Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • Featured
    Best Smartwatches/ Fitness Bands to buy this Diwali

    The Diwali festive season is upon us and if you're finding it difficult to decide what to gift your loved ones, we think we can help. While there exist a range of product categories to choose from, a fitness tracker/ smartwatch makes a pretty good gift. These devices can make...

  • money-saving tech
    How to Open a Company Bank Account for Your Startup & Avoid the Pitfalls

    Congratulations on registering your new business! Or if you're still contemplating forming your business, and just trying to better understand the steps required for having a bank account under the company name, you're in the right place. Be sure you have seen our Lloyd & Mousilli guide on incorporation here for...

  • Fintech
    Robo-Advisors Are Coming. So What’s Stopping Them?

    As technology continues its seemingly endless evolution, robots are taking over customer service and back-end data analysis. Combining those functions to create robo-advisors makes perfect sense. Unconvinced? Look at the financial sector. Experts who weighed in as part of Financial Planning’s survey believe that wealth management firms will continue to invest in robo-advisors...

  • marketing data goes wasted
    Marketers, You’re Wasting Your Data

    Data has never been more critical to marketing success. Companies are striving to employ the latest analytics to drive improvement in all areas of operations. The good news is that the majority of consumers are willing to provide data, given the right conditions. In fact, a 2018 survey by Acxiom...

  • Cloud
    Insights as a Service: 3 Principles for Making the Most of This New Opportunity

    Insights as a service is a model experiencing supersonic growth, so it’s natural to wonder where it’s headed. Fortunately, there are some clues that can give us a sense of where and how it is likely to evolve. Consider what is fueling its growth. That starts with determining its added...

  • Content and content marketing in the IOT
    The Future of Blockchain: Technology Partnerships with AI, Bots, and IoT

    Each technology we use offers some type of benefit. However, advantages rapidly increase by integrating numerous technologies.  While Superman can save the day, there is no chance for evil to win when he joins the Justice League. In this case, the blockchain, which is the decentralized ledger behind cryptocurrency and...

  • question of big data
    Despite the Hype, Big Data Might Not Be What You Need

    The big data trend continues, and more and more companies are hopping on the bandwagon. While many organizations assume they need big data’s wisdom, often the “small” operational data they already have will do just fine. Operational data is internal data, such as the data that gives Uber its ability...

  • industrial revolution
    How IoT is Powering the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Broadcasting

    Alexa turns on the lights, the coffeemaker starts when we get out of bed, and the early news headlines automatically come on when we walk through the living room - welcome to the new morning routine in the fourth industrial revolution. As the era of the fourth industrial revolution also...

  • Grow
    Need to Grow Your City? Partnerships Are the Key to Success.

    Economic development is a team sport. Local and state governments, working intentionally with businesses and civic organizations, set the foundation for sustained economic growth. Key elements of this foundation include robust collaborations on key economic development strategies, including key public policy matters, long-term investment strategies, talent development, and marketing. With...

  • ReadWrite
    SLAM and AR/VR Applications: What Is The Future of These Technologies?

    Virtual reality and augmented reality are two of the biggest focuses within the development/technology industry, even outside the gaming world. Given the fact that such technology heavily intersects with others such as machine learning, procedural calculation and 4D mapping, we can easily say that the near future will indeed see...

  • Technology
    How Women Are Breaking Into the Tech World

    It’s no secret that tech has become a male-dominated industry. The press has discussed at length the gender discrimination prevalent throughout the tech sector, resulting in everything from pay inequities to sexual harassment. Study upon study has shown that women with the same educational backgrounds and experience levels as their...

  • Customer Service
    Customer Data Management – A Crucial Step to Increase Your Business

    Computers continue growing smarter and people continually spend more time online interacting with them. As such, there’s more data available out there than ever before. Regardless of your position in the business world, you understand the relevance and importance of this information. Properly managing it is the only way to...

  • Marketing
    How to Use Cornerstone Content to Kick-start Automatic-SEO?

    Businesses today have no time when it comes to creating a website and putting in the right effort to rank in local search. It is perfectly normal since you all know that cost of retaining a customer is way cheaper than acquiring a new one. Similarly a business would rather...

  • AI
    How AI Is Finally Spreading Through the Supply Chain

    The production and distribution of consumer goods and food products are not as cut and dry as it may seem to spectators. With the numerous challenges and complexities throughout the supply chain, artificial intelligence is rightfully standing at the forefront of technological solutions. This is because AI is enhancing efficiency...

  • Security
    Cryptojacking Malware: What It Is and How to Fix It

    Cryptojacking is a cyberattack like no other. Attackers don’t steal your data or ransom off access to your network. Instead, they commandeer your hardware when you’re not looking and redline the processors to mine cryptocurrency. Since 2017, cryptojacking’s popularity has skyrocketed. Palo Alto Networks’ WildFire platform has identified roughly 470,000 unique...

  • artificial intelligence
    How CRM Software Generates Leads Which Converts?

    Generating Leads and converting them into business has been the top-notch feature of a CRM software. CRM software simply deals with the customer behaviour and helps in converting leads into a strong customer for your business. What is a CRM software? A CRM software is the abbreviated form of Customer...

  • Will AI Be Able to Predict Your Dreams?
    Will AI Be Able to Predict Your Dreams?

    Have you ever had an unsettling dream about some random person you went to high school with? Or a dream that predicted the future in some idiosyncratic way, like foreseeing a traffic jam on your way to work? Or how about some nonsense dream with random creatures and characters, with...

  • 4 Tips for Comparing and Evaluating Equipment Before Purchase
    4 Tips for Comparing and Evaluating Equipment Before Purchase

    Purchasing a new piece of equipment for your business can be a difficult process filled with lots of different steps and friction. However, this isn’t the time to sit back and let someone else take charge. A correct purchase will push your business forward, while an incorrect one could hold...

  • tech engagement
    Consumerized Enterprise Software Is Poised to Make the Industry More Competitive

    Workplace engagement has become a widespread problem. Gallup’s ongoing employee engagement monitoring shows that, even today, less than 35 percent of Americans are engaged at work. In fact, a 2017 Aon Hewitt study showed that workplace engagement is declining, with some organizations experiencing “angst” amid the prediction that the decline...

  • Security
    Data Lake vs. Data Warehouse: Which Is the Best Data Architecture?

    For a business in digital transition, data architecture is a big decision. Selecting the right model is one of the first and most important choices of any such initiative. But given the breadth of options and confusing terminology, choosing a solution that meets the company's needs without blowing its budget...

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