Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Cloud-Computing-Security
    Advantages And Risks Of Cloud Computing Regarding Security

    Customers of cloud computing need to be assured that providers apply appropriate security practices to mitigate the risks they both face. They need this guarantee to be able to make good business decisions and to maintain or obtain safety certificates. An initial symptom of this need for assurance is that...

  • Build
    How AI Can Shape the Future of UX

    Artificial intelligence (AI) gathers data to interpret and predict human behavior, and user experience (UX) does the same thing — it reads human behavior to anticipate what people will do next. With the same end goal in mind, AI has the power to shape the future of UX, offering new...

  • Computer hacker silhouette of hooded man
    How to Feel Secure With Your Data in 2018

    Implementing multiple layers of security is the common thread for today’s data security strategies. The layered approach has worked in some cases. However, other companies have still become vulnerable to hackers. In fact, numerous large global enterprises with significant technology budgets have fallen victim to hackers. It may make you wonder just...

  • Data-Center
    Unassisted AI Video Surveillance Techniques Help Numerous Verticals to Scale

    Data has always been a business game changer as a rear view indicator.  It’s been defined as the new oil. Most of the time, data gets collected, stored, and then analyzed to find the right insights through multiple sets of tools. With this cumbersome approach, reaching those critical data points...

  • google-machine-learning-network-io-2016
    7 Ways Your Business Should Be Using Machine Learning Today

    Machine learning has been defined by Stanford University as “the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed.” It’s machine learning that is now behind some of the greatest advancements in technology, driving new industries like autonomous vehicles. From machine learning, a whole new world of concepts has developed,...

  • AI
    How IoT can Change Cities Run More Efficiently

    One of the excellent things about Internet of Things (IoT) is its capability of solving the most common issues that we have around us and one of them is traffic. And the reason I would like to discuss the potentiality of IoT in optimizing the traffic is because today’s world...

  • Security
    In Mark Zuckerberg We Trust? The State and Future of Facebook, User Data, Cambridge Analytica, Fake News, Elections, Russia and You

    In the wake of Cambridge Analytica, data misappropriation, #deletefacebook, calls for regulation and pending testimony to U.S. Congress, Facebook announced a series of initiatives to restrict data access and also a renewed selfie awareness to focus efforts on protecting people on the platform. What’s more notable however is that Mark...

  • xfinity home
    Readwrite Sponsors
    How Comcast’s Xfinity Home is using Analytics and more to Drive Business Decisions

    By: Comcast’s Shuvankar Roy, vice president, Xfinity Home and Neeraj Grover, director of business analytics and reporting, Xfinity Home Q: Why are analytics right to use to drive business decisions? A: Analytics can help to identify the actual pain points in many parts of the business, including the customer journey....

  • Startups
    The Top CRM Companies for Business Owners

    The market has become flooded with customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, making it incredibly difficult to narrow the field enough to find the right CRM software for your needs. If you have a good idea of what you’re looking for, however, the sheer number of options can be beneficial, allowing...

  • facebook-f8
    How Is Technology Going to Change Facebook Ads?

    Facebook ads are a combination of marketing and technology that some love, some hate, and some simply don’t understand. What’s sometimes seen as a creatively fueled marketing platform is driven by a lot of science — data, metrics, and an ad performance-oriented auction system prove Facebook ads are about technology...

  • AR/VR
    Augmented Reality Technology: The Nuts And Bolts

    Augmented reality (AR) is obviously one of the world’s biggest digital stories of all time. The successful release and debut of Pokémon Go happened to be a striking demonstration of the potential abilities of the new technology which is aimed at providing a new and solid platform for customer engagement....

  • AI
    AI and Blockchain Tech Are The Future of Successful Trading

    In the past five years, the global financial industry has experienced major disruptions thanks to innovative technologies in AI, Machine Learning, and Blockchain. The rate at which supercomputers are taking over the financial sector is leaving no doubt that the future of finance will largely depend on computer scientists and...

  • Humm
    Technology Needs to Make Healthy Food Scalable and Affordable

    Many have been calling the healthy and organic food category the next trillion-dollar industry. With allergen-free foods experiencing 30 percent sales growth in the U.S. and healthy snacks alone estimated to top $138 billion by 2020, it’s not surprising that 88 percent of consumers say they’ll pay more for access...

  • IoT
    Is Business Headed for a Cognitive-First Future?

    As the world generates more and more data — at a clip of 2.5 quintillion bytes each day — it simultaneously struggles to manage it. With humans unable to manually process such large amounts of data and analyze its implications, the business world has to turn to machines to take on...

  • Spiro
    AI’s Role in Driving the Sales Experience

    Much has been made of AI’s role in serving customers, and AI-supported smart devices have invaded homes everywhere — Amazon’s Alexa was even used to order millions more Alexas as Christmas presents in 2017. Artificial intelligence is embedding itself in our technology-obsessed culture, but not every industry has taken advantage of AI’s...

  • AI
    6 Simple, No-Nonsense Accounting Apps for Microbusinesses

    “Small” businesses today come in a broad range of sizes, from the 500-person light manufacturing plant to the “solopreneur.” One distinct category is the microbusiness, which typically features one owner with up to four other employees. A freelancer is a good example of a microbusiness, as is someone who owns...

  • Connect
    How Streaming Analytics Has Quietly Become Essential

    From startups to large enterprises, analytics play a critical part in driving today’s marketing strategies. The amount of data available — and what can be done with it — has changed. Yet, just like in the past, analytics most commonly remains static. As Zoomdata explained in its master class on...

  • utilities
    How the IoT and Related Tech Are Helping to Update the Energy Sector

    Energy sector improvements have the capacity to affect almost every other industry. We all recognize the importance of a reliable energy system — after all, no business runs without electricity. As DataRPM, a Progress company that uses anomaly detection and prediction to provide a stable energy supply, notes in its recent e-book, “Since energy literally...

  • CARFIT partners with VINCI Highways
    VINCI Highways and CARFIT Partner To Strengthen Safety On Motorways

    As a specialist in predictive maintenance applied to the automotive sector CARFIT announces a partnership with VINCI Highways. Our latest product, CARFIT PULS, is a new connected vibration sensor marketed with a toll transceiver from VINCI Highways, to allow drivers to be better informed about the general state of their vehicles. This...

  • Nvidia Inception Program
    Autonomous Cars Will Need “Autonomous Maintenance” Solutions

    Competition has begun heating up as to who will be the first one to operate a fleet of fully autonomous vehicles, as demonstrated again by recent announcements from General Motors (GM) and Uber.  However, a lot of work is still needed to allow such vehicles to roam freely throughout our...

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