Results for "Analysis"

We found 3633 results for your search.
  • redefining in-store customer experience
    Customer Service
    Technologies Redefining In-Store Customer Experience

    The rate at which customers are shopping online is skyrocketing by the day. The high rate of retail customer defection means that it is now doubly important for brick-and-mortar retailers to enhance the levels of customer experience in-store. A lot of things are being discussed in the global retail arena...

  • Tech Talent Shortage is Everybody’s Problem
    Today, the Tech Talent Shortage is Everybody’s Problem

    Over the last few years, we’ve observed the technology economy as it has grown, warped, and evolved. From the perspective of other industries, the tech universe looms and fascinates. But now, we can’t only watch from the sidelines. Technology is no longer just driving tech companies — it is such an economic...

  • top futurist speakers for conferences
    The Top Futurist Speakers to Have at Your Conference

    No one knows precisely what the future will bring, but some people seem to have their finger on the pulse of tomorrow more than others. These individuals’ ability to see what’s coming next makes them high-demand for tech conferences and events all over the world. Futurist speakers keep their eye...

  • Global Leader in Electronic Invoicing
    How Latin America Became a Global Leader in Electronic Invoicing

    In 2003, Chile became one of the first countries in the world to implement electronic invoicing, and several other countries have since followed suit. Latin America has long been a global leader in electronic invoicing, the practice of submitting and formalizing every business invoice through the government. Of the world’s...

  • Electronic design using AI solutions
    Electronic Design is Utilizing AI-Enabled Solutions to Render Top-grade Service

    The advent of AI in the Engineering Industry promises huge leaps in productivity, management efficiencies and bridging the gap between machines and human interaction. AI majorly seeks to conquer a wide range of challenges ranging from shortage of proficiency to the intricacies in decision making. This is why this technology...

  • Entrepreneurs
    9 Steps to Assess Whether a Startup is Suitable for Investment

    In the world of investing, there are numerous investment opportunities from which you can choose. The market is saturated so you will most certainly find a suitable investment opportunity that will match both your investing style and preferences. But your question will be about how to assess whether a startup...

  • Operate
    5 Keys to a Successful DevOps Implementation in Your Organization

    Modern technologies allow businesses to deliver products and services faster and more efficiently with each passing day. Speed and efficiency are the key drivers of success in today’s business environment, which is why companies that have embraced DevOps as a business methodology are dominant. (Think Amazon, Netflix, and Target.) Organizations that...

  • variations in blue, AI
    From Hype to Practical: What’s Next for AI?

    After years of hype around AI and machine learning, skepticism, and a focus on practical applications of the technology are now taking center stage. In the security industry, this was abundantly clear at the recent RSA Conference where 45,000 people and a thousand vendors descended on San Francisco to discuss...

  • lots to know on Instagram
    10 Effective Marketing Tips to Promote Your Product on Instagram in 2019

    Instagram has become a giant in the world of advertisement over the past few years, with more and more businesses, both big and small utilizing the platform. Instagram now has over 1 billion monthly users, to give that perspective, that’s some 400 million more people than the entirety of North...

  • branding can teach you about UX
    What These 7 Brands Can Teach You About UX

    How confident are you in your website’s user experience (UX)? If you don’t have measurable results that prove your UX is working, it may be time for a website redesign. Your website should create a seamless, enjoyable, and rewarding experience for your target users. Brands can teach you about UX....

  • tech is changing the future of work
    How Emerging Technologies Are Changing the Future of Work

    Imagine your workplace ten years from now. Chances are it’ll be very different from today thanks to fast-evolving technologies that are changing the nature of work, the dynamics of the workforce, and the notion of the workplace. To stay relevant and competitive, you need to understand the impact of emerging...

  • IoT Tech Helps Oil and Gas Industry’s Skills Shortage
    IoT Tech Helps Oil and Gas Industry’s Skills Shortage

    There has been much hype about IIoT (Industrial IoT), with promises to improve efficiency, reduce risks, and increase profits. Along with the implementation of other new technologies, it's being called the fourth industrial revolution. Experts are predicting that it will be more disruptive than any that have gone before and...

  • entrepreneurs raise chances for a business loan
    Business Loan? Budding Entrepreneurs Raise Their Chances

    Business credit is the grease that keeps the wheels of a business enterprise moving. The fact that business enterprises rely on business loans from time to time is an obvious statement. Regardless of the scale or the diversity of a business -- budding entrepreneurs running from pillar to post in...

  • work on your FB marketing plan
    How to Generate a 5-Step Facebook Marketing Strategy for Your Blog

    The power of a digital media platform with 2.32 billion is something that as a digital marketer that you can never ignore. Need a related mind-blowing fact? There exist 60 million businesses on this social media platform, and all these companies have their pages here on which they rely on...

  • Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Business Growth
    Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Business Growth

    How much do you know about Artificial Intelligence? Have you ever implemented AI into your business yet, or are you using it in helping your processes? Since the last few years, Artificial Intelligence has gained much popularity in every industry be it Healthcare, transportation, manufacturing, logistics, retail and many more...

  • How IoT Affects The Future Of Web Developments
    How IoT Affects The Future Of Web Developments

    ATMs, Apple Watch, Fitbit, Self-driving cars and more are part of a list of devices using IoT is endless. The concept of IoT began years ago; we just didn't use the term IoT. Kevin Ashton is credited with being the first to coin the phrase Internet of Things (IoT) in...

  • Traits of Fintech Apps
    Secrets of Financial Applications: Traits of Fintech Apps

    Technology for financial services came about as a response to the challenge of making finance more straightforward and more accessible. Now, people are demanding that their transactions be fast, easy and secure -- globalization has required to work at a broader, more rapid speed. Multi-currency digital payments are a norm,...

  • IoT
    Arrow & Microsoft: The New Product Lifecycle

    Connected products are changing the business landscape and transforming entire industries. The ability to create integrated digital connections, from the edge all the way to the cloud is enabling new business models that capitalize on novel value-added services, and simultaneously open new modes for humans to interact with machines. While...

  • Revolutionizing eCommerce Marketing
    5 ways Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing eCommerce Marketing

    Marketing strategies are continuously changing due to increasing technological advancement. Technology is responsible for raising the exceptions of people all around the globe. With an increase in innovations, it's pretty obvious that customers are expecting more and companies are doing everything to can to remain in their good list. Consequently,...

  • how fintech companies use AI
    How AI Technologies Help Banks and FinTech Startups

    The financial industry was one of the first to adopt and enjoy the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI). The annual budgets of large banks amount to billions of dollars, which is comparable to the state budgets of some developing countries. No surprise that banks and financial organizations will be the...

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