denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Like Mirai, BrickerBot attacks unsecure devices that have not...

  • Industrial
    Industrial IoT: Think of it as a May-December romance

    Is industrial IoT new or old? It’s a more complex question than you think. If you’ve experienced the advertising barrage of the past decade, you might have concluded that large industrial companies are just discovering the power of data. Ports are being rigged with sensors and software to optimize boat...

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